Chapter 29

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It's been a few hours since I did the most terrifying thing in my life and I made it through. I actually made it.
My little baby is fast asleep and Ace is just watching her. He has been for awhile I think he's in shock that Lexi's actually here. Finally.
"Mrs King?" I hear someone knock and a doctor walks in.
"You and your baby girl are both peferctly healthy but I'd like you to stay just for tonight if that's OK" she says. I sigh disappointed and she smiles kindly at me.
"How about. If nothing changes over night, you can go first thing OK?" she negotiates and I smile at her.
"OK thank you" I tell her and she nods then walks out the room again.

"I'll be back first thing to collect you all" Liam says but I shake my head.
"There's no need brother. I got this" Ace tells him and Liam looks him over checking.
"Really brother. Go home, be with your daughter" Ace says looking back at Lexi with a big smile.
"OK. I'll see you all tomorrow then. Call me to let me know when your coming" he tells us smiling.
"Will do Liam. Now go, give Ruby lots of cuddles and kisses from mummy" I tell him with a smile. I don't want him to think I don't want Ruby anymore. She's still my baby girl just as much as Lexi. Nothings changed.
"I will do love, get some rest while Jason's occupied with Lexi" he says nodding towards him smirking.
I laugh at him and he walks out the door closing it behind him.
"I can't believe she's actually here angel. I'm so happy and proud of you baby" Ace tells me coming over to me. He kisses me affectionately and looks into my eyes smiling.
"Thank you Ace. That means alot. I love you baby" I tell him and move over the bed a little so he can lay with me.
"I love you too angel" he says and gently gets on the bed next to me. Laying my head on his chest I get as comfortable as I can but before I know I'm drifting off.

Suddenly waking up to crying, Ace jumps up and rushes over to her.
"She just wants feeding" I say groggily with sleep. Sitting up feeling pain everywhere Ace brings her over to me and places her into my arms carefully after I've undone the gown. Holding her she latches on and I can't help but stare at her. She's so little and I can't believe she weighed 6lb 4. Such a tiny baby.
"You OK angel, don't fall asleep on us" Ace says nudging me a little. Opening my eyes fully I look at him and smile.
"I'm drained baby. Why don't I express after and you can feed her next?" I tell him and he beams happily clearly missing out on the bonding with her.
"Thanks angel" he says running his hand over my hair smoothing it from my face.
After Lexi pulls away I let Ace burp her and put her back if he wants to but I'm going back to sleep.
"Angel I've got this. Don't worry go to sleep we'll be here when you wake up I promise" he says and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and turn onto my side I feel myself lightly drift off back to sleep.

Waking up feeling better I look around the room feeling panicked before I remeber where I am. Your OK Angelica. I look around the room again and see Ace asleep on the chair and I can hear little noises from the crib. But I can't move.. I don't think.
Pulling back the covers I pull my body up and try move my legs instant pain shoots through me. Fuck! I need to pee too. I really don't want to wake him up but I have no other choice.
"Baby" I call out but nothing.
"Babbyyy".. "ACEE" I shout but not to loud and he jumps looking at me.
"Angel. What isit?" he rushes over to me.
"I can't move. And I need the bathroom" I tell him and he just smiles at me picking me up bridal style and carries me into the ensuite bathroom. Placing me onto the toilet he stands with me making sure I'm OK. Shittt! I could cry. The pain the burn. Oh my god!
"What's wrong baby?" Ace asks crouching down infront of me. Tears roll down my face and he gently wipes them away.
"It just hurts, that's all" I tell him feeling stupid for crying.
"When we get home, I'll run you a nice warm bubble bath that you can relax in. Don't worry about Lexi or Ruby. Me and Liam are here" he says soothingly. I feel alot better knowing that I do have them.
"Thanks baby" I tell him and clean myself up.

"Mrs King. Your both still good. Are you feeling OK to go home?" She asks me and I nod.
"It's a little sore but everything else is fine" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"It should only last a little while and remember to take it easy, let dad pick up some of the slack. You need to rest and no sexual intercourse for three months" she tells us looking between us both. Well that's going to be fun I thought..
"Well if you have no questions your both free to go" she tells me and I smile happily ready to go home.
She leaves the room and I grab my phone from the bedside table. Scrolling my contacts I call Liam quickly.
"Mummy, mummy ave baby" I hear Ruby say answering the phone.
"Yes baby girl. We're coming home now. I'll see you soon" I tell her smiling.
"See you soon" she says and hangs up on me. Rude much Ruby I thought laughing to myself.

After being wheeled to the car by Ace with Lexi in my arms I hand her to Ace to puts her into the car seat and wait for some help myself.
I climb into the back next to Lexi just staring at her as Ace gets in and pulls off. We're leaving as a family. I can't believe it.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now