Chapter 32 Jason's POV

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Standing in the kitchen unable to sleep for some reason. I make myself a strong coffee and decide to get some work done. I hear foot steps approaching the kitchen.
"What you doing up at this time bro" I hear Liam say. I spin and look at him.
"I can't sleep brother" I tell him sitting down with my coffee.
"Same here bro. I can't shake the feeling that something is going to happen" he says and I totally understand what he means. We are always in sync when it comes to things like this.
"I will be going into the office today, so can you stay home?" I ask him as he sits down in front of me.
"Of course bro, will you handle my client then?" he asks and I nod my head.
"Send me everything and I will sort it" I tell him starting up my laptop. Its just past half four in the morning. Lexi will be awake soon for her bottle. I thought staring at her sound asleep in her moses basket beside me.
"I will do bro" he says and Lexi wakes up.
"I will sort the bottle, you sort your baby girl, daddy" he says smiling at me. I take Lexi from the moses basket and gently rock her in my arms. She's so beautiful. I love her so much. I kiss her little hand that is wrapped around my finger.
"You're bottle is coming baby" I say to her but she just keeps on whining bless her.
"Just like her mummy" Liam says laughing and I chuckle.
"I heard that Liam" Angelica says entering the kitchen and coming straight to me. She kisses me and takes Lexi.
"I will sort her Ace" she says grabbing the bottle from Liam.
"Sorry love" Liam says kissing her cheek, she smiles and goes into the living room.

Heading to work. I stop off at a café for a coffee. I need it with the lack of sleep lately.

Pulling up at the office. I jump out my car, lock it up and walk in. I've got a busy day today. Three clients of my own and one of Liam's. Sitting back in my chair, I sip my coffee readying myself for the day.

After a long morning I relax back in my chair and enjoy a chicken pasta salad. It's fucking delicious and just what I need to boost me. Suddenly my door opens and I see Robbie. What the fuck does he want?
“Hello Jason. Don't get up" he says and I raise an brow.
"What do you want? I'm busy" I ask not in the mood for any shit today. He comes in and sits down in front of me.
"I'm here for you" he says and pulls a gun out. OK. Is he serious right now?
"You've got some balls coming here and pulling a gun Robbie" I tell him not fazed at all by this little boy sat across from me.
"I won't let anything happen to Seline. So you and Liam need to disappear" he says and I'm confused. What has Seline got to do with anything?
"You're not making any sense. Why would anything happen to Seline?" I ask him leaning forward.
"Shane threatened her. It's either you two or her" he says and I understand his predicament. But still
"So you thought you'd show up here holding a gun to my fucking husband" I hear and Angelica walks in. Fuck! She's holding Lexi in her arms while pushing the pushchair and Ruby comes running into me.
"Ace Ace, we went park" she says happily climbing up onto my lap.
"Did you have fun prinny" I ask her ignoring Robbie completely and he puts the gun away hiding it from her.
"Yeahh, we miss you" she tells me and my heart bursts with so much love for my girls it's ridiculous. I love her so much like she's mine.
"So Robbie, what's it gonna be? Because my daughter's are here and you wouldn't want to make me angry would you" Angelica says and Robbie gulps. Little bitch.
"Ace, who's dat?" Ruby asks pointing to Robbie and I grab her hand.
"No one important prinny, where's Becky?" I ask and she pops her head in the doorway looking panicked.
"Go play with Becky while I talk with mummy" I tell her and she kisses my cheek jumping down.
"Bye" she says waving at me then looks at Robbie.
"This isn't over, you will be seeing me again" Robbie says standing holding the gun at me again. I watch Angelica put Lexi back into her pushchair and steps to Robbie.
"I'll be counting onit" she tells him with a smirk and comes around to me sitting on my lap and kisses me. I feel Robbie staring and I smirk at him knowing he still wants my angel. Never gonna happen mate. She's mine.
Robbie walks out sighing and Becky comes in quickly holding Ruby.
"I've rang Liam and he's on his way" Becky says putting Ruby back down.
"Where is he?" I ask them both.
"Liam dropped us at the park because Ruby wanted to go, he's nipped somewhere so we thought we'd pay you a visit" my angel tells me and I nod. Where the fuck did he go? Robbie wouldn't be leaving in one peice if he had of stayed with them like I asked. Fuck!
Hearing a car screech to a halt outside I suspect that to be Liam panicking. Good!
He comes running in looking around at everyone and ruby runs to him excitedly.
"Daddy" she says to him and jumps up to be picked up.
"Hi princess, you OK?" he asks her and she nods.
"What happened?" he asks me looking me over.
"Where did you go. Why didn't you stay with them like I asked" I stress at him and he sighs.
"Victor had some information about Robbie so I thought I check it out while they were at the park, I'm sorry bro I didn't realise" he says annoyed that he clearly missed him.
"Selines in danger. Robbie said its either you two or her. Shane's orders" Angelica tells Liam and he nods understanding.
"No more messing around. They need to go" she adds looking between me and Liam.
"It's done love, don't you worry" Liam tells her and she smiles.
"Good, now can someone take me home" she says looking at me.
"You go bro I'll sort everything here" Liam tells me.
"It's just your client left anyways, you good?" I ask him and he nods getting up and kissing Ruby.
"I'll see you later princess, be a good girl for mummy" he says to her and she nods smiling.
"Bye daddy" she calls out running out the door.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now