Chapter 22 Liam's POV

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"Becky, this is a nice surprise" I say as she enters with my princess walking holding her hand.
"My baby daddy" Ruby says holding her baby close. Ever since her little baby talk with her mum she takes the baby EVERYWHERE with her. Literally.
"Your beautiful baby, just like your mine, princess" I tell her picking her up. I kiss her cheeks making her giggle and she hold her doll to me. Kissing the dolls head she cuddles it and I take a seat at my desk.
"What you been doing today princess?" I ask her as she sits on my lap.
"Park with Becky. I went on swing then baby did too" she says smiling and I can't help the grin as she tells me. Her talking is progressing so much. I'm so proud of her.
"And we went for lunch too Ruby" Becky says holding up her toy.
"I know, I was just telling daddy in order"
She says with her little attitude. Already!
"You've been around your mummy to much" I say joking and Becky chuckles and Ruby just stares at me with furrowed brows.. Just like her mum and mine come to think of it.
"Shall we leave daddy to work now Ruby?" Becky asks holding out her hand for her. Ruby sighs and looks at me.
"Bye daddy" she says then kisses my cheek and climbs from my lap.
"Bye princess, thanks for bringing her Becky it's perked up my afternoon" I tell them grinning.
"Your welcome Mr Johnson" she says and I sigh.
"Becky. Please call me Liam I've told you" I tell her and she giggles.
"Sorry. Liam" she says and smiles.

After spending the rest of the afternoon getting through work stuff, it's now just past 5pm and I need to get home. I have a date with Seline.
Jumping into my car I pull off quickly and head off home.

"I'm home" I call out to whoevers listening.
And make my way into the kitchen where I hear voices.
"Hey Liam, you had a good day?" Angelica asks as I open the fridge pulling out a bottle of water.
"It was good. Ruby and Becky came and I got alot done surprisingly, how did your scan go?" I ask her before taking a swig.
"Amazing like normal. She's getting big. The birthplans ready aswell. I'm so excited" she tells me and I just grin at her. It's going to be weird having another baby around.
"Good, she's going to be just like you. Just like Ruby" I say laughing and she puts a hand on her hip.
"They're going to get along and run you both raggid. It's going to be fun" she says with a satisfied smirk. Great.
"Well I have a date. I need to go get ready" I tell her and she nods happily.
"I know. You go do you" she tells me.

Walking back into my room after showering and moisturizing. I pull on a pair of boxers and look for what to wear.

Walking back down the stairs I hear Seline in the kitchen with Angelica

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Walking back down the stairs I hear Seline in the kitchen with Angelica. Standing by the wall I listen to them.
"Just have fun babe. You've been technically seeing each other for a while now. Just be you, don't worry" I hear Angelica tell Seline.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous, I guess this is the date that's going to decide whether we're actually going to date and become official" she tells Angelica and I gasp. Is this what this is?
Making my entrance they both go quiet and look at me.
"Well don't you look handsome" Angelica says looking me over.
"I try love" I tell her but I can't keep my eyes off Seline. Shit she looks sexy.

She walks over to me and puts a hand on my chest and tiptoes up to kiss my cheek

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She walks over to me and puts a hand on my chest and tiptoes up to kiss my cheek.
"Angelica's right you look hot" she tells me with a sparkle in her eye that tells me she wants to be fucked. I know that look.
"You look.." I pause speechless.
"Soo fucking sexy" I tell her and she blushes looking away.
"Shall we go?" I ask her holding out my arm.
"Yeah, see you later Angelica" she says hooking her arm through mine.
"Don't wait up love" I tell her knowing Ruby's fast off already and won't wake till the morning now.
"Have fun guys" Angelica says to us and winks at me.

Arriving at the restaurant. I park my car and we both get out ready for our date.
"I still can't get over how fucking sexy you look" I say staring at her with a wide smile. She blushes which makes me smiles.
"I'm glad you like it. I wasn't sure if you would" she tells me shyly with a smile.
"You always look great, and I don't like it I fucking love it" I tell her winking then leaning in for a kiss. She giggles and accepts my offering lips.

"Table for two, Mr Johnson" I say to the lady standing there smiling at us.
"Yes sir. If you could just follow me" she says after checking her tablet. I hold my hand out and seline accepts linking our fingers.

"I love it in here Liam, its beautiful" she says smiling at me across the table.
"It is nice right" I tell her with a wink and she giggles. So fucking cute.
"I can't wait to eat I'm staving" she tells me and Im feeling exactly the same.
"Hopefully won't be too much longer" I tell with a smile. So far so good. But I just know that there is something she wants to say.

"Here's your food. Please, enjoy" the waiter says putting our food on the table.
"Thank you" we both say at the same time.
"This looks tasty but not as much as you do" I tell her looking at her smiling.
"You look just as tasty" she says biting her lip.
We start to eat in a comfortable silence.

After finishing our food we decided to skip dessert and go out for a few drinks instead.
Walking up a street holding hands with her feels good. I feel happy.
"I wanted to talk to you about Robbie" she says suddenly and I feel anger at the sound of his name.
"He's my brother Liam. I need you to promise me that you won't hurt him and I hope that you will keep that promise" she says stopping and stands in front of me looking in my eyes. Fuck.
"Your brother is a twat who will get me locked up if he don't shut his big fucking gob" I tell her trying to remain calm but feeling anything but. She looks at me confused.
"How would he get you locked up" she says raising an eyebrow.
"He ain't who you think he is sweetheart. He did a job for me and then told someone he shouldn't have" I say and she looks more confused now. Not what I was hoping for.
"Look beautiful. Hurting him hurts you so I won't touch him OK? But he needs to keep quiet otherwise he will be shut up permanently" I tell her and she steps back crossing her arms.
"Permanently? Really Liam?" she says looking unimpressed.
"He knows the world he lives in and he also knows that what he did could get him killed but from what I hear he ain't bothered" I tell her hoping to rescue this date.
"Robbie is a good man Liam. I want to keep it that way" she says and I can't help but laugh. She has no clue about her rat of a brother.
"Don't laugh at me Liam" she says annoyed.
"I'm sorry but you don't know your brother at all" I tell her and she pulls a screw face.
"Can we drop this and enjoy our night please" I ask stepping towards her and she shakes her head at me.
"Drop the fact that you just said that my brother would be shut up permanently" she shouts pissed. Fuck.
"Enjoy our night. Really? Your having a laugh" she says and turns to walk off.
"Wait please. Let me take you home" I say walking after her.
"Get fucked Liam, I ain't going home" she saying sticking her middle finger up at me. Fuck. How am I the bad guy here?

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