Chapter 81

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Two days later

Two hole fucking days of arguing and screaming at each other about everything. He doesn't want me going through with the adoption but I don't care. I'm doing it, she deserves a chance at life and she won't get one living in that environment. She'll turn out like them. Like her. Fucking psycho. Over my dead body!
Today the day. Seven years later of the death of his so called fucking mum. He's gone against what I want and that's to just stay at home but he wants to take Lexi.. Why? I have no fucking idea. But I told him I'm going where ever my babies going and he agreed.
So now I'm standing in my bedroom looking in the mirror at my bruised face looking hot. So I don't care.

Jason walks in and looks me over and just stands there staring at me with a blank expression

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Jason walks in and looks me over and just stands there staring at me with a blank expression. No smiles or growling like he normally does and that hit home. Hard.
"You look nice Angelica" he says and walks off into the bathroom. What?
"I know" I call out and feel my heart being ripped from my chest. That's not his reaction. What the fuck is happening.
I look myself over again and sigh. What's the point. I've covered ninety percent of the bruising on my face so I look presentable with the psycho's and he still just didn't even react how he would normally. Where's my Ace gone? I instantly feel sad but I'm pulled out my thoughts when the bathroom door opens. He runs out with a long towel wrapped around himself grabs his clothes and says a quick 'sorry' running out. Wait.. Is he seriously getting dressed in the fucking bathroom.
This is the worst it's gonna get.
He walks out fully dressed and the only tattoos I see are his hands and head. What the actual fuck. Again..
"I'm sorry about before. I was expecting you to have already left the room. You do look good tho seriously" he says and walks out the room.
"Wait so your what hiding your body from me? Are you serious right now?" I call after him picking Lexi up and carrying her out the room.
"What you talking about Angelica?" he asks and I raise a brow.
"You normally walk around naked or in a towel dropping it. And getting dressed in the bathroom.. What's that about?" I say and he shrugs.
"I thought that's what you'd want. Plus today isn't about you or us. It's about my mum" he says and I laugh.
"Your fucking serous right now. Where holding on by a thread and your just pushing it to the side like we ain't about to snap" I tell him and he sighs.
"Can I not have one fucking day Angelica, that's all I ask. Support me as a wife instead of moaning at me about shit I don't care about right now" he says and I push past him pissed. Is he fucking for real. He doesn't care. OK then..
Walking down the stairs I grab Lexi's bag and head out to the car. Strapping Lexi in I climb in the front and close the door behind me. He doesn't even do that for me anymore. We really are continuing to drift apart and I don't know what to do. He climbs in and pulls on his seat belt not even looking at me.
"You sure you wanna come?" he asks me and I nod
"I'm going with my daughter" I tell him and he sighs.
"I'm stopping off to grab a bottle on the way. Do any of you need anything?" he asks and I shake my head no.
"We're fine" I tell him and cross my legs. He still won't look at me. I sigh heavily and start to fidgit.
Starting the engine I sigh again knowing he won't even look at me period. What's the point.
"Problem? Angelica or you gonna keep fucking sighing" he asks and I sigh..
"Nothing I'm fine" I lie and he pulls off clearly not caring. What a joke this is.
"Will you grow up and just tell me. You clearly have something to say" he says and I shrug.
"Well?" he says glancing at me and back to the road. Did he just.. I'm confused..
"I'm fine Jason. Don't act like you care" I tell him and he sighs..
"Of course I care I fucking love you I'm just lost in today I just need today OK. We can do us tomorrow" he says and I laugh..
"That's not good enough Jason. We need to sort this now" I tell him
"Well that ain't happening, today's about my mum not you deal with it" he says and I sigh putting my head in my hands.
This is going nowhere. Why am I bothering?

Finally arriving at the cemetery after him going to the shop and keeping the bag with him I turn and see them all. My baby girl mummys here. I go to get out
"I'm taking Lexi. Stay here please angel, I don't want no drama today" he says and I sigh.
"Fine" I tell him and cross my arms. He sighs and closes the door. He takes Lexi and walks over to Liam. I watch them hug and walk over to the grave. I really don't see the point of this.
I watch Stacey with my daughter and clench my fists. Stupid fucking ugly bitch. I hate her. I observe her crouch down smiling at her talking to her and they point to the grave. Should kids even be here it's fucking depressing.
Liam puts Mya down next to Ruby and crouches down and talks to both of them. What the fuck is he saying?
Suddenly he stands up laughing and Jason does too. What's so fucking funny?
I hate them! I just want my babies.

I watch as Stacey takes Lexi and I growl loudly. What the fuck is Jason doing giving that bitch my baby. I see Liam and Jason hug again and I roll my eyes.
Suddenly they pull apart and look at Stacey laughing. They're apparently sad but keep fucking laughing. Makes no sense..
I watch them have a conversation and Jason keeps looking back at me, clearly he's talking about me. Don't fucking talk about me! Stacey then takes the bottle of JD off of Jason.. Clearly he's drunk.. Great.
But then she hands him the bottle back. Fuck sake. Now I have to deal with him and I watch them start walking towards me and I climb over to the drivers seat. My daughter and I are in this car he aint driving and I don't care what he says. Liam puts Jason into the passenger side then Lexi into her car seat giving her a little kiss.
"I'll see you soon baby girl" he says to her and I roll my eyes. No you fucking won't. He closes the door and looks at me.
"Make sure he doesn't drink to much, it's nice to see you" Liam says and I look at him with furrowed brows and he smiles. He's so fucking weird.
"I want my daughter Liam where is she" I say and he rolls his eyes and shuts the door and walks off. What the fuck.
"Drive safe" he says and hits the bonnet jogging off to his own car. What the actual fuck...

His Dark Angel | DARKNESS SERIES #3 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now