♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1♡︎

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"Everyday was the usual, get ignored at.Am I really that bad?" I thought to myself.I head down to the frontlines and waited for my orders to fight.I put my head down not looking at the other arch angels, I know they wouldn't bother even looking at me anyways."Go now!" Lunodion yelled and we flew forward to battle.We managed to kill half of the curses but there were still more stronger ones waiting for us.I was fighting a curse until it hit me and I flew a few miles.I hit a tree and I spat blood out my mouth.I fell down and regain my strength to get up.I look up and see a man with four arms,four eyes, and tattoo all over his body.

I knew straight away that it was the king of curses."oh a puny Angel has come and challenge me eh?" He said opening his eyes and look at me.I felt the intense curse he has and it shiver me down my spine."I'm sorry I'm not here to kill you" I said bowing down many times."tch lies, that's all you angels do is lie" Sukuna said clearly pissed off "and why do you keep apologizing it's annoying!" I froze at what he said.I smiled and start to tear up a bit"so you think the same way too..." I said sniffling.I pick my head up still smiling "that's nice to know that you think I'm annoying as well" I said holding back my tears."as well what is this angel talking about?" Sukuna thought to himself.I flout a few feet away from Sukuna and told him everything.After I told him everything his eyes soften.

I was about to land on my feet when a sword came flying at my way like light.I couldn't dodge it in time and it hit on my hearts.Angels we're born with eight hearts so if you destroy all of them the Angel would die.I fell to the ground and saw my commander.Her eyes were filled with anger.She step on the sword she threw at me "how dare you not kill the king of curses you worthless piece of shit!" She yelled pressing more pressure on the sword.I spat more blood out and struggled.In a swift move my commander was cut in half.I laid in fear not being able to move.I move the sword from my chest and begin reverse.A type of healing I got from birth.

I was able to reverse the wound I got and smiled.Then Sukuna pick me up and put me over his right shoulder "I decided to make you my wife" he said walking."huh" I said turning stone and almost crumbling.I blink back into reality and started to move around a lot.I wanted him to let go and leave me alone,his foolish words will never get me.Then he hit my behind "h-hey you can't hit a lady's behind like that" I yelled and touch my behind as my face grew redder by the second.He chuckle "ah sorry you was moving around too much I had to do something" he said.

Something in my heart is telling me something that I should protect him at all cost.I smiled and let go of my behind "you know your not as bad as the rumor says you are" I whisper."How bad did they I was" he asked me."well all they said was you were a gruesome curse who would killed anyone or anything in his way with one hit of his spear" I said."Did they have to be that dramatic though" he said."that's what rumor said Sukuna not me" I giggled."so what do you think of me princess" he look at me."U-Um I-I think that y-your a g-great man and-d that your c-cool" I sweated nervously."oh is the princess lying you really suck at lying though it's too bad" he said teasingly."hmph I may be bad at lying but I'm good at telling the truth-" I paused at what my final words.

"Ohh so your good at telling the truth I see" he said smirking."Ugh fine I'll tell you what I think of you" I yelled in frustration but got a red face."I think your a hot, brilliant king who is strong enough for himself!There finished is that all" I said hitting his head every one minute "oo do you think I'm hot?And stop with the hitting in the head" he said.This was actually the first time I fell in love and that someone love me,I felt happy...Sukuna was much more stronger than the jujutsu sorcerer and surprising the angels too.He ended the war and victory has gone to the curses.Then everything went back to normal after the war.Me and Sukuna was sitting by a tree and looking at the sunset.

"Beautiful.." I said smiling.I felt Sukuna hand around my wrist and I look down "what's this?" I questioned him holding up my left wrist having a bell wrap around."Just to know who comes in the room" he look at my eyes.I smiled and turned towards him,I put my hands on his chest and buried my face in it.I started to feel sleepy and end up sleeping on Sukuna.

•Years later•

Me and Sukuna recently got married and living our best life even though jujutsu sorcerers are chasing us.I was walking around in the forest at night bathing in the moonlight.I heard a stick crack and I ran as fast as I could.I grew my wings but they end up getting hurt.I flinch but kept running "where are you Sukuna!" I yelled in my thoughts.I was running until I trip on a fallen branch and hit my face on the ground.I quickly got up but I met my fate at last.When I stand up a thin sword went through me.I spat out blood and regain my balance.I placed my right hand on a tree and pushed my body to move forward.I look back and I saw blood on Sukuna.He rushes towards me and I smiled weakly "y/n love are you ok?!" He said worriedly.I clenched onto his left arm and moved to his chest "I..I'm sorry.." I sniffled holding back my tears.I coughed and my blood splatter on his chest "I...feel sleepy...Sukuna.." I slowly closed my eyes hearing distant voices from Sukuna "I'm glad to be love by you".

No one POV
Y/n body felled to Sukuna right side and he cried.He held y/n lifeless body in his arms,his lover dying in his arms was the worst.Tears flowed down his face and he decided that all jujutsu sorcerers must died and be hated by him.And so the legend goes on that Sukuna was the strongest curse ever but still got defeated by a jujutsu sorcerer.His hands were strip from him causing Sukuna to be weak stored over three thousand years in a seal.But who knew that three thousand years would be over for Sukuna.

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