Chapter 7

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Walking down the stairs finally dressed and ready I hear Liam and Seline laughing in the kitchen. Strolling in they pull apart smiling.
"Morning you two" I say grabbing a plate from the cupboard. I pile on the pancakes and drown them in chocolate sauce, sitting down I look at my baby girl eating her own breakfast. I'm so proud of her.
"Morning love, I need to talk to you about lastnight" Liam tells me and I nod my head chewing my food.
"OK. Becky should be here soon to have Ruby, we'll talk in the living room when I've finished" I tell him with a smile.
"We'll wait for Becky. Take your time" he says getting up and moving towards the fridge.
"How's angel's Seline? Still on an up?" I ask her around mouthfuls.
"It's doing great we all miss you there tho" she tells me making me smile.
"Good, has Stacey been in?" I ask her and she just shrugs.
"Not that I've seen babe" she says and gets up.
"Well I'm off to work. I'll see you soon" she says looking at me.
"I'll call you Seline" Liam tells her and kisses her quickly.

"You and Jason made up" Liam teases walking into the living room. He clearly heard, fuck sake.
"We're better, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask him rubbing my bump sitting back.
"Shane Morgan.. What Jason did." he starts and I spin to look at him and think what did Jason do?
"OK. What happened? Why was he gone for so long?" I ask looking at his eyes telling him don't fucking lie!
"OK first things first, just relax love" he says sitting down next to me
"So, Shane Morgan is a ruthless gangster" he tells me and I just look at him. Confused.
"OK, so what did Ace do exactly? You said war" I ask him needing to know.
"You're not listening love, let me talk" he tells me and he looks at me being serious now. My bad. I gesture for him to go on rolling my eyes.
"Shane is someone you don't fuck with and now we have no choice. I understand why Jason did what he did, but now it's war like I said" he says seriously and I'm just sat there even more confused..
"Your not telling me what he's done or why?" I ask him and he just stares at me.
"Just know things are about to change around here. You won't be going out alone or often Angelica.. And as for what he did. Jason needs to explain that" Liam tells me and I'm just lost. I can't go out alone or when I want basically. Is he for real?
"You can't be serious Liam?" I ask him raising a brow.
"Deadly serious love. No arguments, Jason will back me up on this one" he says like I'm a fucking child. What the actual fuck?
Standing up I storm off up the stairs to Ace and find him in the bedroom still.
"Is Liam being serious? I have to be able to leave the house, what if there's an emergency and what about Ruby" I yell annoyed that they'd do something like this. Stupid bastards.
"Angel, it's for your own safety." he says and I laugh.
"You did this Jason. Now I have to suffer aswell as Ruby. What the fuck did you do?" I ask him but he shakes his head and turns back into the closet.
"Don't worry about it angel, it doesn't matter" he says pulling his t-shirt over his head. He's acting shifty. Something happened. I know he's done something. I can feel it..
"Ace. Tell me what you did!" I yell towards the end irrited with him dressing.
"Drop it angel" he demands and I'm taken aback by his tone.
"I'm sorry, I'll tell you soon OK. I just need some time baby. I promise" he says guilty written all over his face. What did you do baby?

Sitting in the living room with Liam and Ruby whilst Ace goes to work is no fun. I want to go out too. But no, it's best if I stay in for a few days. Fuck sake.
"So am I just ment to sit around all day and do nothing?" I look over at Liam and he sighs out standing up.
"If you wanna fucking go out we'll go out. I can't handle you whining all day long. It's only 11am" he says and I jump up happy he finally gave it.
'Lunch?" I ask him smiling.
"Yeah sure, let's go love"
Watching how he jogs up the stairs to get Ruby from Becky and comes back down with her and a coat just incase.
Climbing into the car as Liam puts Ruby into her car seat I fiddle with my phone waiting for Liam to put the pushchair in the boot.

Pulling up in a car park I climb out struggling and grab the picnic basket Liam just picked up.
It's beautiful out here. The sun's not to hot and the breeze is just perfect.
Putting the basket onto the ground I grab the blankets and lay them onto the grass ready for the food.
"Thankyou for bringing us out. Being in the house constantly drives me crazy" I smile at him happily.
"Yo I swear down your Jason's girl" some guy says walking up to me and Liam. I've never seen them before so I'm guessing it's already starting.. Great.
"She's my sister. Who the fuck are you?" Liam says jumping straight up to face them.
"Dont worry about that, she's definitely Jason's girl I've seen her before" one of the guys says to the other.
"You know what, am not sure you know" he says back to his friend watching me.
"Sis, take your daughter and go home. Now!" he says handing me his car keys giving me a no room for arguments look. I do as he says standing up taking his keys and grabbing Ruby. I quickly walk to the car and put Ruby in her seat wondering what the fuck just happened.. Who are they? And what do they want with me? Fuck!

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now