♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 16♡︎

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3rd POV
"Some have presences that are too overwhelming.Some may keep very quiet.Some have already been absorbed by a cursed spirit" Megumi thought as the cursed smiled widely."This is resonance.Sukuna's finger kept its power repressed within the cursed that absorbs it,but back in June,when Sukuna manifested in Itadori, it also released its cursed energy" Megumi thought.

The same cursed from before attack Megumi and Itadori.It hit the ground causing an hole and dust clouds."It looks the same" Megumi thought as it squished its cheek.
-Flashback over-

The cursed took a deep breath and spat some cursed energy into its hand."as the one from Juvenile detention center,but it's probably several degrees..." Megumi thought while the cursed pulled back on the cursed energy ready to attack Megumi.Megumi gasp as the cursed ready it's aim towards Megumi.It pulled back and released the cursed energy at Megumi at high speed.Y/n was right, this was the same cursed they met, but how did she know this?Megumi never thought much of Y/n words as she went through the black substance,but now he knows.

The shot made Megumi flew backwards as the ground behind him rises into block.The sword broke in half as Megumi was shock "stronger!" Megumi thought and he landed on the ground.Megumi raised his head up and the cursed spirit was already behind him within seconds.It laughed manically as its fist was covered in cursed energy.It went to aim for Megumi head but he dodged it in time.With the help of his cursed spirit he was able to dodged it."Nue!" Megumi had his hand out.

The cursed spirit was in front of Megumi with its fist up in the air.
Megumi hit the ground backwards grunting in a half sunny room."Okay, I win again!" Gojo shook his hand that he hit Megumi with for who knows how many times by now.Megumi sat up "how very unusual.You rarely ask me to train you, Megumi" Gojo said smiling as he had black shaded glasses on instead of his blindfold."Are you in a rush to catch up to Yuji after he surpassed you?" Gojo questioned Megumi."Well, begets can't be choosers" Megumi sat with his legs crossed as he answered Gojo."It bothers you that much to rely on me?" Gojo teases Megumi.

"Megumi, listen.I think you have much abilities and potential as Yuji does.But the problem is your mindset.Megumi, you don't know how to bring out your best, do you?" Gojo said making Megumi eyes grew wide then into anger."Huh?Are you saying that I'm not giving it my best?" Megumi angrily said."Please calm down Megumi-kun!" Y/n said from the corner of the room."Even though it's advise from Gojo...that idiot doesn't even know how to explain it to him nicely" Y/n thought."For example, in the baseball game the other day..." Gojo said.

It was Megumi turned to hit the ball with the bat bat as his team was ready to run into the next plate."Why did you go for a sacrifice bunt?" Gojo said.Megumi hit the ball in the middle of the bat and ran to the first plate.But he ends up out since he didn't touch it.
-Flashback over-

"Did you want Nobara to advance to the bases,even if it means your out?Thats a splendid attitude," Gojo said.

It was Itadori turn to hit the ball for the team to win the match."But Yuji and I would always go for a home run" Gojo said.The ball aimed at Itadori and he hit the ball sending it up into the air and over the tall fence.
-Flashback over-

"I'm not saying that a bunt is bad.Baseball is a team sport,and everyone has their role to play with.But jujutsu sorcery is an individual sport." Gojo said walking up to Megumi who was still sitting down on the ground."Coordinating with other sorcerers is important, isn't it?" Megumi said."Sure" Gojo said and stop in front of Megumi and squat down."But no matter how many allies  you have around you," Gojo said in a sweet tone."when you die,you'll be all alone" Gojo said in a harsh tone.

"You can only piece together undervalued data on yourself and others.You can't imagine a stronger future version of yourself.Maybe that's your trump card?You believe in the worst case scenario,you can resolve everything at the cost of your life" Gojo said making Megumi eyes grew."But at that point,forget about it me.You'll never measure up to Nanami or even Y/n.Dying to win and risking death to just win..." Gojo said and he flicks Megumi forehead."are completely different, Megumi" Gojo said as Megumi eyes grew more wide."Give it your best.Be greedier" Gojo said.Megumi stood up and left the room leaving Y/n and Gojo in the room.

The two stood up and Y/n walk next to Gojo."You could have said it in the nicest way possible Gojo-sensei" Y/n said."He learn from the strictest teacher" Gojo face with all bright."Just like his father I guess" Y/n shrugs her shoulder."Success!" Gojo and Y/n high-five each other.
Megumi back was in the wall and it had a big crack.Megumi was on the ground with his head bleeding.Megumi opened his eyes slowly as blood drip down."How many seconds was I unconscious?" Megumi thought as he look up slowly."My demon dog's destroyed...no, the technique was released" Megumi thought as he saw the cursed smiling as it scoffed.

"This is it for me" Megumi though as he raised his hand into the air and clench it hard."Sacred treasure, swing..." Megumi said serious.The cursed spirit eyes grew wide a bit and jump backwards making his distances away from Megumi as far as possible.

Sukuna was in Itadori and he scoffed as he put his hand down from his chin."What a waste of talent I must say" Sukuna taunts.
-Flashback over-

Megumi grew a smile and it was not a good one.He raised his arms into the air and opened his eyes as his smile was sadistic."Screw it!" Megumi said.Megumi then starts to stand up as he felt powerful again."A jujutsu sorcerer's growth curve isn't necessarily a gentle slope" Gojo said.The cursed was confused as it thought that Megumi was already died.

"Back then,why did you run away?" Sukuna said as Megumi was running away from the fight that was gonna happened.
-Flashback over-

Megumi stood up weakly as blood continued to drip down his face."Spit out of the entire depths of my shadow...worry about a specific structure later,and just push out as soon as I collect the cursed energy" Megumi said as the cursed groan."Imagine a future version of myself who's freely surpassing my limits!" Megumi thought as he raised his hand.His right index finger was on top of his left index finger,while the right middle finger was on top of the left middle finger and the rest of his fingers closed."I'll do it!" Megumi shouts with his sadistic smile.
"I'm tired as I finished the rest of chapter at night, but thanks for reading my book" A/n

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