Chapter 66

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"We're leaving now, Jason's outside" I tell Stacey while I hold lexi sleeping in my arms.
"OK well I'll see you in a few hours babe" she says and I offer her a small smile when I feel anything but.
Lastnight was a terrible night's sleep as I just spent of of it sitting there watching both my girls. I was surprised Liam put the bed up for me after everything I thought he'd just leave me to it somehow. Just shows how much of a good heart he has even after everything. I need to sort that relationship with him next after I've resolved something with Jason. I hope we can all come back together one day. And soon because I don't want to miss to much of Ruby growing up and she will fast.
Walking out the door I see Jason and he stands leaning against the passengers door waiting for us. He opens the back door and I put Lexi into her car seat to go sleep there and strap her securely.
"How was your night at Liam's?" Jason asks me and I sigh.
"Not great, how was yours?" I ask him and he sighs too.
"Same as yours. I missed you angel" he says and opens the car door for me. I climb in while he closes it and walks around as I put my seatbealt on. I missed him of course. We're rarely apart at night time so it felt lonley. And that wasn't even the first night.
"I'm sorry I made you feel like you had to choose, that's not what I want" he tells me and I shake my head.
"I'll always choose you Jason. I love you more than anything. You don't seem to understand that" I tell him and he glances at me as he drives.
"Angel I know how much you love me. You show me consistently and I appreciate that, trust me. I need it" he says and sighs.
"That's why I don't enjoy having these extra feelings. Because I only want you" he reaches out for my hand and I let him take it and link our fingers.
"It will always be you for me angel. I don't want anybody else" I give him a small smile and think about what he said..
Does he just want me and will he always have these feelings for Stacey? I don't know how our marriage will last if that's the case. I won't be able to knowing that he could be thinking of her at anytime. Wishing it was her there instead of me. Noo! Not gonna happen.
"I really hope so Jason. Do you know what you and Liam are doing yet? I heard Liam most of the night talking on the phone.. Was that you?" I ask him and he nods.
"So you have an idea what you need to do?" I ask him
"We spoke for about ten minutes, I'll get more out of him on the way back" he tells me and I nod hoping everything goes how they want it to. I can't lose them.
"You will come back to me Jason" I tell him as he slowly starts to slump in his seat.
"Can I trust Liam? He says he can't trust me anymore but I want to trust him hundred percent but should I?" he asks me being honest and I hope he can because Liam's throwing me off. He's gone from being hurt and heartbroken to calm and normal with me. So I don't know then he called Jason his brother too. What the fuck is happening?
"No matter what Liam loves you, and if anyone was to kill you it'd be Liam. So you have nothing to worry about" I tell him hoping I'm right. He nods slowly and we end up in a comfortable silence for awhile.

Pulling up at the mansion I climb out needing to stretch my body and look at a sad Jason. I know he hates doing this sort of thing. But it needs to be done if we're to live how we want. What is that tho.. Now? Jason walks around to me and hesitates
"I'll see you soon angel" he says and I feel emotional. I don't want him to go. What if he doesnt come back. I can't lose my husband. Forever.
"I love you Ace" I tell him and he lights up hearing it.
"I love you so much angel" he says and grabs me kissing me forcefully. Shit
Pulling apart as I hear th door open behind me I turn and see Liam walking out with Ruby on his hip.
"My princess has come to say good bye to you brother" Liam says and I look at him confused but he just ignores me and hands Ruby to Jason.
"Hi prinny, you be a good girl for mummy" Jason tells Ruby and she bids smoking and I'm being pulled away suddenly bye Liam. OK..
"Listen, I love you sister no matter what happens always remember that because it's true, goodbye" he says to me and pulls me into a hug holding me tightly. I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him tight feeling my eyes water.
"I love you too brother. I'm soo sorry" I tell him and start to cry but he hushes me
"I know you are love, tell Jason I'll be in the car waiting" he says kisses my cheek and walks off. What's happening? Has he forgiven me? Is he coming back?
I walk back over to Jason and wrap my arms around him holding him tightly to me.
"Please come back to me" I whisper to him and I feel his arms squeeze tighter.
"I will angel, I promise I'll try" he tells me and that's all I need, him to try.
Pulling away after Liam beeps the horn I kiss him and grab Lexi and Ruby to take into the house.
Walking off I turn around one last time and see him climb into the car. I hope he comes back to us.. Them both.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now