Chapter 31 Robbie's POV

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"Angelica has nothing to do with this" I spit angrily at Shane as I clench my fist. What the fuck is he going to do?
"I decide whats happening and to fucking who. Do I make myself clear. You work for me" Shane tells me banging his hand on the table.
"Going after her is the only way I can hurt Jason right now. Liam has nothing to lose. He's a loose cannon" he tells me and I nod agreeing.
"So what is the end game here?" I ask him looking him over.
"I want them all dead" he says and I sigh knowing that Shane always gets what he wants. I nod and leave making my way out the door and to my car. How am I suppose to protect my Angelica? She doesnt deserve this. Any of fucking this. Fuck!
Pulling off pissed I make my way to see Victor maybe he can help me with this.

Pulling up at Victor's I jump out and make my way to his door. Knocking I wait for someone to answer.
"Oh its just you" Stacey says opening the door and walking off.
"Thanks nice to see you to ugly bitch" I say following her into the livingroom. She's not even ugly.. Victor's punching majorly.
"You need to stop talking to her like that before I make you my bitch" Victor says stepping towards me.
"Chill out bro. It's all good" I tell him holding up my hands.
Taking a seat I look at Stacey and wonder what he actually sees in her now? What fucking happened?
"What do you want anyways Robbie?" Victor asks me looking me over.
"I need your help and to talk to you alone" I tell him eyeing Stacey so she gets the message to fuck off.
She kisses him and picks up the kid and walks out. Fucking bitch.
"Go on.." he says looking at me sitting forward.
"It's Shane. He wants them so bad. Liam fucked up one of his guys big time now he's out for blood. He's talking about grabbing Angelica man" I tell him because he knows what it is.
"I've warned you about Shane and now your what? His little fucking lacky. You made this choice man now look at you. I will not be getting involved so you need to decide what side your on. Because I won't be helping you this time. I'm done" he tells me and sits back shaking his head.
"So your just gonna leave me to get myself possibly killed. Some brother you are" I tell him getting up. Fuck this shit.
"You got yourself involved with Shane now look at you here trying to get my help.
You made your bed." he adds and gets up walking towards me. 

I leave Victor's house knowing he ain't going to help me at all. What the fuck. I came to him because I have no one else to turn too.

I jump in my car feeling pissed off big time.

Starting the engine I pull off and make my way to a shop. I need a fucking drink.

Pulling up outside a shop, I shut the engine and sit there replaying what Victor said over and over in my head. It don't make sense. Why would he not have my back. Fuck.

Suddenly my passenger door opens and Liam gets in grinning at me. Fuck. I don't need this shit right now.

"Hello big mouth" he says so calmly it makes me feel uneasy.

"Look Liam I'm having a shit day so please just say what you've got to say and get out of my car" I tell him not making eye contact. I can feel him staring at me hard.

"Your sister saved your ass and in the process lost what we could have had" he says sounding less calm.

"The next time you step out of line your dead. And no one will stop me this time. I fucking promise you that" he says shoving a gun under my chin. Fuck.

"OK. I get it man. Remove the gun" I tell him shitting myself but I won't let him know that. He just laughs at me. He is so fucking crazy man. What the fuck.

"I hope you do Robbie" he says then gets out and disappears. Shane needs to take him out man as soon as possible. I start my engine and speed off to Shane's. The drink can wait.

Pulling up at Shane's I jump out and rush thought the door.
"Liam just held a fucking gun to my head man" I say breathing heavily and he just looks at me pissed.
"You do get yourself in some sticky situations don't you Robbie" he says laughing. Is he fucking serious.
"This isn't a joke Shane, he could of killed me. What are you going to to" I say looking at him seriously.
"I already have my plan don't you worry about that kiddo. You just bring me Angelica" he tells me and I pause. Wait what?
"Why? She's got nothing to do with this Shane, leave her out of it. There's kids and shit" I tell him and he shrugs heartless. Fuck shit fuck. I seriously need Victor. What if that bitch Stacey's there. Shit
"Robbie you will bring me Angelica. You wouldn't want anything happening to that pretty sister of yours" he says calmly and I swallow hard. Fuck!
"That's right treat me like the rest of them, I fucking helped you and this is how you treat me. Fuck you" I spit and my eyes go wide when he pulls a gun on me.
"Your gonna do as your told boy or your gonna end up buried.. With your sister do I make myself clear?" he spits angrily.
I hold up my hands in defence and back out the room.
"I understand man I won't let nothing happen to my sister" I tell him and walk out. How am I going to do this?

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