Chapter 63

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"So how will our marriage work if I wasn't living with you. Ruby needs her dad Jason" I tell him and sigh. I watch him get off the floor now and sit back on the sofa
"I need my wife.. We don't all get what we want. What about Lexi, don't she need her dad" he says and I'm shocked that he's just said that.
"Your putting the needs of someone else's child above our daughters?" he says and I feel like I just been punched in the stomach. How could he say that. I'm trying to do what's best. He's the one that's ruined the plan.
"If you want to leave then go, but my daughter is staying in my house Angelica." he says and I close my eyes as they become blurry with tears and I clench my fist.
"My daughters will be staying with me. Period" I say to him and he laughs.
"Like I said Lexi's staying here. If your staying then Ruby is to fine. But your not taking my daughter anywhere" he tells me and I don't know what to say. Why am I getting the altimatum when he's the one in the wrong..
"Wait a fucking minute.. You ruined this marriage and all our plans together. Not fucking me. MY daughters will be with me whether I choose to stay or go. You have no say in this Jason. Not anymore" I yell at him and he raises a brow at me. I don't care how much money he has for the best solicitors if it gets that far but I will not let him ruin the children.
"Well you know what I want. My wife and my daughter to stay with me like a family. You choose what and who your want" he tells me and I feel myself getting mad.
"Why you being so cold towards Ruby?" I ask him with furrowed brows. I don't understand why he's being a dick.
"The best thing would be, is for Ruby to go back to her dad and we live our life separate. For awhile anyways. I need you to be on my side Angelica" he says and I don't think I can. I can't lose her. I might not of given birth to her but she's my baby. I love her just the same as Lexi and that won't change. I have two daughters and Jason knows that.. Why's he being heartless.
"It's not like she needs you now he's back with Stacey anyways." he says and my blood boil. Is he fucking mad.
"You know what Jason fuck you!" I tell him and get up. I run up the stairs and hear footsteps behind me coming fast. Shit. I run faster and make it to the bedroom door and he grabs me.
"Don't run from me angel. You know I'm right about this" he tells me while he tries to hold me. I push his hands away and turn walking into the bedroom not saying another word.
Pulling on underwear and jeans I pull the t-shirt over my head not caring that he's watching me and put on a bra and a baggy jumper. I'm in no mood. I slide on shoes not caring and grab a weekend bag. I fill it with a few outfits to last however long I decide to stay out and zip it up walking past him and grab some clothes for Lexi next. She will be staying with me..

Walking down the stairs with Jason hot on my heel I go into the kitchen and grab the expresser and a few empty bottles and put them into another bag along with baby milk just incase. I grab my phone and bag from the kitchen table and barge past Jason who wouldn't move.
"Your seriously just gonna go like this?" he asks and I ignore him. Well no shit dick.
"Angel talk to me I'm sorry" he says and I continue grabbing my car keys holding all the bags and open the door.
"Running to Liam" he says and I sigh heavily. Opening the door and leave. I can't do this. Not right now..
I shut the door behind me and pull out my phone to call Becky..
"Hey babe you alright?" she asks me and I sigh.
"Can you bring the girls to Liam's please, they don't need to come back even if Jason calls you. You stay at Liam's Becky. Understand" I tell her not playing.
"I understand. I'll go there now" she says and we hang up. I need to ring Liam now.
"Love, you OK?" he asks me.
"No, we're coming to stay with you please" I tell him sighing.
"Your always welcome love. Stay as long as you need" he tells me and I smile a little
"Thanks Liam. I'll see you soon" I tell him and hang up.
Starting up the car I pull off and head to Liam's. I need to get away and now.

Pulling up at Liam's I jump out the car and head towards the door and knock.
"Hi babe come in" Stacey says answering the door and letting me in.
"Do you want a drink hun?" she asks me and I look around and see Mya playing in the living room. But no Liam.
"Yeah sure, where's Liam babe?" I ask her and she looks at me.
"He's gone to pick up some stuff to give you somewhere to sleep while your here" she tells me and I sigh he didn't need to do that..
"I would of just slept on the sofa babe, I don't mind" I tell her and she laughs.
"That's what Liam said you would of said. But no, it's alright. There's room for another bed in the girls room" she says and I only need something for my baby to sleep in. That's all I care about. I'll be fine. I always am.
"You haven't even seen there new room have you" she asks me and I shake my head as she hands me a glass of apple juice.
"Thanks, and no I haven't can I go see it?" I ask her and she smiles at me.
"Of course babe, make yourself at home" she tells me and I nod turning to go out and up the stairs.

"Woow" it perfectly them. I love it and I bet the girls do. Liam always goes above and beyond for Ruby and I doubt he does any less now for Mya. They will both want for nothing here. Liam is an amazing dad and Stacey's an amazing mum. Ruby's lucky to have them both but me and well I thought Jason to but now I'm not so sure..
I sit down on the bed and sigh heavily. What am I going to do about my marriage. I love my husband so much it hurts what he's being doing.. Feeling. Whatever it is I don't like it and it makes me feel like absolute shit. Liam's hurting and he can't find out about what Jason said he'd literally kill him. Having sexual thoughts about his wife is one thing. But being cold hearted towards his daughter. My daughter is a different thing. He's my husband and I don't know what to do. I need to have a proper conversation with Liam to see what he wants really. If I have to let Ruby go to live with her dad to save my marriage I think I might have to. I sigh and get up as I hear the front door and commotion. Liam must be back.
Walking out and down the stairs I see Liam with a massive fucking box and think he really did buy me a bed. He's so over-the-top but I love that about him..
"Liam, really? You didn't need to" I tell him laughing as he didn't realize I was here yet..
"I won't have my sister sleeping on a sofa in my house. I got a moses basket aswell because I know mama won't be without her babies" he says and I chuckle. He's not wrong but bad timing when I feel like I'm losing one of them and soon. I need to just let my heart settle here and make a decision in a few days. Either way I'm losing someone.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now