Chapter 35

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Arriving back home from my doctor's appointment I grab a snack and take myself into the living room and watch some daytime TV while Lexi sleeps and Ace works.
"How was your day hun?" Becky asks coming to sit down with me.
"Long, where's Liam and Ruby?" I ask her
"Still out I've been here doing nothing all day" she says and I wonder where they are.
Checking my watch I see it's 2pm and think they've been gone hours.
"If you want to go you can hun, Lexi's fine and clearly there not coming back yet. I'll still pay you don't worry" I tell her and she smiles.
"That'd be great, I have a last minute appointment that's what I came to ask you, thanks Angelica" she says and gets up walking out.

After flipping through TV I ended up watching a film alone and I hear the door open. Jumping up I make my way out and Ruby comes running to me.
"Mummy mummy, daddy loves Stacey" she says and I look at her confused. What? Looking at Liam who looks away from me I know she's right. Whattt?
"Spill now.." I tell him then kiss Ruby putting her down.
"Lexi's asleep baby so be careful in there ok?" I tell her and she nods walking off. I pull Liam into the kitchen and sit down..
"It's not what you think love" he says and I roll my eyes
"You clearly kissed her for Ruby to say that.. What happened and what about Victor?" I ask him not understanding.
"It's always been her, I was 13 when I knew and nothings changed. It's that simple" he says and I'm even more confused.
"Wait.. 13?" I say and he nods.
"Yes I was with her before I went to jail. I told her to live her life and apparently she hasn't been because she still loves me.. That ring you see on her finger is mine" he says and my jaw drops. I've seen the size of it. Fucking hell.
"Oh my god Liam, that's why your a fuck boy because you want her?" I say without thinking and we both laugh.
"Basically, we're going out and I need you to watch both girls if you could.. Victor's not so great" he says and I nod eagerly.
"Of course, oh my god look at you glowing" I tell him and I've never seen Liam like this before with Seline or Amy. Wow he must really love her. Aww
"So tomorrow night we're going out don't forget" he says opening the fridge
"Obviously not. I'm so happy for you.. But still what she gonna do about Victor?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"It's nothing he hasn't been through before when we were younger anyways" he tells me and I have so many questions.
"Poor guy having to compete with you all his life. Mustn't be fun" I laugh and Ace walks in.
"What's funny?" he asks me and I stop laughing.
"Liam loves Stacey baby" I tell him and he sighs.
"Not this again brother.." he says and I frown.
"Leave him alone Ace, he's inlove" I tell him and he shakes his head.
"Believe me I know angel, I've been through this shit since I was younger.. Are we really doing this again?" Ace says and comes up behind me.
"For fuck sake Jason, you still have a problem, I was the one that fucked it up.. Everytime. All she ever did was love me and still apparently does" he says grinning towards the end. I'm so happy for them.
"And what about Victor this time he's not the same" Ace asks him
"Why the fuck is everyone so concerned about fucking Victor.. Can't you just be happy for us.. For fucking once like I accepted You when you decided to date Mia after I told you not to.. And look what happened there" Liam says and I'm thinking who the fuck is Mia?
"Who the fucks Mia?" I ask them both and Liam looks to Ace with a smirk.
"She was Stacey's best friend when we was young. It's a long story love" Liam says and Ace sighs sitting next to me.
"I'll leave yall to it, I have a date to plan" Liam says grinning at us and walks out the room
"Soo Mia?" I ask him feeling jealous for some weird reason.
"The first girl to break my heart angel it was a long time ago before Krystal" he tells me and I sigh feeling stupid.
Hearing Lexi cry I get up and make my way to the living room seeing Ruby with her trying to give her, her dolls bottle.
"Baby no, thank you for trying" I tell her and pick Lexi up. Ace comes in and sits next to me.
"Angel, don't be like this, it was ages ago I didn't think you needed to know" he says and I scoff as I feed Lexi.
"I'm your wife Jason. And you didn't think I should know.. Hilarious" I tell him rolling my eyes.
"And come to think of it you said you didn't know Stacey that day in Angel's? Why lie" I ask him annoyed.
"It was a long time ago I didn't want to drag it all back up again. Liam was moving on. I was just shocked to see her" he says.
"That's not a good enough answer Ace, you lied. When did we start doing that?" I ask him and he sighs.
"I don't lie, I withheld the truth for this exact reason, don't be pissy with me angel I'm sorry" he says and I roll my eyes not caring..
"Well now look there getting back together whether you like it or not and your lying so everyone's happy" I say getting up with my baby and leaving the room. I can't even look at him right now.
"Angel, wait, where you going, talk to me. Please" he calls out and I middle finger him and walk up the stairs. I don't want to do anything I'm to tired for this shit.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now