Chapter 87 Robbie's POV

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Three days later

I'm still waiting for Angelica to get back to me. I knew she'd freeze up on me but it was worth a shot. Karl and me are still gonna go ahead with it and Victor's gonna come in onit too.
Hearing my phone ring I quickly grab it and see Angelica calling. About time..
"Hello.. Where have you been" I ask her soon as I answer.
"I'm sorry. I needed time" she tells me and I already knew that.
"It's fine, the jobs going ahead, you don't need to do anything Angelica" I tell her and she sighs.
"Ohh. OK thanks Robbie" she says and I smile. I'd of loved to fuck her tho.
"It's alright it's happening asap so I'll let you know soon" I tell her as I sit up on my bed and ready myself to get up.
"OK thanks again Robbie, bye" she says and I hang up. Fuck I wanted to fuck her bad.

Stepping out the shower, walking back into my bedroom and dress quickly in black jeans and a blue jumper with black and blue trainers. I grab my pouch putting in cash, my phone with weed, rizzla and fags and make my way down stairs.
Grabbing my keys I head out to my car and climb in. Starting the engine I pull off to go meet Karl.
Taking out my phone I quickly text Karl while I'm sat at the traffic lights.

Robbie: On my way to the place now bro.

Karl: Already waiting bro hurry up Victor's here to

Robbie: 10 mins

Putting my phone away I pull off and head to the place to meet them both. I wanna get this done asap. He needs to die. He thinks he owns the fucking place.
Turning corners and flooring my car I hit 60mph down side streets and end up where I'm supposed to be. I see there cars and them standing around talking.
I pull up shutting off the engine and jump out.
"Yo bro, what's happening. When are we doing this?" I ask Karl and he smirks.
"Waiting for the perfect opportunity, Liam needs to be on his own" Karl says and I sigh
"Less of the sighing. You brought me in to do this. I don't even know who this Liam is but I've don't my research. He's powerful has security and shit. Got to move smart" he adds and I nod understanding.
"We know what Liam's capable of, this has to work this time" Victor says and I just know he only wants Stacey back.
"It will work if everyone sticks to my plan. No women or children to be hurt. Liam only" Karl says and I shrug not really caring for any of them.
"Why the fuck you shrug. That's my daughter he's talking about" Victor barks and I hold up my hands.
"Alright chill out. Like you actually care you just want Stacey back anyways" I state and he rolls his eyes. Exactly
"Of course I do she's mine" he says and I laugh. What a joke.. His. HA
"Your in dreamland bro, she was never yours. She married Liam, she had your kid and still went back to him. Prison or not just let it go" I tell Victor and he laughs.
"Says you with Angelica, she married Jason and your still drooling after her. Move on" he says and I laugh hard.
"Really broke, I want Angelica because I haven't had her. If she has my child I'd of locked her off and made her mine. You had Stacey and lost her. There's a difference" I tell him and he shrugs.
"Are your two done bickering acting like girls shit" Karl says shaking his head at us.
"I need to meet this Angelica, she's the one that will have more information than you two" Karl says and I sigh.
"Why? I can pass messages through. You don't need to meet her" I tell him and he raises a brow staring at me.
"I need to meet her, less of your childish jealously I need to know more for the job. I'm not trying to fuck her. But if she's as hot as your making out. I might" he says and I clench my jaw. I don't fucking think so
"Dont clench your jaw at me. Look at you jealous over someone you've never had. She clearly ain't interested in your boy mentality" Karl says and I roll my eyes. Whatever.
"I want to meet her tomorrow, one on one can't be doing with you drooling all over her and fucking shit up" he tells me and I sigh. What the fuck!
"Fine I'll sort it man" I tell him and he nods.
"Right I've got to go, I'll contact you soon. Txt me the details of the meeting" Karl tells me and I nod as he walks off climbing into his car.
"What the fuck man. Why you always got to bring Angelica into this, now look" I shove Victor and walk off to my car.
"Dont cry over something that was never yours for fuck sake Robbie" he calls out and laughs. I middle finger him and climb into my car. Dick
Pulling out my phone I dial Angelica hoping she answers.
"Robbie what is it I'm busy right now" she says and I smile hearing her.
"We need to talk" I tell her
"Go on then.." she says and I laugh.
"Not over the phone, you know what I wanna talk to you about" I tell her rolling my eyes.
"Fine where and when" she asks
"Now, where are you?" I ask her hoping she's alone.
"Home.. Obviously. Fuck it just come here I don't care" she says and I smile
"OK on my way see you soon" I tell her and hang up.
She's actually inviting me around to her house. Has she changed her mind? Fuck.. Am I actually gonna get her?
This job needs to happen period I need rid of Liam.. Then Jason so I can move in on Angelica. She ain't gonna look at me seriously untill he's out the picture. And soon.

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