Chapter 27

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Three weeks later

"Have a good day baby I love you" I kiss Ace good bye as he leaves for work. Liam's staying with me today and Becky came this morning bright and bushy like she said she would.
"I'll call you later angel, I love you too" he says kissing me passionately. He's still on a high from the blow job in the shower. He was looking a little tense and I'm in no place to be having sex no matter how horny I get. It's hard work being pregnant.
Closing the door as Ace pulls out the driveway I hear Ruby calling me.
"Mummy, mummy, mummy" I walk into the living room where she's currently sitting after her breakfast watching cartoons with her doll.
"Whats up baby girl?" I ask her standing in the door way. She climbs and spins looking at me from the back of the sofa..
"Park mummy with Mya?" she asks and I smile at her.
"I'll find out if Mya can play" I tell her and pull my phone out my pocket.
Scrolling through I hit call on Stacey's number.
"Hey girl" she answers brightly.
"Hey babe. You want to meet me and Ruby at the park. She's asking for Mya" I ask her and she chuckles.
"Yeah sure. It'll be nice to get out the house" she tells me and I understand her completely.
"Meet there in about half an hour" I tell her smiling at Ruby as she watches me on the phone.
"OK babe see you soon" she tells me and I hang up. Looking at Ruby's face as she waits patiently to be told if she can go see her friend or not.
"Let's get your coat baby" I tell her and she jumps down squealing happily.
I walk out and up the stairs to grab both our coats as it's cold out.

Walking into the kitchen where Becky and Liam currently are I see them talking about something.
"Didn't you hear Ruby sqeauling? We're going to the park. Let's go" I tell them both clapping my hands at them.
They both stand and Liam jogs up the stairs going to grab his coat I assume while Becky collects hers from the coat stand in the hall near the front door.
Liam jogs back down and looks to Ruby smiling.
"Ready princess?" he asks her and she jumps up and down excited.
"See Mya daddy" she says smiling up at him.
"You didn't say Stacey was coming love" Liam looks at me with a rasied brow.
"She asked for Mya, you want me to take them both without her mum? Victor won't be there.. I don't think" I tell him but I hope he is for Liam. They need to bond.
I pull my phone out and text Stacey.

Angelica: Bring Victor.. Liam's coming. They can bond 😂

I hit send and wait for a reply.
Looking at Liam he looks at me suspiciously like I'm planning something, but it's all for a good course.
My phone vibrates in my hand and I look at it quickly.

Stacey: Already at the park babes meet me here 😅

Good atleast she's on my side. It will be great for the girls if we could all get along and be actual friends.
"Let's go then" I tell them all smiling opening the front door.
"You want to go in the car or daddy's shoulders" Liam asks Ruby and she points to the car.
"Mummy need car" she says and my heart melts she's so sweet.
Liam looks to me and I nod my head walking to the passenger side as he grabs his car keys and locks up the house for me.
Liam helps me into the car and closes the door for me while Becky straps in Ruby.

Arriving at the park I see Stacey on the park like she said. Great timing I thought as I wait for Liam to help me out again.
Walking into the playground were Ruby and Mya hug and run off to the swings I watch them with a smile
"Don't go too far Ruby" I call out and she holds Mya's hand and they both start to walk to the closer sets.
Sitting down on the bench where I can see Ruby plainly I sigh out happy to be off my feet I feel like I'm carrying a bus in front of me.
"How's the pregnancy babe?" Stacey asks me smiling over at Liam looking at his phone,on the other bench.
"It's alright, I just can't wait to have her. It's dragging now" I tell her and she nods clearly understanding.
"Your going to love it, as soon as they give you your baby for the first time you'll just stare at them like this human is mine" she says clearly remembering and seeing the moment she had Mya.
"I just want everything to go alright. I want us to both come home healthy, no issues you know" I tell her thinking of Amy's labour. I hope I'll be OK.

Watching Ruby play with Mya happily is blissful, thinking this time next year my baby girl will be playing with them. Suddenly I start to feel pain shoot through my stomach and I feel horrible. What is this? I think I need to go home. This doesn't feel good.
"You OK love. You've gone pale" Liam asks me and I slowly breathe in and out.
"Somethings happening Liam" I tell him and he jumps up and he's at my side in a instant.
"Don't panic love. I've got you" Liam says to me holding my hand.
"Will you take Becky and Ruby back home please beautiful" Liam asks Stacey hoping she'll say yes.
"Ace" I say needing him. Where is he?
"I'll call him love, are you going into labour? What's happening?" Liam asks and I shake my head.
"It's not time. My waters haven't broken either it just hurts" I tell them then suddenly feeling a long pain shoot through me tightening around my stomach. Braxton hicks maybe? I don't fucking know. I let at a big roar and curl my body over holding onto Liam. Fuck what was that?
The next thing I remember is I'm being swooped up by Liam and carried and I feel tears leaking down my face.
"Liam what's happening?" I ask him and he smiles at me.
"We're about to meet Lexi soon love" he tells me with a tear rolling down his cheek. I need Jason.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now