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3rd POV
It was the day before Halloween and everyone in Jujitsu High decorated everything even their dorm rooms."So exactly what's this 'Halloween' thing" Sukuna had his arms crossed slightly confused."Basically an event that people gets to have fun!Like treat-or-treating, corn mazes, and haunted houses!" Gojo smiles as he explained to Sukuna."So no fights or anything that contains blood?" Sukuna rose a brow."Nope!" Gojo answered quick.

"Sounds boring even though it has a pretty cool name" he said."What are you being for Halloween Y/n?" Itadori said."Yea we told you what we are, now you tell us" Nobara said."Well I have two in mind but I need your help Nobara" Y/n said."Sure!I'd be glad to help!" Nobara smiles in reassurance."For what I'm being for Halloween is a cow or an cat witch" Y/n smiles innocently.

Nobara and Megumi eyes widen while Sukuna and Itadori laid clueless."Really?I never thought that your 'that' type of person" Megumi said making Nobara nod her head in agreement."Some things are meant to be kept a secret" Y/n put a finger on her lips."Sometimes I think innocence looking people could be scary and weird" Nobara said."Hey!" Y/n yells.

"Oh so Y/n is going for 'that' " Gojo peeps from Sukuna body."What are they talking about?" Sukuna said."Well they are talking about what they are gonna wear for Halloween.I forgot to say that you can dress up as anything you like"  Gojo said."Hmm I go for a cow" Nobara snaps her fingers."Your really planning on deciding anyways!" Megumi body shook as he shouts at Nobara."Yea that sounds good" Y/n nods her head ignoring Megumi shouts.

"Told ya" Nobara puts a thumbs up as she also ignores Megumi shouts."Your gonna have a great time" Gojo smiles putting his hand on Sukuna shoulder."Wait what?" Sukuna bluntly said as Gojo walks away."Hey tell me you stupid blind bastard!" Sukuna yells."I'll show you how I look like in the cow, let's go" Y/n tugs on Nobara and they both walk back to Y/n room.

They arrived after a few minutes of walking and Y/n opened the door."I'll go change you can wait on the bed" Y/n points at the bed.She went inside the bathroom to change while Nobara sat down on the bed.Y/n room look rather boring than the others.She only had a mirror, book shelf, a desk, closet, and a drawer."Man she really needs to decorate this room" Nobara sighs and Y/n exited out the bathroom."So how is it?" Y/n questioned looking at herself.

"Wow you look amazing!" Nobara shouts standing up from her seat."I look weird.." Y/n mumbles.Y/n looks at Nobara chest then back at hers then repeated it a few times."Why did he pick me out of all girls" Y/n mop as she was instantly on the ground."Eh?" Nobara was confused."I-It's okay!I promise!" Nobara tries to reassure Y/n."My chest is small" Y/n mops."Ah there's no better way helping is there" Nobara said."You still look great" Nobara smiles."Really?" Y/n looked up at Nobara with teary eyes."Yep!As your best friend you look great!" Nobara said.

"Thank you" Y/n wipe her tears.She got up and change out of her costume.She finished after a few minutes and left the bathroom."Gojo is sending us on another mission, let's go" Nobara said."Okay" Y/n said and they both left the room to meet up with the others.
They all arrived at the location they were given."A lake?" Nobara tilt her head in confusion."What makes an lake be cursed" Itadori tilt his head.

"Maybe something to do with the water or anything else that might stick out.Kinda like how someone is curious and they sometimes end up dying" Y/n said and Megumi nod his head in agreement."That sounds scary" Itadori shivered."Let's split into two teams, Me and Itadori and Nobara and Megumi" Y/n said and they all agreed.Y/n and Itadori decided to explore the forest while Nobara and Megumi is exploring around the lake."Nothing looks suspicious at all" Itadori said.

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