Chapter 80

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Standing there while Stacey stares at me I cross my arms and she smirks at me.
"You need to just go before we do something we regret because I don't like you" I tell her and she charges at me and grabs my hair and headbuts me. My nose instantly bleeds and she punches me. Fuck!
I swing my arms at her while she's got ahold of my hair and throw a shot at her ribs not caring about her and I swing my elbow straight into her face smashing it into her eye and she let's go and punches me to the stomach hard. I curl over in pain and she knees me in my face.
"Fucking stupid bitch! Leaving my daughter out I'll fucking kill you" she screams at me as she punches me in the sides and I drop. Fuck! She jumps on me and sits on my body and swings her fists to my face. Where's Jason? Why is no one stopping her from doing this..
"Jason" I scream as loud as I can but she covers my mouth with one hand and punches me with the other.
"I dare you come at me because I'll fuck you up more. You'll wish you was dead the next time" she spits
Why is this happening. She started this.
"OK ok that's enough" I hear Liam say. He takes her off of me still swinging as she screams at Liam.
"She's dead" Stacey warns Liam and he just laughs and carries her out the house.
Jason appears and just stands there looking at me pissed. What the fuck. I got attacked and he's looking at me pissed?
"I warned you didn't I. And the way you just treated Mya I can't fucking blame Stacey. Your disgusting" he spits angrily and I just lay there looking up at the ceiling. What is the point?
He throws me a first aid kit and looks over me.
"Fix yourself up and I'll sort my daughter" he says and walks off. Is he seriously leaving me.
"Fuck you Jason" I shout and I hear him laughing.
"Not even if you paid me" he says and continues to laugh. Dick!
I pull myself up and grab the fucking stupid box and open it looking for I don't even know what.

After cleaning myself up I make my way up stairs slowly holding my body as it fucking kills and zip up my suitcase. I grab everything for Lexi and throw it into a bag and sit on the bed in agonizing pain.
"Take these" Jason says walking into me holding tablets and a glass if water.
"What isit?" I ask him not one hundred percent trusting him. He's team fucking Liam.
"Strong painkiller. Just take it" he tells me
"You didn't want to help me downstairs. Why you suddenly helping me now" I ask him warily.
"For our daughters sake, and even tho I'm disgusted in you I still care" he says and I sigh taking the god damn things.
"Are you ready to leave soon?" he asks and I nod my head.
"Ready now. Go pack" I tell him and he walks out without a second glance.

"Come on Angelica, the cars waiting" I hear Jason as I slowly make my way down the stairs.
"I'm fucking going as fast as I can" I yell and hold my side as that hurts.
Jason actually took my luggage and I'm actually grateful for that because I would of thrown it down the stairs.
Walking out to the car I climb in next to Lexi as Jason gets in the front.
"Have you got everything because you will not be coming back. Bosses orders" the driver says and I just ignore him not caring either way.
"Have you got everything? I have" Jason says and I nod then look out the window.
"Can she not talk. Does she not speak fucking hell" the driver says and I roll my eyes.
"I fucking speak. I just didn't want to" I tell him and he laughs. Dick.
"So she does speak. What happened to her face.. Was that you? I'd of done the same with that type of attitude" he says and Jason laughs.
"Bosses wife" Jason says and the driver laughs hard.
"Well they make a good team then, I'm surprised I'm here picking you up" he says to Jason and I sigh. The day just keeps getting better..
"Will you shut up and drive. I'd actually like to get home today" I tell him and he looks at me through the rear veiw mirror.
"I'd advise you to never speak to me like that again. I'm under orders to take no shit from You.. Yeah YOU" he says and I laugh. Of course he is.
"Whatever" I say and look at Jason. He's seriously not gonna say anything. Bitch
"Who gave that order?" Jason asks as he pulls off.
"Boss. Liam" he says and I roll my eyes. Just who I thought.. And I'm childish.
"I only take orders from my boss" he says and I just shrug at him. I don't care shut up.
"Do you need anything while on the way for the baby. That's the only stop I can make" he says and I sigh.
"She's fine" I tell him and he nods.

Finally coming to a stop at my house I've never been so excited to be home.
"Wait in the car while I go check, give me the key" he says and Jason hands it over. Of course..
He climbs out and I watch him pull his gun opening the door.
"I need Ruby out of this life. Who needs an armed guard to check there fucking house before we enter. Its a joke" I tell Jason and he sighs looking at me.
"It's for safety after what happen. Be glad that where back now. Liam made this safe" he says and I laugh.
"Yeah after putting it in danger" I stress at him.
"Actually it was me that put us in danger. My ex. Liam sorted it, get it right Angelica" he says and hes getting way to familiar with my name all of a sudden.
"I caused this and my brother help fix it" he says and I laugh. I don't care.
"Whatever Jason. He's done and so am I" I tell him and climb out the car.
"Angelica you made it as bad as it is. You can't blame no one but yourself. Where is the woman I married. The one I would die for. The one I'd do anything to keep happy the one I would of picked over Liam. That's not who's infront of me. I don't know you" he says and I shrug and walk off with my baby.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now