♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3♡︎

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Sorry for the late chapter just busting with maintaining my YT channel and this account :)
3rd POV
Itadori and Gojo went to the hospital where Itadori grandpa died.They went into the ash room and Itadori place his ashes on the table.Gojo and Itadori started to talk about his goal after seeing his grandpa dead.Itadori agreed to to eat all of the Sukuna finger and to use his strength to keep everyone safe.Gojo smiled and gave him another Sukuna finger he had on him.Itadori grab the finger and ate it, he closed his eyes.He body pulsed as his face became Sukuna for a few seconds and Gojo was ready to kill him now or never.Itadori hold his throat and stick out his tongue in disgust "ack that taste disgusting" he spat."Ah you control Sukuna very well, I was gonna kill you if you went out of control" Gojo smiled and Itadori had a face of disbelief.

They both walk to Jujutsu High and talk a bit.Itadori bumped into a girl which is normal because of the busy crossroad."Ah I'm sorry...!" Itadori smiled cheekily."It's fine the crossroad are sure busy, so you can bump into anyone at any moment" the girl said with a smile as her hat was covering her eyes.Her hair was down and silky white as she was wearing a black hat, an oversized t-shirt, and baggy pants."Yeah I agree!" Itadori smiled."Ah!Y/n!" Gojo yelled surprised."Eh?!Gojo-sensei!What an encounter to meet you here!I just finished my solo mission an hour ago and wanted to rest" the girl name y/n smiled as she took off her hat.Her skin was pale with light grey soft eyes."A new student?" Y/n spoke as she shoke Itadori hand."Yes he is and a Sukuna vessel as well.The President is mad at me for keeping him alive" Gojo exclaimed.

"Ah I see...wait did you say Sukuna?!" Y/n yelp in surprise.They nodded their heads and Y/n grab both of their hands to the side of the road they ere walking to earlier."Thank me later before we got hit by cars" Y/n said."So you said Sukuna vessel right Gojo-sensei?" Y/n said walking with the two men."Mhm I said that" Gojo replied."Ah I see...well I got to get going now I'll see you back at Jujutsu High" Y/n said and put her hat back on walking away.

"Why does she get upset about Sukuna?" Itadori said pointing at the distance figure of Y/n."She told me that the Sukuna finger killed her family, she's been alone for a long time...but I came into the picture and save her from whatever lies in the future for her!" Gojo smiled and Itadori nodded.They continued walking to Jujutsu high and arrived there after 20 minutes.

I walk towards the cafe and sat down on a table.I ordered some (favorite drink) and (favorite dessert).They wrote it down and walk away to other customers getting their orders.I open my phone and unlock my phone.I went to my notes where I keep a dairy in and type about today's encounter
July 12, 2010
I finished my mission an hour ago and took a little break before going back to Jujutsu High greeting everyone.I change my clothes and put a hat over my head from the sun.I got out of my dorm and went outside without anyone catching me and I successfully did it.I walk around amusing myself with anything and I was gonna go to the cafe but I met Gojo along with a new student.His name is Itadori Yuji, and he's also a Sukuna vessel.I was shock at first but felt really happy hearing that name again.Itadori really does look like Sukuna back then and my heart throb just remembering the moments I had with him.I save them from getting hit by cars and walk with them a little.I said my goodbyes and left to the cafe.I made it to the cafe and ordered (favorite drink) and (favorite dessert).I'm still waiting until I get my (favorite drink) and (favorite dessert).
My (favorite drink) and (favorite dessert) came in after I finished typing in my dairy."Thank you" I smiled and she smile back.She left me at my table and I started to eat and drink.
I finished and pay for my things and left.I updated my dairy and put it back into my pocket after I finished.I walk to Jujutsu High looking at my surroundings.

3rd POV
Once y/n arrived at Jujutsu High she walk up the stairs smiling.After a few minutes of walking up the stairs she saw Megumi and Itadori along with Gojo dressed in the uniform."Hello Megumi!" Y/n yelled waving her right hand in the air."Hello Y/n-san welcome back" Megumi wave back."So where ya going?" Y/n asked the group."Getting Nobara from the train station!" Gojo replied."That's nice, can I tag along?" She questioned and Gojo nodded."Great than I should change!" She snap her finger and her clothes changed into her uniform.She had a hoodie top like Itadori, a skirt, high knee black socks, and black high heels."Woah!Thats amazing!" Itadori exclaimed."Shit your mouth you brat, your noisy" Sukuna grumbles.His mouth appeared first then his eyes.

Hie eyes look around and landed on Y/n who had her hoodie up and a bit of her hair out."You girl!You remind me of someone from the past!" Sukuna yelled."Huh?Me?You know I shouldn't be talking to Sukuna since he killed my family!" Y/n voice tone was a mature woman who's bratty."Tch who cares!I don't give a damn about your family to brat!" Sukuna yelled and disappeared.Itadori was shock at how y/n could changer her voice and personality."Wow that was nice acting y/n!" Itadori gave a thumbs up smiling."Thank you" she smiled cheekily rubbing her neck giving her real personality off.Y/n was another ray of hope and happiness as Itadori was the other ray of hope and happiness.Everyone began to walk to the train station as Gojo and Itadori was talking to each and the other two stay silent.

They were comfortable with the silence with each other since they were the greatest of friends.Once they arrived at the train station Nobara was yelling at a man for some odd reason."Nobara-Chan!" Y/n yelled catching the attention of the dark orange hair girl."Y/N!!" She screamed rushing over with her luggage.Nobara engulfed y/n into a big hug tightly and y/n hug her back."I miss you!" Nobara said holding y/n shoulders.Y/n nodded in agreement in what she said."Ok!We got everyone here!This is Itadori Yuji, and Sukuna vessel" Gojo introduced Itadori to Nobara."Nice to meet you Nobara!" He said smiling."Nice to meet you too" she said plainly.Gojo started to talk about going somewhere and the two country folks started to talk about random locations and other things.
They arrived at a abandoned tiny warehouse and the two was gawking."Woah..." they both said heart-broken."Don't mess with the country folks!" Nobara yelled in anger."Yea I agree!" Itadori butted in the conversation."Nobara and Itadori I want you both to exorcise the curse here" Gojo said."But I don't have any skills to fight a curse" Itadori said a bit sad.Gojo gave him a weapon and pat him on the shoulders.They both walk in as they were arguing about something.

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