Chapter 36

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Rolling over and not feeling Ace was a good but shit feeling. Where is he?
I sit up rubbing my eyes and see Lexi's gone too.
Climbing out the bed I grab a robe and make my way down the stairs hearing talking in the kitchen.
".. Just tell her bro, she won't care" I hear Liam say
"What do I even tell her, she used me to get to you then dropped me" Ace says back and I wonder who there talking about?
"Look your marriage is more important than this stupid argument bro, just tell her she won't care" Liam tells him and I hear Ace sighing.
"Your right I guess, but she won't even look at me let alone talk to me brother" Ace says and I feel bad for being a bitch.. "Why did you lie about Stacey?" Liam asks him and that's what I'd like to know to..
"I don't know, I was just shocked to see her after so long I didn't want to bring it all back up so I just said no" he says and I sigh. He still shouldn't of lied.
"Bro your lying to me.. Tell me" Liam says to him and Ace sighs again.
"Because I hate you being with her and I didn't want you to know she was back OK" Ace says and I think now where getting somewhere.
"That's not your choice, but what's so bad with us being together?" Liam asks him.
"She fucking consumes you man, pisses me off.. Its Stacey this, Stacey that. Fuck" Ace says and I just think my poor babys jealous of Stacey.. But still why?
"So just like you and your wife then" Liam says and I smile at that.
"That's different Liam" Ace says and I frown.. How?
"How is that different Jason, you know Stacey's always been my end game and that will never change. Why can't I be happy like you?" Liam asks and he's right obviously. He has a point..
"I want you to be happy, just not with her. You can have anyone else" Ace says and I sigh again. This isn't working. I step in and put my hands on my hips.
"Look Liam, basically Ace feels left out when your with Stacey because your all her" I say and they both look at me
"OK, that makes sense but Jason your all Angelica and I'm OK with that, your my brother and I love you that won't change but I will have Stacey whether you like it or not" Liam says and I'm on his side. Sorry Ace.
"He's right baby, you have to accept it like he did me" I say to Ace and he sighs heavily.
"I love you to brother, I'm sorry. I'll try but I'm not making any promises especially if you end up moving out and taking Ruby away, I love all of us living here together" Ace says and I look at Liam.
"Your taking Ruby away?" I ask him starting to panic.
"Calm down love, no one's taking Ruby anywhere and no one's moving out. Where just going out on a date fucking hell" Liam says and I breath a sigh of relief.
"Well that's sorted then" I say smiling at them and look at Ace.
"I'm sorry baby, I don't know why it got to me, we just don't lie" I say and he nods sadly.
"It's OK, I shouldn't of lied, I was jealous wasn't I?.. Fuck I was jealous!" he stresses at him self running a hand over his face.
"And that's OK baby, you didn't want to lose Liam" I tell him walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"You will never lose me, your stuck with me whether you like it or not.. Jealous cunt" Liam says and burst out laughing. Ace looks at him rolling his eyes and I try hold my laugh in.
"So where all friends now?" I say and they nod at me smiling.
"Where's my baby?" I ask and Ace points to the living room.
"Sleeping in her moses basket, I didn't want to wake you angel" he says and kisses me.
"Stop it before you make me jealous now, I want what you guys have" Liam says and I smile giddy at him.
"And you will, I cant believe you and Stacey tho.. Wow" I say still surprised by the relevation of them. I hope they make it work. The girls will love it I know that.
"You don't know the half of it love, there's folders, prison, being on the run together, nearly dying, Victor, so much that we went through" Liam says and I gawk at him.
"Dying? Who?" I ask and he sighs.
"Me, I thought I was a goner at one point but she nursed me back and made me better then I went back to prison and pushed her away and now she's here again. Fuck why does she love me like I love her, it be easier if she didn't.." Liam says and I feel sad for him.
"Your an easy guy to love Liam, don't think like that.. She's lucky to have you" I tell him truthfully and he scoffs.
"Please trust me I'm the lucky one, I put her through hell and she's still here.. Loving me still" Liam says and I smile happy for him.
"That's a good thing Liam, don't fucking ruin it" I warn him and he nods smiling.
"I won't I have my family now" he says and
Ace slaps his back.
"You've always got us brother, go get your girl" he tell Liam and finally where all happy. Just one small problem..
"I know where all happy and buzzing but we still have a situation that needs sorting ASAP" I tell them both and they both sigh heavily..
"Don't worry yourself love, we will sort it" Liam says an I nod believing him.
"Good, what would I do without yall" I tell them and they both laugh.
"You'll have alot less stress, but lucky you'll never find out" They say and I smile knowing there both right. I love them both to much for fuck sake.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now