Chapter 50

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"Ace, my head hurts" I whine rolling over and feeling the after soreness of my husband's dick. Delicious.
"My poor angel" he mocks me and laughs pulling me closer. Its 9am and I'm finally awake I feel great minus the mild headache.
"I wonder where everyone slept? I need to see my babies" I tell him sitting up to quick. Oww, that hurt.
Climbing out the bed I fasten a silk black robe around my body and make my way out the bedroom and down the hall. I pop my head over the banister and hear the girls playing. Smiling I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where I find Stacey making breakfast for everyone.
"Oh my god babe, you didn't have to. I could of done that" I tell her grinning grateful.
"It's no trouble, I wanted to thank you guys for a good night and I know Liam can eat loads so I assumed Jason does too right?" she asks and I nod sighing and she laughs at me.
"There animals. I swear" I tell her and she laughs at me nodding her head agreeing.. I could really get used to having her around.

After chatting with Stacey and talking about lastnights game and about the Ruby situation. She doesn't want to intrude on our set up and is happy with taking the step back she just wants to be with Liam. Bless her. I'm happy we can all be on the same page as it makes life easier. Watching as she unwraps all the food and I shout the girls to come eat and they come running in and sit at the table next to each other. There so cute together.
"So when are you getting married?" I ask her and Liam walks into the room pausing looking between us.
"As soon as possible, we have plans to fulfill" he says and kisses her tenderly on the lips. I smile at them and grab a plate and start to pile on food for the girls..
"I'm starving angel" Ace whines coming into the kitchen then practically drools when he sees the food buffet.
"You did this angel?" he asks snaking his arms around my waist.
"I'd like to take credit, but Stacey did it all" I tell him and he smiles nodding at her. I can't believe he liked her and never said anything. Look at them together and wonder if that would of worked. I wouldn't of had Ruby or Lexi. Liam or.. My fucking husband..
I observe Liam and Stacey lost in each other and I look at Ace who's watching me smiling.
"Mummy?" Ruby says and I look at her smiling.
"Yes baby?" I ask her and she looks at Liam.
"Daddy?" she says and he looks to her crouching down to her level. I thought she wanted me but clearly both of us.
"All live here.. with Mya, Stacey too" she says and I perk up excited and look to Ace. Please say yes..
Liam looks at me and I shrug.
"Ask Jason" I tell him.
"Peeeeese Acee" Ruby says and Ace sighs..
"Why you all staring at me. Do what you want" he says and I jump happily..
"Are you serious baby?" I ask him and he nods sighing..
"Will it make you all happy and leave me alone?" I nod eagerly and he gestures to the room.
"Then they'll move in" he says smiling and I clap ecstatic
"Are we really doing this?" Stacey asks Liam looking at him.
"Yes baby, if that's what you want?" he says and smiles wide.
"Yes it is baby, it can all be a trial run" for the mansion?" she suggests and I'm thinking what? Mansion? Where.. Who's?
"Mansion?" I ask looking between them and liam looks at Stacey.
"Always eavesdropping Angelica" Stacey says laughing and I sigh nodding. My bad..
"I have a mansion.. Another long story love. But it sounds like a good idea. We'll go one day and discuss it" Liam says and I nod eagerly. Oh my fucking god.
"How many building you got?" I ask him laughing and he laughs.
"I put my money in the right people love, so alot" he says and I nod intrigued.
So he is smarter than I thought not an utter bad boy, fuck boy too.. He was wanting one girl only and she's standing in my kitchen with her arms wrapped around Liam happily inlove.
I dont know what Ace is worried about there just like us and how we can all live together is great for the children. Ace says he acts different but I haven't seen that much of a change. He's still the same with me, Ruby and everyone else in the house. He's obviously grown up from before. He's a dad now. And I'm so fucking proud to call him my brother.
"We should all just stay home and sort out this living arrangement" I say to everyone and the girls clap excitedly. There gonna love sharing a room for now anyways. I hope this all works out.

"So tell me about this mansion" I ask them as we all sit in the living room full after breakfast.
"Oh my god Angelica your gonna love it. It has an inside swimming pool a games room and a fitness gym. It's got soo many rooms it's massive, enough room for all of us aswell plus more" she winks at me and I smile glad because I want a boy and I won't stop until I get one.
"I'm so fucking excited, when can we go.. I wanna go now" I tell her and she laughs.
"We'll go next week end angel" Ace says walking in looking at his phone. Yes!
"Yes yes yes!" I shout at my husband and he just laughs and kisses me. What would I do without him. And he's all mine..
"Well that's sorted then love, I'm sorry you never knew about this bro. But this is something that was just me and Stacey and our memories" Liam says to me and Ace and I nod understanding.
"And now your going to make epic new ones with your daughters" I tell him and he smiles.
"New ones with everyone I love, my family" Liam says smiling looking at us all. He's the best brother I'll ever have and I love him unconditionally. And I'm hoping me and Stacey click more. I just hope we can all live together.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now