♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 36♡︎

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3rd POV
"Amanai's bounty has already been lifted, you idiot" Gojo smirks."Yeah, because I took it down, Mr.Hotshot.For guys with no openings like you, I took the advantage by creating an illusion of achieving goals.It was hilarious that you guys went to Okinawa though.Its regrettable that none of the sorcerers with you died, but if there wasn't any time limit on the bounty...you probably wouldn't have stopped your technique until the end" Toji says.

"Is that right?" Gojo smiles grew wider and aimed his technique at Toji.Blowing off almost the whole structure in front of him.Luckily Toji jumped away in time to get hit by the technique.He landed on the roof behind Gojo with a smile.

"He's not just fast.I knew there was something weird about this guy.He had zero cursed energy!It's all innate physical prowess!I can't read his moves!!" Gojo thought with shock in this unknown man strength.Toji appeared in front of Gojo with two katanas with an intent to kill him.

Toji was quick enough to dodge Gojo next attack and disappeared somewhere.Gojo thought he hit Toji into the building on his right."He knows about my cursed technique.That's why he laid low.He has to have a plan.Especially something to do with that cursed tool he just took out" Gojo thought thinking he damage or even injured Toji in the slightest.

"Is that your treasure?Too bad you can't get close enough to use it" Gojo cockily says with an grin.He notices that Toji wasn't there and he was missing."Where is he?!" Gojo mind races.Everywhere was silent and Gojo can't detect him if Toji doesn't have any cursed energy.

"I can't sense him without cursed energy.Should I rely on instinct?No, I'll try and sense the energy of that cursed spirit wrapped around him" Gojo got slowly got into position."Why's he so fast?!" Gojo mind races but calms it down."Got no choice!" Gojo says.

CURSED TECHNIQUE LAPSE: MAXIMUM CURSED ENERGY OUTPUT, AZURE GLOW.Gojo starts destroying everything around causing all rocks and shambles onto the ground.A circle dugged into the ground around him."Now there's nothing in the way to block my view.No surprises attacks" Gojo had a smile."Hiding in the forest?" Gojo mumbles.

Gojo notices far away that there's a swarm of fly heads coming to his way."Those are...Fly Heads?!" Gojo thought.They came close to him but luckily Gojo limitless was used.

But they was blocki his view from Toji."They we're stored inside of that cursed spirit" Gojo thought smiling."I see, using them like a chaff grenade" Gojo says."I can't locate him, and my view is blocked again.I'll use azure glow...no, but his target is...Amanai-" Gojo thought right as Toji was behind him with a special grade cursed tool: Inverted Spear of Heaven.

"The sharp instinct that can detect me even when unarmed.With your six eyes, you can see the foreign cursed energy that flows out of this cursed tool.You don't want to let it get close.So now you're finally on defensive" Toji thought and stab Gojo in the neck.

"Oh my this amazing!" Y/n mouth open to show a shock face."Who knew this was gonna happened, this is getting more interesting" Y/n giggles.It was like everything underneath her was going everything according to plan."The battles must go on, who thought the weilder of the six eyes on the current year would be this weak against a non-sorcerer" Y/n shakes her head in disappointment.

But yet this all thrilled her into excitement and waiting for the climax of the show.Gojo was in shock and Toji used it as his moment to quickly take down Gojo quickly.

He took out the blade and quickly stabs Gojo in the leg.Gojo falls down onto the blood with his own blood surrounding him on the ground."I'm starting to...remember how to do this" Toji says walking away.AT THE BOTTOM OF JUJUTSU KAISEN.TOMBS OF THE STAR CORRIDOR.

The elevator was descending down and it opened revealing Kuroi."Master Riko.This is as fas as I go.Master Riko, please take..." Kuroi was on the edge of crying.She felt Aiko hand on her face then engulf her into a hug."Kuroi!I love you!Always!Now and forever!!" Aiko yells with tears running down her cheek.

"I-I love you too..!" Kuroi sobs into the hug.The last embrace before Aiko leaves Kuroi and the others.Geto looks at the two, a bit upset that Aiko will be gone after all of this.Even though they've known each other for a short time, he enjoyed them all."Is this..?" Aiko questions at the place in front of her.

"Yes" Geto answers."We're just outside of where Master Tengen resides...this is the country's base for primary barriers...THE MAIN HALL OF THE TOMBS OF THE STARS!" Geto says.

"Go down the stairs and pass the gate.Then head toward the base of that huge tree.It's protected by a different barrier than the one around Jujutsu High.Only those invited may enter.You'll be protected by Master Tengen until the merger.Or you can turn back...and return home with Kuroi" Geto says."...what?" Aiko asked confused.

"When we were assigned this mission by our teacher...he referred to the merger as an 'erasure.'It's as if he looked at it as something is wrong.For a guy that smart, he likes to beat around the bush.Satoru and I both came to a decision before we met you.If the kid who is the Star plasma vessel should refuse the merger..." Geto says.

"...Then we call it off!" Gojo says annoyed."Heh heh heh...you sure about that?" Geto chuckles at Gojo statement."Huh?" Gojo says."We might have to fight Master Tengen" Geto says."You scared?" Gojo grins."Not really.We should be fine..." Geto says
-Flashback ends-

"We're...the strongest.No matter what you choose...we promise to protect your future" Geto words warm Aiko heart.Her heart ache so much hearing those words."...I...ever since I was born, I've been told that I'm special and different.Being special was normal for me."

"I've stayed away from dangerous things and survived until now.My parents died in a car crash.I don't remember it.I'm not sad or lonely anymore.That's why...with the merger, I thought I'd be okay...leaving everyone" Aiko says with her throat closed and tears emerging.

"No matter how painful it became, I believed that...someday...the sadness and loneliness would disappear.But...but now...I want to be with everyone more!" She sobs loudly saying want she wanted to say for a long time now.

"I want to go to more places and see more things with everyone...more!!" She yells in which Geto sighs seeing that she made a decision."Riko...let's go home" Geto put his hand out and so did Aiko."Yeah!" Aiko says and then she was hot through the head.

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