Chapter 71 Jason POV

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I know I don't want her so why can't I stop looking at her any chance I get? That's what's fucking with me the most. The why?
I know I find her sexy like obviously but Angelica is my angel and I love every part of her so I don't know what this infatuation is with fucking Stacey.
I sit there watching my wife make breakfast for everyone and I can't help but smile. She is the one I want and I need to prove it to her and Liam..
Suddenly I see Liam and Stacey appear and come into the kitchen. Pop. And that's my bubble gone.
"Smells so good babe, thank you" Stacey tells Angelica taking a seat and looks up at Liam but he looks at me like he doesn't want to be in here.
"Morning Liam" Angelica says and he hmms.
"Morning" he says low and sits next to Stacey.
Angelica puts a plate down infront of them and then me. I'm starving. And I can't wait to eat it.
I find myself staring at Stacey again and she looks up but I quickly look away from her. What am I doing. Fuck
"I seen that" Liam says and Stacey looks at him. Seen what? Shit
"And do you know what, the four of us are going to have a truth session. This afternoon" Liam says and Stacey looks at him with a raised brow smirking. He wants to know what he just seen. Me fucking staring at his God damn wife.. Again!
"Sounds good baby" Stacey tells him smirking.
"I'm happy you want to talk bro" Angelica says smiling happily. Finally she seems like she wants to work this out. I miss my brother and he's sat infront of me.
"If that's what you need to get over everything brother" I say and Stacey just looks at me with furrowed brows. Yes he needs to get over everything already. It's the only way. Stop being fucking stubborn!
"It's a truth session not a family reunion. But I am trying here OK" Liam says and Stacey smiles at him. He's trying that's all that matters, so that's what I'll do to. Try. Because I need him back I feel like I'm missing something.
"Are you sure about this truth session Jason. Everytime we've played its just turned bad" My angel says after they leave the kitchen and I sigh knowing what she means. It's always me tho.
"We don't really have a choice angel, this is what Liam needs so we'll give it to him honestly. OK" I tell her and she sighs putting her head in her hands.
"If we must. I can't help but feel like she did this, how this has all turned out" she says and I sigh.
"Dont go there angel, there's no point" I just tell her and she looks at me.
"No point? Everything was fine before she came along" she says and I sigh dropping my head back. Someone help me. Please...
"Shes done nothing wrong, this is between us and Liam. We're the ones that did Liam wrong. She's trying to fix it for all of us" I tell her and she just raises a brow at me
"Why you taking her side for.. Crush run deep yeah Jason" she says getting up and putting the pots into the dishwasher. I sigh not knowing what to do or say.
"I'm not taking sides I'm just saying" I tell her and she just ignores me. Great the silent treatment.
"Angel, we need to go in there as a team not like this" I tell her and she sighs turning to look at me.
"I'm not leaving that room untill it's sorted. And I don't care how long it takes. It needs sorting today" I tell her and she nods slowly.
"I just feel like shit and I don't fancy being shouted at by him to be honest but I'll go in there for you" she says and I smile at her walking to her.
"Thanks you angel, we will fix this. I refuse to lose my brother. Mum would be so disappointed if she was here. In both of us but mostly me" I tell her and she wraps her arms around my waist and I hold her against me needing her to just chill.
"I'm sorry Ace, it's just difficult to not say anything. I'll try" she says and I kiss her head appreciatively.

It's been fourty minutes and there still not back. What the fuck are they doing..
Suddenly I hear them walking around and I look up to them.
"Where you two been for so long" Angelica asks and Liam shrugs
"The sessions in motion. Let's go" liam suddenly says wanting his answers obviously.
"You sure about this baby?" Stacey looks up and asks Liam. Why wouldn't he be sure it was his fucking idea.
"Deadly. I have some question that need answering.. And now" he tells her.
What could he want to ask me other than Stacey related questions.. We follow Liam to a different lounge room and take a seat.
"Everyone ready for some fun. Who wants to start?" Liam asks looking around at us.
Angelica looks at him and takes a deep breath. I guess she has a question.
"Do you hate me Liam? I didn't want to hurt you please tell me you understand that"
He wouldn't hate her surely.. Right?
"I don't hate you Angelica, I could never. I'm just hurt and disappointed" he tells her and she nods happy with that. It's better than him hating her.
"Another thing.. I hate how you look at me Liam. I'm so fucking sorry and I love you bro, please tell me you want to fix this as bad as I do" she asks and he sighs. I hope he does want to with her.. Both of us really.
"I want to fix this. I miss my family but it's gonna take time" Liam tells her and she smiles. At least he didn't say no and I start to fidget wanting to ask him my own question.
"Spit it out Jason" Liam tells me and I take a deep breath and sigh..
"Fine.. You punished me enough yesterday Liam, please stop. Can I get my brother back?" I ask him and he laughs. Fuck whys he laughing at me.
"How did I punished you?" he asks me and I stare at him. You know what I did
"You know what you made me do brother" I say and he laughs again. How could he make me kill her. Such a dick
"Why didn't you want to kill kyrstal?" Liam asks me and I sigh again..
"Because it's not me. I hate killing. You know that brother. But I did it for you" I tell him and he just stares at me. He don't look like he's going to fucking reply. Shit
"I have a question" Stacey says and looks at me.
