♡𝑆︎𝑎𝑑 𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙♡︎[edited]

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3rd POV
"So to start off, Y/n" A/n says with hands folded with an serious face."Yes?" Y/n brow quirk in questioning what's going on."Did you know I've decided to end the book without continuing or even finishing it" A/n says as an dark shadow covered her face.

"H-Huh?!" Y/n stutters in shock."You don't mean to tell me that your ending the book as it is!!" Y/n slams her hand on the table with a hint of anger."I've thought about a lot and didn't want to let people down."

"But I think it's time for me to end it like it is..." A/n voice trails off.Although this was a tough decision she made on her own, it still hurts her to do this.

She knew that everyone enjoyed it and want to continue it.But something in her head said otherwise."What about the audience?What about what they want!" Y/n screams in rage.Sukuna held onto Y/n wrist and shook his head indicating to calm down.

She sighs and sat down angrily."I know...but I just kind of want to end it.Although this may be a long book, there was the perks of using the manga and adding details from what they were doing" A/n added with a hint of stress.

"I do would like to apologize to them personally about this.So I would say that I'm super sorry to end this book on short notice."

"But I have my certain reasons why" A/n says."Have you even thought about the other books I've done and some that are in drafts because I didn't release them yet,it's quite difficult as I want to focus working on them" A/n rubs her template sighing.
"I thank everyone whom has read this book and personally enjoyed it.But I have come to a decision to end it on a short noticed.I'm really sorry and hope you find my other books interesting to read at least.Thank you for supporting this book, I hope you all have a good day..."
"I'm making a second book of this story, I hope you'll wait for it :)"

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