Chapter 50

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3rd POV

~With Ogami~

Toji watch as Ino was dropping to the ground but was save by [name]."There goes the curtain..What now, Grandma?Wha..Wha..W-W-W...What now?" Toji spoke.

"Satoru Gojo isn't around.It's not a problem.You go down and keep killing sorcerers" Ogami spoke to her grandchild who didn't say anything."..?Grandchild?" Ogami spoke as Toji turned his head with a scowling look."Hey, old hag.Who the hell do you think you're givin' orders to?!" Toji had a pissed off face as he look at Ogami.

Ogami eyes widen as she jump back away from Toji."What's going on..?I only summoned the body's information!!" Ogami spoke in a frantic."Summon..?Oh, gotcha" Toji says in a chill tone.

"My rule is never to summon the soul's information to avoid this exact worst-case scenario!!" Ogami thought as Toji raised a finger up to his chin."I'm not exactly sure what's goin' on, but my body's special.I'd say this guy's soul lost to my body" Toji says."The soul lost to the body?!" Ogami thought."It's not possible!" Ogami yells as sweat began to drip from her face.

"Kill sorcerers, huh?I guess that includes you!" Toji yells as he was already in front of Ogami with a fist."Wai-" Ogami was gonna stop him but it was too late.He killed her within seconds with no doubt but to enjoy killing anything and everything.

~With Itadori~

"How is he?!" Itadori said to Megumi.

"Can't say he's okay.But he's not dead" Megumi said."I'm gonna knock 'em out" Itadori said as a tick mark appeared on his forehead."Itadori!I get it, but calm down.Think about our priority!"Megumi yells at Itadori who tsk in anger.

"Gojo sensei.." Itadori sneers."The curtain's gone.And those guys up there might already fled.We have to get Ino outta here" Megumi says.Itadori then sighs as he let go of his anger."I'll leave Ino to you.I'm heading to the station" Itadori says."Right, that's actually the best move.But going at it alone in Shibuya right now.." Megumi thought but decided to let Itadori go anyway.

"Fine.But-" Megumi was gonna say something until Itadori said it himself.

" 'If you die, I'll kill you!'Right?" Itadori said as his eyes turned to Megumi who just nodded."No worries, dude!I'be got Mechamaru and my mom here with me!!" Itadori says as he points to Mechamaru in one hand and the other at [name].

"Even thought Mechamaru hasn't been responding for a while now..." Itadori thought."I can heal Ino, but he'll still be unconscious" [name] spoke smiling at Megumi as she crouch at his level."That'll be great, thanks [name]" Megumi sighs in relief.[Name] used heal on Ino as the bright green light covered his body and all his wounds were re-closing by itself.Soon it looks like he didn't get hurt or injured any way.

Megumi said his thanks to [name] and she said it was okay.

~With Nanami~

Nanami eyes were widen when he saw the mess in front of him.Ichiji was on the ground bleeding badly as he laid motionless.

~With Mei Mei // 10:02 P.M. // Tokyo Metro Between Meijijingumae and Shibuya~

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