Chapter 56

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3rd POV

WARNING: this chapter is short!Please excuse for turning this book into a slow-burn!!

Megumi suddenly felt his back getting slashed by a weapon.

Megumi fell forward as blood came from his back.Shigemo was the one responsible for injuring the poor male.

"There we go!This is what I'm talking about!I'm better suited for this kinda stuff!" Shigemo spoke as his broken nose was still bleeding.


Panda and Kusakabe was both together as they were in front of Shibuya Stream.

"Kusakabe...haven't we checked enough of these buildings?They're still in the curtain, but thanks to Toge, the civilians are somewhere safe."

"Let's find Satoru already.Where the heck is Fukutoshin line B5F anyway?Toge confirmed Gojo's sealing too, so we better hurry" Panda spoke looking at the male.

"Gojo's...Not the only person who matters, you know?!" Kusakabe turned his head to the panda yelling.

Panda then gasp out as realization struck him."What is there's someone scared and hiding somewhere?For instance...a young school-girl."

"Just think if we didn't find her!We might as well be accomplices to the ruination of a bright future full of promises!" Kusakabe explained out making Panda worried.

"I...I guess you're right!" Panda puts a hand on his chin with a serious and yet worried look."If you get it, then get back to searching!"

"No stone left unturned you idiot!" Kusakabe stuff his hands down into the coat of his pocket."This is bad.I'm at my limit with the excuses.There's no way I'm gonna go down to B5F."

"I gotta buy some more time, cuz...I don't wanna die!The fewer people around, the sharper Panda's nose becomes.He might end up going to B5F by himself.But I want to avoid that too, cuz...I don't wanna be alone in Shibuya right now!"

"Even though he's a panda, he's more humane than I am.But since he's a panda, he's got no sense of direction in Shibuya."

"He doesn't realize that Fukutoshin line is literally around the corner if we go from the ground level" Kusakabe thought while looking at Panda."I'm gonna look over there!" Panda points to a random direction confident finding any people left.

"Gotcha, look carefully!" Kusakabe nodded while Panda ran off."I'm gonna buy some time by pretending to be lost after entering the station from the Shin-Minami entrance.

After all, this is the group that sealed Gojo...and what the hell's up with the huge cursed energy appearing and disappearing?" Kusakabe sighed at his thought before massaging his shoulder.

"No thanks!To hell with this" he groans out before he looks up.Panda then turns around and looks up as well to see two people standing on the connecting glass bridge above them.

"You're jujutsu sorcerers, right?Just give up.I don't wanna kill a sorcerer" Toshihisa spoke out."...Panda.There're three behind us."

"Probably more hiding" Kusakabe whispers to Panda before speaking to the two strangers who could be their potential enemies.

"I don't wanna be killed either, but I really can't say 'sure!' " Kusakabe voice became loud enough for Toshihisa and Manami."Please tell us your story.And take as muuuch time as you want" Panda spoke out.

"We've inherited master Geto's will.Since you're from Jujutsu high, I imagine I don't need to say more" Manami spoke out in a stern and serious voice.


"Help that guy?You mean so we can eventually get master Geto's body back...right?" Nanako eyes narrowed as her brows furrowed showing signs of anger as her tone and words were sharp.

"No.We know neither the imposter's objective nor their identity.If Satoru Gojo is incapacitated and the world falls into chaos, the non-sorcerer monkey's will be the one who suffer."

"Only the strongest will survive.Monkey's will be weeded out, sorcerers will increase and curses will disappear."

"For now, we're helping for the sake of the world master Geto envisioned.His body is no concern of ours."

"That's what it means to inherit his will" Toshihisa boredly explained wanting to get his words through Nanako thick dumb head to understand."Stop your blabbering already."

"Like hell we're gonna let our loved one's body be used like a zombie.Master Geto's story has come to an end.I'm not gonna let his legacy be tainted" Nanako angrily speaks out.

"Act like an adult Nanako" Manami furrowed her brows in anger making Nanako shut her mouth for a few seconds.

"Adult or child...what the hell does that matter?!" Nanako burst out angry as she took her phone out holding it as Manami and Toshihisa was ready to fight back."GRRRAHH!!" Larue shouts out causing the ground behind them to crack as they stop.

"Stop.Both of you.Suguru wouldn't want us fighting like this.Neither of you are wrong.We'll go out separate ways and do what we want" Larue was calm and collective as he was leaning on the pillar.

"What about you, Larue?" Nanako looks at the taller male while Mimiko was intensely staring at him quietly.

"I won't go with either of you.Sam as Miguel, I just wanted to help Suguru become king.But never forget...we are family.The day will come when we break bread again" Larue said.


"So, do you surrender?" Toshihisa shouts out."I don't like indecisive men" Manami mutters out with a annoyed sigh.

"I guess I don't count since I'm a panda!" Panda points at himself while chuckling at his own joke."Damn, is the story finished already?"

"But to be honest...but to be honest..a group led by sorcerers of this level?This is too good.Gonna take my time here and avoid any fights with special grade curses" Kusakabe grins out.

He spat out his finished lollipop stick and held his closed blade in front of him.Panda looks surprised but he was a bit in awe to see what cursed technique Kusakabe has.

"New shadow style: Evening moon sword drawing" Kusakabe was ready to swing his attack as his knees almost touch the ground as he was crouching down.

"...So that's your answer" Toshihisa raised his right arm up while staring at Kusakabe unamused by everything so far.

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