Chapter 21

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Sitting in the waiting room for my 36 week scan is crazy. How I'm due in a little over 3 fucking weeks. I can't wait!
"You looking forward to seeing Lexi angel" Ace asks me with a smile.
"Absolutely. I've missed hearing her heart beat and seeing her move around on the monitor. She's perfect." I tell him in total pregnancy bliss.
"Angelica King" I hear someone call my name and it's still strange to her the King part. I still can't believe I got married.
As we follow behind her we enter the room and I see Laura, my midwife.
"Hi hun. How you feeling?" she asks me smiling.
"Alot better, thank you. Your advice is very much appreciated" I tell her with a smile.
"Good I'm glad, shall we check on baby?" she asks and I eagerly nod and climb onto the bed lifting up my top ready for her.

"I've gone over your birthplan and it's perfect for you both hun. She's positioning ready to come. You could have her anytime now." she tells me handing me back my folder.
"Oh. Great.. Thank you Laura" I tell her appreciative.
"If you don't have any more questions then you can go hun" she says handing me my scan photos.
Shaking my head we both get up and leave the clinic alot happier.

Feeling my phone vibrate I look quickly at it and see a text.

Stacey: Hey babes. Fancy lunch and a play date tomorrow? X

I smile thanking God that Robbie didn't ruin anything with him being friends and that with Victor.

Angelica: Yeah babe sounds fun. I'll call you later X

I hit send and put my phone back into my bag.

"You ready angel?" Ace asks me as he holds open the car door. We're going out for dinner alone while we still can. I really want pizza.
"Pizza hut?" I ask him excitedly.
"Whatever you want baby" he tells me with a smile.
Climbing out he closes the door and lock's the car, linking our fingers me make our way to the restaurant.

"Table for two please" Ace says to the woman with an ear piece at the front desk.
"Sure, right this way" she tells us with a gentle smile.
Sitting down across from Ace I look at the menu not sure what I want?
"Are we getting a sharing one babe?" I ask him unsure what he wants.
"Yeah if you want. I don't mind" he tells me as usual.
"Americano, BBQ chicken and bacon. YES!" I beam happily.
"OK and what drink you want angel?" he asks chuckling at me.
"Lemonades fine Ace" I tell him and a waiter appears with a notepad looking between us with smile.

Waiting for our order I can't help but think about Robbie showing up at my house. Who does he think he is. I can't believe him and Seline are brother and sister for fuck sake.
"What we gonna do about Robbie, Ace?" I ask him and he sighs out.
"I don't know angel. He needs to dissappear or something. I don't know. He can't know things and talk to an enemy about Liam and me" he says and I understand that. Nodding my head at him the waiter appears with our drinks.
"Seline's not going to let you do anything. You know that right?" I say to him sipping my drink.
"Angel, don't worry about it. Liam and I will deal with Robbie one way or another. It has to be done" he tells me and he's right like normal. Robbie's a disrespectful little twat. Seline's doing a great job running my salon. Why the fuck has she got to be related to him. Putting me in a shit situation or what!
"What about Seline tho. She works for me Ace?" I ask him stressed. I need to get back to work asap.
"I know angel. Don't stress we've got this" he says rubbing my hands soothingly with a gentle smile. There's got to be a way through this fucking shit.

"Do you like it?" Ace asks me as I pick up my next slice. I shrug and hum pulling a face.
"It could be better for the price we're about to pay. But it's alright I guess" I tell him and he nods agreeing.
"Yeah it's so flat and shit, not enough meat either. Should of gone somewhere better angel" he says and now I wish I let him choose.
"I'm sorry. I just thought it'd be different and I really wanted pizza" I tell him sadly.
"It's OK angel. Its not terrible" he jokes and I laugh making me feel better.

After paying the bill we head back to the car to go home after a long afternoon on my feet.
"Are you going back to work Ace?" I ask looking over at him as he drives.
"You've got me alday angel. Don't worry" he says glancing at me now and then.
"Good we need to do the hospital bag. I need your help I can't choose" I tell him and he chuckles shaking his head.
"You can't choose because you've bought her soo much already. Does she really need that many clothes?" he asks as he pulls on to our street.
"Absolutely, you know she's going to be a mini me. And she has more clothes that me" I say happily smiling at him. The dates getting closer and my nerves are coming slowly. I know it's going to hurt like fuck. Shit!

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now