Chapter 25 Jason's POV

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Sitting in my office I go over paper work for some of the sales and relax back into my chair. It's been a long morning but I'm grinding through as I opted to come in and Liam's stays at home .
Seeing my door come flying open I see a brunette walk in. Fucking kyrstal.. Again.
"Why the fuck are you here? What the fuck do you want from me?" I ask her annoyed and she just looks me over.
"I want you Jason. I told you this. I don't care if your married to that bitch. You will divorce her" she tells me crossing her arms over her slim body.
I sit there laughing. God this woman is crazy if she thinks I'd pick her over my Angelica. Never!
"Stop laughing at me" she stomps her foot like a child watching her, I just think wow she hasn't changed since we were young. Still a childish little bitch.
Laughing more she starts to get angry.
"I don't think you'd want Shane thinking you tried it on me again. You know what my 'boyfriend' is like now don't we Jason?" she says and I just think she's actually trying to blackmail me.
"Your a manipulative bitch Krystal I'd rather die then be back with you" I spit irritated with her.
"That can be arranged Jason. Don't you worry" she says smugly and I just roll my eyes.
"If you have a boyfriend why you crawling around me kyrstal? It's pathetic" I tell her and she just looks at me lost somethings wrong. But do I even care what? Not really.
"Look Jason we had something good till Liam fucked it up and tried it on with me" she says and I just stare at her getting more pissed. How dare she.
"Wait, wait.. You mean you wanted him, so you fucked him. Like you fucked every other Tom, dick and Harry!" I stress. I won't let her fuck up my day. My life infact.
"Just give me another chance baby. I still love you and I've missed you" she says seductively walking over to my desk.
"Can you just leave Krystal. I don't want you" I tell her nicely. She needs to understand I will never leave my angel.
"I'm leaving but I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much baby" she says, blows me a kiss and walks out. Breathing out a sigh of relief I put my head down on my desk.

After rummaging through my filing cabinet I finally find the receipt for the canvas I sold. Thank fuck.
Suddenly someone walks into my office and I pray that it's not kyrstal again.
"Mr King, good to see you" I hear as I turn around and see Mr Lockwood. Hmm my surprise visit.
"Good to see you too Mr Lockwood" I tell him shaking his offering hand.
"So let's get down to business" he says sitting down in the seat across from me.
"So I have another hit, here" he pulls out an envelope from inside his suit jacket and hands it to me.
"You need this done by when?" I ask him opening it and looking to see the victim this time. Looking at the picture infront of me and I've seen them before. Why would he want them dead? I thought scanning everything.
"48hours till he leaves the city. So before then please" he tells me and I nod understanding. I need to grab Liam.
"Done. Anything else?" I ask him as he stands.
"Soon Mr King. I'll be in touch soon with the rest of your payment" he says handing over another envelope. Feels weighty I thought putting it into my desk draw. I'll look when he's gone.
"Call me whenever" I tell him and he nods closing my door behind him. Why the fuck does he want Cornell dead. What the fuck did he do?

Signing my last paper work I collect my things and start to get up when my door flies open again. Fuck sake what is this?
"Jason.. My friend, I've come to give you a message from Shane" some giant bodied man says standing in my door way. He ducks through and stands infront of my desk.
"Shane doesn't appreciate Kyrstal coming to your office anymore. And Robbie's off limits. No more threats or there will be consequences" he tells me and I just stare at him fuming. How the fuck can I stop the crazy bitch coming here. I don't want her here just as much as fucking Shane!
"You got it?" he asks looking me over.
I round my desk and throw a punch to his left cheek making him step back a little but then he smiles at me.
I throw a another that he dodges and hits me straight in the face. Fuck!
Staggering back I gather my bearings and he grand me throwing me across my desk.
"What the fucks happening..." I hear Angelica. Fuck fuck! I get up and charge towards the man mountain with everything I've got and he didn't move an inch and I just collide into him. I smack him straight to his balls making him come down for me to smash my head into his nose splattering it across his face.
"I got this bro" I hear suddenly. Looking up I see Liam grinning clearly wanting to finish him for me.
"You take Angelica" he says to me and I rush to her.
"You OK angel?" I ask her holding either side of her bump.
"I'm fine Ace. Who the fucks that?" she questions. Erm.. Good job it wasn't kyrstal
"Someone Shane sent to warn me off kyrstal and Robbie" I tell her truthfully.
"Fuck sake" she sighs out and I grab the envelope out the draw and escort her out the office and towards my car. Liam will be fine.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now