Chapter 16

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Walking over to the seats, I've realized Liam is being strange not just a dick. Why? He won't even look at me for more than two seconds. What the fucks his problem?
Watching Ruby on the bouncy castle as Ace and Liam play with her is a picture. I pull my phone out and snap some of them and do a little video of Ruby too.
"Hey babes. Thanks for inviting Mya" Stacey comes and plops down next to me.
"It's OK. They're good together babe" I tell her smiling and watch as Mya bounces up and down trying to take off her coat and bag.
"Mummy help. I want to play with Ruby" she says getting irritated.
Victor walks up to her and helps kissing her head.
"Be a good girl Mya. Ruby's little compared to you. OK" he says to her and she smiles at him.
"Yes" she says and runs off to the castle.
"She's adorable babe. How old is she now?" I ask her looking at her.
"nearly 2 babes. Times flies don't it" she says and I nod my head agreeing. She's fucking right.
I watch as Liam's suddenly on the phone and just watching me. Hard. Seriously what the fuck? He begins to pace, looking between me and Ace but staring at me. He hangs up suddenly and stops, then he steps down and nods towards the door. Getting up I walk over to him crossing my arms.
"Can I talk to you?" he says looking at me then anywhere but.
"If you must" I say waiting for him to talk.
"Follow me" he says and I sigh out.

Following Liam into another part of the venue I close the door and stand there with my arms crossed over my bump.
"Your being weird. There's something more than what happened yesterday?" I ask him looking him in the eyes. This guy best not even lie to me.
"Just listen to me, he's in my fucking head and I can't stop it. I can't be myself around you untill I know the truth" he says looking awkward as fuck. What the actual fuck could he want to know?
"Who's in you head? And the truth about what Liam?" I ask him confused furring my brows at him.
"Do you like me?" he asks and I step back put off by the conversation and where he's going with this.
"Liam you know I love you. Your like my brother. What's this about?" I ask him and he smiles.
"So you don't like want to fuck or anything?" he asks and I think I just threw up in my mouth. Cringe.
"Absolutely fucking not! What are you talking about!" I feel bile raise up at this conversation. Why is he asking me this. Does he? Oh my god..
"Thank fuck love! I was just checking. I didn't want to break your heart and turn you down" he says winking at me. I laugh and feel a weight lifted. Weird guy is back to his usual self.
"You wish babes... And" I say expecting him to bring up Ruby.
"What I said.. About her not being yours that was low of me. I didn't mean it. She's more yours than anyone's.. Even me love. Forgive me please?" he says and I can't help but smile. He's a dick but he's our dick. I hug him and suddenly the door barges open.
"What's happening in here then? I told you son. I know a slut when I see one. She's just like your mother" I hear some one say and I turn appalled at what he's just called me.
"Excuse me.. Who the fuck are you?" I question the middle age man. Who the fuck is he? And how dare he call me a slut.
Suddenly Liam flies at him knocking his head sideways with his fist. What the fuck?
"Stop fucking with my head. Your fucking pathetic she's like my fucking sister. You need to fucking leave. Now!" Liam growls and shit he sounds scary like Ace does.
"What the fuck..." Ace stops and looks at the man on the floor.
"Liam. What did you do?" he looks straight to him with wide eyes.
"He called me a slut and I'm just like Angela?" I say to him confused.
"He said fucking what?" Ace says grabbing him lifting him from the floor then up infront of him against the wall by his clothing.
"How fucking dare you show up here like your welcome and call my wife a slut. My fucking wife" he roars in his face.
"Did you know your wife and brother are clearly fucking. I came in here and they looked awfully cosy" the man says.
"Am sorry. Who the fuck are you?" I ask wanting to know.
"Angel this is.. Henry our father" Ace tells me and I'm taken aback at this information. And he just called me a slut.
"So let me get this straight.. You think I married one brother to be fucking the other" I laugh and begin to walk out. I need to see my baby girl.
"Sort it you two, he's not ruining my daughters birthday" I say smugly knowing Henry will react.
"See.. Why's it her daughter if they aren't fucking" is all I hear Henry say as I leave to go back to the party.

Walking back into the room I see Ruby and Mya playing together nicely on the soft play area and Victor and Stacey sat together awkwardly
"Sorry about that you two" I tell them sitting down in the same seat.
"Its alright, men will be men" she says laughing and I nod laughing agreeing.
"Your damn right there.. Would you like a drink? Foods ready soon" I tell them as I look at my watch.
"Where's Liam babe?" Seline asks me walking over. She's had fun with the girls on the bouncy castle clearly. I see Becky still bouncing too. Bless them I thought with a smile.
"He's out there with Ace and there father" I say rolling my eyes but suddenly they walk in smiling.. Atleast he's gone. I hope so anyways.

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now