Chapter 9 Liam's POV

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Day Three

Looking for Jason is becoming difficult. Where the fuck could he be. I know he wont be to far away. I just need to think.
I sit back in Jason's chair at the desk and I look down I see something on the floor. Hmm. Getting up I walk over to it and crouch down looking. It's a fucking business card. MORGAN'S CONSTRUCTION.
"The fucking warehouse" I say to myself standing and exiting the office.
Jogging to my car I jump in and check my glove box to see if I still have my pistol. Checking it for ammo and satisfied with the full clip I close it, starting the engine I race off.

Arriving close enough to the warehouse with no headlights off, I turn off my engine and grab the gun then climb out quietly, slowly closing the door.
I make my way through the trees and bushes looking around making sure no one can see me. I see two parked cars sitting there. Bingo someone's in there. I pull back the clip and make my way over to a side door I spotted. Trying the door to find it unlocked I enter quietly and look around I see three men and I hide behind the boxes quickly. How am I playing this one out? Looking to my left I see a fuse box and flip a few switches. The whole warehouse shuts down into darkness.
Finally moving towards voices I aim my gun and shoot soon as I see there silhouette. Taking one of them out. Two bullets down..
Running over to the one I missed I take him to the ground and throw punches to his face. Left right, left right. Over and over getting out some of my aggression.
Standing back up I grab my gun and make my way towards a room where noises were coming from. With my gun ready I swing the door open and enter.
"Who's there?" I hear Jason call out
"It's me bro" I tell him and find my way over to him.
"FUCK, what took you so long brother. I thought he was going to kill me. Seriously" he says and I can hear the strain in his voice. The pain that would cause our family.
"Are you done? We need to move out quick" I ask him untying him when the lights come back on. Shit!
"We need to go. Now!" I say in a hurry helping him up and towards the door.
"Shit it hurts man" Jason says as he leans more of his weight onto me.
"I got you, if they find us you gotta just be ready to do something bro. We're not dying here!" I tell him sternly and turn the corner seeing three men charging towards us. Fuck! I hand Jason my gun and charge back because Jason's in no fit state to fight.
Swinging my fist to the first guy I duck quickly from another but get hit by the third.
"Use the God damn thing" I call out to Jason throwing a punch to one of there balls. Dirty shots. I don't care.
I feel hands around my head lifting me back up and I swing my elbow into his ribs he let's go so I spin facing him and begin to work his ribs. Left right, left right. Repeatedly.
BANG! BANG! Gun shots is all I hear as I swing upper cutting him knocking him clean out. Watching him drop to the floor I turn as Jason's hobbling up to me, pistol in hand.
"You good brother?" he asks me looking over at me then back around the warehouse. Coast is clear.
"Im good bro, you know I love a good scrap and I need to get you back home. Angelica's going crazy. Literally" I tell him chuckling. Not that this situation is funny.
"I've missed my girls. How's Ruby?" he asks me as we find the door with an exit sign above it. Thank fuck.

Putting Jason into the car carefully I jog around and jump into the drivers seat seeing the two other cars gone. Fucking Shane I bet.
"What happened to you?" I ask him turning around and out the secluded area turning my lights back on.
"Well.. Krystal's with Shane. And he thinks I'm fucking her. Seriously brother" he says with a straight face and I can't help but snigger.
"Wow. Men are wild when it comes to there bitches ain't they" I joke and he looks at me with a raised brow.
"Just take me home bro" he says in pain and I nod putting my foot down on the pedal.

Arriving outside our home Jason doesn't move straight away, so I sit with him quietly thinking he's scared to go inside. Not knowing what she's going to say or do is clearly playing on his mind.
"She loves you bro, just tell her the truth" I tell him and he looks up at me.
"I just got held hostage because he thought I was fucking his girl. How the fuck is she going to take that. Will she believe Krystal? We've only just gotten fucking married for fuck sake. Now all of this shit. Fuck!" he spits out and I just laugh at his little rant.
"Bro listen, why would she not believe you? She loves you unconditionally, trust me you have to be hundred percent truthful your bloody married bro. Let's just go inside.. OK." I tell him then open the door readying myself for whatevers to come my way aswell.

Standing at the path I let Jason walk up and knock on the door. It takes awhile so he bangs again.
"Jason what's happened?" Is all I hear and walk up the path bracing myself to enter.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now