Chapter 52 Stacey's POV

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Mya likes Liam. Oh my fucking God. I don't blame her of course he's great with her and never leaves her out of anything.
She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me and then kisses my cheek.
"Play with Ruby mummy?" she asks me and I nod looking at Ruby playing.
"You be a good girl and look after Ruby while mummy looks for Liam" I tell her and she nods smiling and walks off.} 0
Walking out the room I walk down the stairs hearing voices and see Liam he instantly looks my way and I wave him over
"So Mya likes you baby. I'm so fucking excited to be living with you again and to be back here aswell. Thank you" I tell him and pull him in for a kiss.
"Of course she does baby, I'm adorable as you know. And I'll do anything to make you happy my queen," he tells me and kisses me tenderly.

"Kick your legs baby" I call out to Mya as she leans to swim with us all. She's drawn to Liam and always wants his help. It's beautiful to see. It's weird seeing the two most special people in my life together.. Bonding, my heart just wants to explode with the amount of love I have for them.
I want to do the same thing with Ruby
I hope we can bond even tho she has Angelica. She's beautiful and my kings princess, I'll have her in my life regardless and I love her the same way I know Liam loves Mya.
"Mummy mummy look" Mya calls to me and I watch her smiling, kicking her legs as fast as she can. I watch as Liam holds underneath her as she holds the float getting closer to me. I'm so proud of her.
"Keep going baby, your nearly there" I tell her excitedly holding out my arms for her.

I hope they like my cooking..
I just made spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread and a salad bowl. Liam's favorite.
"Oh my god my queen" Liam sighs happily
"I've missed this.. What do you think love?.. Bro?" Liam asks looking between them both. I made this the other day and he's gushing like it's been ages.
"I know she can cook, I used to eat her food when she'd bring it round for mum. This is delicious, thank you" Jason says and I smile at him remembering sweet Angela.
"I really wish I got to meet her, and this food is amazing, full of flavours I love it babe" Angelica says and I nod at her grateful with a grin.
"She would of loved you Angelica, your a mini her. It's quite scary. But it makes me smile everytime I see you sis" Liam says to her and she grins.
"I'm happy I have you in my life bro. I love you" she tells him and looks to Ruby smiling. I see how close Liam and Angelica are and I'm proud he's let someone else in they seem genuinely happy as a family, that I have joined with my daughter. They're a real close knitted bunch and I'm so excited to have them and I know Mya will thrive with all the love that's in this house.

"Thank you for dinner babe, it was so nice" Angelica tells me as we bathe the girls in the gigantic tub.
"Your welcome babes I'm glad you all enjoyed it" I tell her with a smile and she nods eagerly making me laugh. I hope our relationship blossoms into something special.
"Out now mummy" Ruby tells Angelica and I smile
"Of course baby, let me get the towel" she tells her and gets up.
"You ready to Missy?" I ask Mya and she nods smiling.
"Yes please mummy" she says to me and my heart always beats faster. I love hearing her call me mummy. I'm glad she has me and Liam.
Grabbing the towel what Angelica holds out for me I pull the plug and Mya stands for me and I wrap the towel around her. Picking her up out the bath I tuck it so it doesn't fall and she walks to her bedroom holding Ruby's hand. There seriously attached. I look back at Angelica and smile. I hope we can be like that.

Drying and dressing Mya in her pajamas and tuck her up in bed giving her a kiss.
"Night baby, I love you lots and lots" I tell her making her giggle.
"I love you too mummy, Liam read story?" she asks and I smile.
"Daddyy!" Ruby says cheerfully.
"Let me go get him" I tell her kissing her head again and leaving the room.
I jog down the stairs hearing voices from the living room and look at Liam.
"Stop, story time first, they want you daddy" I say to him and he smirks putting his glass down. Good job I got here in time. That rum would of been gone.
"OK baby, let's go" he says and takes my hand leading me up the stairs.
"Mya asked for you" I tell him and he pauses..
"Of course she did, I tell the best stories" he says and I laugh. Everyone loves you my king.
We walk into the room and I give Ruby a kiss on her head.
"Night sweetie" I say to her and she smiles sleepily.
"Night Stacey" she says adorably and I smile walking back around to Mya.
I watch how Liam says nights to Ruby giving her cuddles and kisses.
"Good night princess, I love you" he says to her and she smiles. Up at him.
"I love you daddy. Night night" she says back and she sounds so cute. I turn and see Jason standing at the door smiling, he looks happy for us since everything's come out.
Liam works his way around to Mya and gives her the same attention giving her cuddles and making her giggle. He kisses her on her head too and tucks her back in.
"Good night sweet heart, I love you too" he says and my heart stops whenever he says that to her. My baby loves my baby. Aww.
"I love you too daddy" she says back shyly and I feel emotional and Liam grabs her hugging her and rolls between the both of them hugging Ruby to..
"My beautiful girls, I'm finally happy" he calls out ecstatic looking up at me. I hold my chest before my heart falls out and wipe away the stray tear that fell.
"Oh my god babes. She called him daddy" Angelica hugs me jumping up and down happily making me laugh.
"I'm so effin happy!" I call out and everyone laughs.
"I'm so happy for you brother" Jason says from the door way.
"You too Stacey, you both got what you wanted" he says and I nod clapping my hands. I finally got what I wanted. I'm hopeful it will last this time. We're a family and grown up alot. We have children to think about. I'm so proud of the man he's become. I always knew I would be.
We are Mr and Mrs Johnson now. And I really want Mya to be one aswell. I need to talk to Liam. I hope he says yes.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now