♡︎2k+ 𝑅𝐸𝐴𝐷 𝑆𝑃𝐸𝐶𝐼𝐴𝐿(𝐿𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑛)♡︎

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3rd POV
"Fufu, I've got my drivers license" Sukuna grins."That's nice" Y/n happily claps."Congratulations" Gojo says clapping as well."You don't need a car right Gojo-sensei, because you teleport and stuff" Y/n said.

"Yep!I don't need a car if I can just teleport" Gojo smiles."I can't wait to get my driver's license!" Itadori yells."You'll fail" Megumi says not showing any mercy for the day."Wahhh Megumi your so mean" Itadori sobs.

"Don't worry...just try not to hit anything..or someone.." Y/n pats his back pausing her sentence now and then."What do you even mean by that" Itadori says."Nothing never mind" Y/n got off of Itadori and turned to the others.

"Doesn't everyone here got a mission to do?" Y/n tilt her head and they all turned away from her gaze.She kept staring at them and they all sweat drop."So scary" they all thought."Now now, your scaring them all darling" Sukuna hugs her from behind.

"Come, let's go somewhere today.I'm taking you on a date" Sukuna says and drags her away from the others."Good job Sukuna!" They all put a thumb up.

"Wait I didn't even change out of my school uniform" Y/n whines."I'll pick what you'll wear for today" Sukuna says as they continue to walk back to their dorm.
Sukuna open the door to their dorm and put Y/n on the bed.He went to her closest and look through it.Clothes after clothes, he finally found it after 10 minutes.

"Go put it on" Sukuna said and throws the piece of clothing at her."Huh-" Y/n was shock at what he threw at her."No talking back, go change" His stern voice sent butterflies through her stomach and she got into the bathroom to change.

After 5 minutes or so she finished putting on the piece of clothing Sukuna gave her.She walked out and felt embarrassed from Sukuna gaze.It was a black long dress with noodle strings, fishnets reaching to her lower thigh, a flower earring that Sukuna personally bought for her, and her hair in a ponytail.

"This dress is kind of tight" Y/n says."No you look nice" Sukuna smiles."T-Thank you" Y/n stuttered when he compliments her with red cheeks."Whats the big occasion?" Y/n ask.

Whenever they would go on dates, they never usually go out in dresses and suits."Well it's special" Sukuna says not wanting to say anymore."Alright" Y/n shrugs it off."Let's get going now shall we m'lady" Sukuna held his hand out and she giggles.

She took his hand and they walk out the building into Sukuna brand new car.Who knew how Sukuna got so much money, but we'll damn his car looks very expensive.But it doesn't just look expensive, it was also expensive too!Where does he keep getting this amount of money from exactly.

It was a black with dark pink design Ferrari in front of them."Oh.My.Gosh!" Y/n gasps at the sight."Ever since I've gotten my drivers license, I got this new sweet ride for the both of us" Sukuna kiss her head."Where did you get the money" Y/n says to Sukuna.

"I won't tell you,bits my secret" Sukuna grins at her.She pouts and looks away angrily."Don't worry I didn't steal from anyone, all of this money you see right in front of you is all from me working" Sukuna says genuinely."I never knew you work.." Y/n mouth opened wide shock to hear this all.

Sukuna working?There was no way that he was the type to ever work in this era."Shall we get going" Sukuna opens the door for her with a smile.Y/n nodded and got into the car, the smell of honey lavender hit her.

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