Chapter 65

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I know I've lost Liam and my baby girl. But what am I suppose to do? Whoever I chose I'll lose someone. I need my husband and Lexi needs a dad too. Ruby will thrive with Liam and Stacey plus being around Mya. I need to sort my marriage out and hope it doesn't affect Lexi. She's still young so she's mostly asleep. Ruby takes everything in. She doesn't need to see me and Jason off. I'm doing the right thing for my baby girl. I know Stacey will look after her like she's her own. That hurts to think that she could end up calling Stacey mum. But what am I suppose to do. I need my husband. I can't let my marriage fall.
After Liam walked out I just sit there and hold my head in my hands. He hates me. The way he looks at me like he's disgusted in me and I can see the hurt and pain in him. I caused that. Ontop of all my husband's shit. What the fuck are we going to do?
"I'm sorry babe, I did try" Stacey says walking into the kitchen and sitting down next to me.
"It's OK. I made my decision and I knew it would backfire. I have to live with it and so does Jason" I tell her and she sighs.
"I was going to stay but I think I'll go home tomorrow babe, thank you tho" I tell her because she's been nothing but nice to me. None of this is her fault.
"Your welcome to stay as long as you want to. I know it's going to be hard leaving Ruby behind but just know that she will be loved and looked after" she says and I nod feeling my tears run down my cheeks. I'm actually leaving my baby.
"I know, and I'm so grateful. Thank you" I tell her and wipe my eyes.
"Your welcome hun. If you need anything just let me know OK" she tells me and gets up to leave.
I sit there alone silently crying to myself. I hear little footsteps and I turn to see my baby girl..
"Mummy crying?" she asks and I quickly wipe them away putting on a smile for her.
"Im OK baby, now mummys going away for a little while and she will see you soon" I tell her and she looks up at me.
"Ruby go home too?" she asks me and I break down..
"Your staying with daddy baby. Your gonna play and have lots of fun here" I tell her with a smile.. She looks at me confused.
"Ruby live with mummy Ace" she says and I shake my head.
"Your going to live with daddy and Stacey now baby" I tell her and she looks lost..
"Why?" she asks me and I just look at her big brown eyes..
"Because you have to stay with daddy while mummy fixes some things at home" I just say not really knowing what to say.
"OK mummy, Ruby loves mummy" she says and my heart shatters. I can't believe I'm actually leaving my precious baby here. Jason better sort his shit out. I'm risking everything on him. But i know our marriage is worth it. It has to be..

After Ruby jumped down to go bath with her dad I sit there staring at my phone. Do I call him now? I get up and grab a bottle of alcohol from the cupboard and walk out the back door. Sitting on the wall I swig from the bottle of vodka and press call.
"Angel?" I hear instantly and I sigh.
"Jason" I say not feeling to call him Ace. He doesn't deserve it.
"I'm so happy you called, I miss you all. When are you coming home?" he asks me and I sigh again.
"Tomorrow" I tell him and he gasps.
"Everything will be perfect for when you all return angel. I can't wait to see you" he says and I roll my eyes. Is he being honest or just don't want to lose everything?
"Things need to change Jason. We can't go on like this" I tell him and he sighs..
"I know angel, our marriage is worth fighting for. I love you and want you" he tells me and I swig from the bottle thinking does he really? Has me walking out made him think..
"Thats why I'm coming home with just Lexi" I tell him and drink again feeling the tears fall. How am I going to do this?
"No angel, you can't. This is her home. I shouldn't of said what I said I'm sorry you are her mum" he says and I continue downing the drink. He can't go back now..
"It's done. Liam is keeping her. And he hates me, it's what you wanted right. Me you and Lexi to be a family. You got your wish" I tell him hicupping from my crying.
"I didn't mean that. Why would I want this? I love Ruby being with us she is apart of this family. I ment Liam and his family. I just panicked thinking you was leaving me" he says and I sigh. Well it's done now there's no going back. Not now not ever. I know Liam. I can't just say sorry about that.. Change of plan I'm taking her home. He's voilitile and I don't know how Liam is now. He looks at me like I'm nothing. I feel like I should be scared. So I take a deep breath and drink some more feeling the buzz take over.. Liam don't scare me.
"I contemplated leaving you. But then that's not a marriage. I told you I'd be there for you on our wedding day that I'd love you unconditionally and that's what I'm doing because I love you Jason" I tell him wiping my eyes and staring up at the night sky. How did all this happen? We were all having fun a day ago enjoying each others company to now all separated.
"Thank you angel, I'm glad this marriage means as much to you as it does me, I'm sad that I ruined everything and I hate that you won't be bringing my prinny home" he says and I close my eyes putting my head in my hands.
"Are you talking to Jason?" I suddenly hear Liam say being normal with me.. Weird.
"Yes, here" I say handing him my phone and he shakes his head.
"Tell him that all of this is done for now. We have something to do" Liam says and I furrow my brows.
"What you talking about?" I ask him confused.
"All you girls are going to the mansion and me and Jason are meeting Shane tomorrow. Its on" he says and I swallow. Fuck
"What about Jason's plan? It's not done isit?" I ask them both
"No it's not angel, fuck.. I need more time" Jason says and I look at Liam shaking my head.
"All I need is my brother for this, just have my back that's all I'm asking for" Liam says and I have no idea what he's about to do. But it can't be good as where all going away. Liam walks off and I hang up on Jason. Swigging from the bottle I think about Liam. Somethings changed. But what?

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now