♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 22♡︎

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3rd POV
"Once they land a Black Flash, sorcerers temporarily enter a state athletes call 'the zone' " Nanami said."Damn it!" Eso screams as he hold his injured chest and Itadori was going to hit Eso with an attack."It wasn't a technique to turn the curse on the user?!" Eso thought and Itadori was about to land the hit on Eso."Sorry" Itadori said to Eso and hit Eso in the stomach resulting in the ground below them cracking and dust clouds appearing.Itadori brought Eao body to where the other two was at and put Eao onto the wall.He brought Kechizu with the help of Nobara next to Eso body.
Choso, Mahito, and Geto were playing a game.

Choso stops what he was doing as he felt his two brothers gone."Geto, the stock certificate" Mahito said pointing at Geto."What's the matter, Choso?" Geto said."Hurry up" Mahito impatiently said as he hold his hand out.Choso accidentally broke the car in his hand with three fingers."Hey!Don't break the pieces!" Mahito angrily said like an child."My younger brothers died" He said coldly."You can tell?" Geto said quite amused while Mahito was acting like a child."What's going on?Its one thing if he was fully manifested, but I find it hard to to believe those two were killed by a single finger of a cursed spirit" Choso said as Mahito pouted and begins searching if here was any extras.

"Hold on" Geto said as his phone rang" and he look at his phone.His face was turned to a frown almost from the news he had received and chuckles lightly."We have just received a report.Eso and Kechizu were killed by first-years of Jujutsu High..." Geto said gaining the attention of Choso and Mahito who stop rumbling around."Itadori Yuji and his group" Geto said referring to Itadori, Nobara, Megumi, and Y/n.Mahito was silent and then he pick up his head smiling then laughs.
Akari was in the car calling the group and no on picked up."The number you have dialed is-" the femal voice said."Iknew it!They're not answering!" Akari angrily said."Where did those brats go?!" Akari drove off into the distance.

Nobara, Itadori, and Y/n were all walking together back to where Megumi was at."Kugisaki, you okay?" Itadori ask."Oh, yeah.Though it might leave scars.I wonder if those old guys are all right.Their truck's gone, too.The poison's...well, if we head home now, I wonder if Shoko-san'll be awake.And I wonder if she'll be sober..." Nobara said and looks at Itadori who was fidgeting."What are you fidgeting for?Its creepy" Nobara said."I was wondering if this was your first time killing instead of exorcising" Itadori said."What about you?" Nobara questioned."I did it once before...no, I guess it isn't fair to call it once.It was three people" Itadori admit.

"I think you're doing worst than me here" Nobara said and sighs."To be blunt, this was nothing to me.These things happen when you're a sorcerer.I'm no Fushiguro, but ultimately, there are only so many people we can save.There are only so many seats open in my life, and I don't want to let my heart swayed by anyone who's not sitting in one of them.Is that mean?Of course, there are also people like you who bring their own seat and sit down" Nobara said."It might not mean much, but we didn't have room to worry about whether they were cursed spirits or curse users.Even if they were human, we don't have a technique to keep anyone that strong restrained long-term.You know that, right?" Nobara said.

"Bu he cried when he saw his brother die before him" Itadori said."I see" Nobara said."I'm happy that you,I, and Y/n were spared and are still alive.It's a big relief.But tears were shed over the lives I ended tonight.That's all" Itadori said."I see.I'm that case, we're accomplices" Nobara said."Hey how do you feel Y/n?" Nobara said."Tired, but mostly hungry" Y/ admits."Killing may happen, Tears shed over their love ones, it all happens in my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it.All for the sake of God they said" Y/n said."Oh..." Itadori said.They all arrived where Megumi was at and see him "dead"."F-Fushiguro?!" Nobara and Itadori said making his eyes flutter open.

"Oh, you're back.I'm glad you're safe" Megumi said."I-I was so scared!I thought you were dead!Thank goodness!" Itadori and Mobara said at the same time."Megumi-kun!" Y/n jumps onto Megumi almost making him crack another bone or so."Careful geez I'm injured as well" Megumi said."Could you two lower you voices?My head hurts" Megumi said and Y/n just fell down into the ground tired to move any longer."Don't go to sleep with the Sukuna's finger in your hand.That's dangerous" Nobara said.

"How do you know about the finger?" Megumi questioned visibly confused."You have the energy to ask about that?" Nobara said."Nope.Just contact Nitts-san for now.We need to get it sealed at once.Cursed spirits are approaching" Megumi said."Should I eat it?" Itadori said."Its not leftovers" Nobara interject."We don't have an clear idea of how many fingers you can handle.But don't eat it" Megumi said holding the Sukuna finger."But I will hand it over to you, since you have the most energy.I'll say this again, though.Don't eat it" Megumi said warning Itadori."He thinks I have the intelligence of a dog" Itadori thought and was about to grab the finger when Sukuna mouth appeared on his hand and ate it.

Megumi and Itadori stands there like idiots.Then Megumi faced turned into annoyance and Sukuna marks appeared on Itadori face.He begins to make weird noise and random movements."We just said not to eat it!" Megumi and Nobara yells."Huh?Me?!" Itadori yells pointing at himself as Y/n softly laughs."This guy seriously...he did hardly any work this time, either!" Itadori looks at his right hand where Sukuna was just at.

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