Chapter 96

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Waking up on the sofa I feel Karl wrapped around me and grab my phone 5am. Shit
Lifting up his arm and shimmying out of him I clean up everything and take them to the kitchen. What if Liam or Jason was to turn up and see us sprawled out. Shit I really need to get my keys back because I know Liam distracted me to not give it back to me. Dick
I run upstairs and Lexi's still fast asleep so I jump into the shower quickly and literally wash rapid and jump out drying and pulling on some leggings and a baggy t-shirt for now. I pull my hair up into a high messy bun and slip on black fluffy sliders. I walk back down the stairs and hear Karl moving around.
"Morning beautiful" he says and I smile at him.
"It's only 5am you know. But my baby will be up soon soo.." I say awkwardly and he chuckles.
"So you want me to go?" he says and I smile at him.
"If you would. Anyone could turn up. It was reckless.. if we got caught.." I stop not even wanting to think what would happen to him.. Me. Shit.
"It's alright. I understand, I can't wait to see you again" he tells me making me smile.
"Me too" I tell him and he kisses me grabbing his stuff and I let him out.
"Call me" he says and I nod and close the door.

It's been a few hours since Karl left and I've given Lexi her breakfast and got her dressed. Now she's in her element like she is every morning trying to crawl.
"Come on baby, you can do it" I encourage her and she giggles smiling wide and pushes off moving forward a little then falling.
"Your getting so much better baby, good girl" I tell her kissing her and holding her up. She's officially six months and doing so well. I'm so proud of her progress and so is the health visitor.
"Let's try again munchkin" I tell her putting her back down on her stomach and she's instantly up. That's my girl.
"Come to mummy baby girl" I do grabby hands at her and she laughs moving and gets closer falls but gets back up and makes it to me.
"Yaaaay beautiful. You did it" I say to her and she giggles when I blow raspberries on her cheeks like I always do.
"I love you baby girl. More than anything and I will protect you from everyone" I tell her and she giggles and comes in for a kiss with her mouth open. See my baby.

Standing in the mirror after getting dressed I'm heading to the park with Lexi and to see Seline at the salon.

Walking out my room I grab my bag with my phone and make my way down stairs to collect Lexi from her swing and out to the car

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Walking out my room I grab my bag with my phone and make my way down stairs to collect Lexi from her swing and out to the car.
I put Lexi in her car seat and strap her in and make my way around to the divers seat and pull on my seat belt starting the engine. About to pull out and I hear my phone go off so I answer it quickly
"Hello" I say to Jason rolling my eyes.
"I'm back in Notts I wanna see Lexi" he says and I don't know who the fuck he's demanding.
"We have a day planned. Try again another day" I tell him and he sighs.
"Dont be a bitch Angelica, I want to see my daughter" he says and I roll my eyes again.
"I'm trying to go out so nows not the time. She's fine by the way" I tell him
"I can come to wherever you go. I'm back for a day Angelica I want to see her." he says and I sigh.
"Jason I'm busy. Try. Another. Day" I tell him and hang up. You'll see her when we don't have plans.

Pulling up at the park I take Lexi out and carry her over to the swings. Jason rang me like ten times during the car ride and I ignored them all. We don't need him. He made his choice.
I put her into a baby swing and stand in front of her and begin to push her backwards as she giggles.
"do we love the swing baby girl" I say and she laughs making me smile. I won't miss a day of your life baby girl. I love you so much. I thought as I watch her face light up whenever she swings.
I try her on the roundabout after a while and she laughed while standing up on me. She loved it.
We finally leave the park and head toward Angel's and we make our way inside.
"Hi Angelica" I hear from Bethany our receptionist.
"Hi babes is Seline in" I ask her as I haven't heard from her in a few days.
"Her brothers missing so she's been a wreck and called in a family emergency and won't be in for a few days possibly longer." she says and I sigh. I wondered where Robbie was. How longs he been missing now then?
"Oh okay. And no one thought to tell me. I am the boss" I tell her and she swallows
"We've all been informed by Liam that Stacey's the boss now. And that you've been fired" she tells me and I feel my blood boil.
"Your things have been packed and are ready to be collect in the office" she adds and I sigh. What's the point.
I walk through the salon as everyone looks at me but says nothing. Traitorous bitches.
I walk into the office and see the box sat on the desk full of my things. Great.
Grabbing the box I make my way out with my head held high. This will not defeat me.
Putting the box down I open the boot and put the box in slamming it down pissed. Karl needs to find Liam and quick. That bitch will crumble without him and I can't wait to fucking watch it happen.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now