"Do you think you deserve Liam's forgiveness?" she asks me and I slowly nod. Of course I fucking do we're brothers
"We've been though to much to let something stupid ruin us." I tell her because it's true. We can't let this be the thing that tears us apart
"So you frothing over my wife is stupid. And I should just forgive you. How do I know your not enjoying what you see now because I know I fucking am" Liam says and I try my hardest not to look at her because he's right. But I don't want to!
"Since yesterday somethings changes. Yes she pops into my mind now and then but.. Its not as much. I see her sitting there and I'm good. Yeah she's hot but she's my brothers wife" I say and I don't think he believes him.. For fuck sake
"Why did you let your wife chose you over Ruby" he asks me and I sigh sitting forward.
"I didn't want her to chose. I was angry and just wanted her to be mine" I say and he sucks his teeth at me. Wow. Really Liam
"OK. Let's continue down that path" he says to us and he takes a deep breath watching me.
"I want the truth.. You hate that Angelica became Ruby's mum don't you? You hate that your relationship changed and your wife was raising a baby that wasn't yours.." he asks me and I look at him hurt that he'd ask that. Why would he bring this up now. What do I even say when he's right.
"Honestly yes.. I love prinny but she did change our marriage.. Maybe even strained it a little. But I love her and I accepted that was what she wanted to do. I didn't actually have a say in any of it" I say and he nods understanding. Hopefully he don't take it the wrong way.
"This is to both of you.. Did you only keep me around because of Ruby?" he asks and I look at my angel with confusion. Absolutely not! What the fuck..
"I love you being around Liam. You and Ruby are our family" Angelica says and he gives her a small smile and looks to me.
"Now we're getting to stupid questions, I love you being around brother. Look how I reacted when you wanted to leave" I tell him and he just shrugs.
"There is no more being nice, one more fuck up and I'm done completely. I want to bury you both in the fucking garden. That's how strongly you've hurt me. How do we stop that from happening?" He asks us and Stacey grabs his hand and rubs it clearly comforting him.
"I know how much I have hurt you because I can see it in you Liam and it breaks my heart to know I did that to you" Angelica says and he just looks at her.
"OK.. So you did this knowing that you'd hurt me and Ruby. Do you regret your decision?" he asks her and she looks to me and smiles..
"Honestly no. I love Ruby with all I have just as much as Lexi. But my husband is my life. I need him" she says and he looks to be processing what she just said. He looks at Stacey and she smiles at him. Do I say something?
"OK.." Liam says suddenly..
"Can I ask something else... Will Ruby still get to see and stay with us?" Angelica asks and Liam sighs heavily. Don't be a dick and say no. Just because your being stubborn Liam.
"Honestly I don't know if I can trust you to give her back to me" he tells her and she looks at him confused. As if he really just fucking said that. Wow Liam
"I'd never do that Liam. What the fuck do you take me for. I've always said you can do what you like" she tells him and he nods agreeing. Well I hope anyways, he does look lost in thought.
"We're not talking about the past, we're talking about now. She lives with me and last night you said you wanted her back, I'm being selfish and keeping her. I will not lose her period. I hope you understand what I mean" he tells Angelica and she sighs.
"But I'm her mum Liam, she needs to see me" she says and he just shrugs.
"She can see you anytime you want but you won't have her on your own unless me or Stacey are around. You can't be trusted Angelica. And I don't want to have to do something that I'll spend the rest of my life regretting. But I will if I have to, for my daughter" Liam says to her and she looks at him heartbroken. He's seriously gonna be a dick after everything she's done for him. OK bro
"So Stacey's gonna be her mum from now on?" she asks and liam looks to Stacey smiling. Don't even fucking go there.
"Not necessarily, that all depends on you but.. If you ever pull this shit again you know what will happen. You won't be around to be her mum" Liam threatens her and she looks at him wide eyed then looks at me. Is he fucking serious right now. He's gonna threaten my fucking wife and while I'm sat here. Who the fuck does he think he is.
I growl at him and he just smirks.
"No need to growl at me Jason, I'm only telling your wife straight. I'm not picturing fucking her" he say laughing and Stacey hits him. Really brother. You have no idea..
"Pack it in. Now!" Stacey warns him and he laughs shrugging at her. I'm not wrong tho.. Technically.
"How can we go forward when your clearly not wanting that" I ask him and he shrugs again. Fuck sake man stubborn bastard!
"I wanted you to keep your eyes off my wife but look at that.. And I wanted a mum for my daughter who will love and want her unconditionally but look at that aswell. You both failed" he says and I see Angelica become emotional. Fuck sake.
"You trusted me to have your back yesterday, so stop with the no trust shit, you know deep down that I would die for you brother" I tell him and he just gives me a cold stare. This crap again Liam..
"I feel like I can't trust any of you with my baby's heart. He doesn't deserve anymore hurt and he deserves to be happy for fucking once. I like you both and want this to work because you are family. But I don't know if this can be fixed. But I hope I'm wrong" Stacey tells us and I've never wanted to roll my eyes so much in my life.
"What do you want to happen here my queen honestly" Liam asks her and she smiles at him.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now