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"Thank you guys!" A/n——————————————————————————3rd POV"Why did you call Ijichi?" Nobara said

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"Thank you guys!" A/n
3rd POV
"Why did you call Ijichi?" Nobara said."Is your sister okay?" Itadori said."She's fine.But more importantly the mission danger level just shot up.Other sorcerers will be taking over this case.You two can go home now" Megumi said."Huh?Why?Us two?What about the both of you?" Itadori said as he was getting shoved into the car while Akari and Nobara was waiting."We'll go back after we say bye to Takeda-san.Now go!" Megumi said and Y/n nod her head agreeing.Itadori got into the car and Akari drives away.Y/n and Megumi then walk away towards Yasohachi Bridge.
Megumi phone rang and he picked it up "thanks for your help.Is this Nitts-san?There's something I want to ask" Megumi said walking to the bridge with Y/n holding his sleeves."The procedure, right?Fujinuma-san didn't cross over the bridge luckily.They held their test of courage underneath the bridge" she said."Itadori went under there too" Megumi said."Most likely the cause you get below it from above.The cursed spirit is within its barrier, meaning the procedure is important.You go at night, from underneath.And one more thing..." she said."It's impossible to maintain a domain with a technique deployed forever.Meaning that the barrier at Juvenile Detention Center is an incomplete domain" Y/n said.

"We're lucky that this time around...we won't need a veil" Megumi mumbled and he look up at the moon."You should tell us a little more about yourself you two" Nobara said."Yeah" Itadori agreed with his arms crossed."Weren't you suppose to be in the car with Akari-san" Y/n said looking at the two and Megumi grunts."Your both seriously at wits ends here if you didn't notice us until we shown ourselves" Nobara said."We're not saying that you have to tell us everything, but come on at least rely on us" Itadori said."We're friends, right?" Itadori raised his voice a bit."Who said I was at wits ends?I been knew that you two was stalking us" Y/n cheeks puffed.

"Huh?!Then why didn't you do anything!" Itadori and Nobara shouts in unison angrily."Do you want to know what will happen if I told Megumi-kun" Y/n said glaring at them.It sends shiver down their spine and made up a scene in their head about it."Tsumiki's..." Megumi said."Still bedridden" Megumi finished his sentence making the two gasp."The curse of the Yasohachi Bridge only appears before its victims.Since she can't communicate herself, I have no idea when she'll be killed by the curse.So I want to exorcise it quick.But it's true that the mission danger level rose up" Megumi said.

"Okay, Okay, we get it now" Nobara said."Could have told us from the start!" Itadori said walking away with Nobara.Megumi scoffs then he smiles, it's been a long time since she saw him actually smile.It made her heart feel like she accomplished something real big "you have finally found some great friends Megumi-kun" Y/n thought."So this cursed spirit is within its own barrier, making the procedure important" Nobara said."You go at night, from underneath.And one more thing...at the bottom of the canyon,there might be a river" Akari instructions played into all their heads and eventually found a little tiny river."Crossing the river- no other border acts symbolizing that we crossed the afterlife—carry important meaning in sorcery" Nobara thought as everyone jumped over the small little river.

As they did that a spark of lightning appeared underneath their feet making the real world transformed into cursed spirit domain.It laughed annoyingly with an high pitch voice as the structure was finished building by thin air."There it is" Itadori said in a crouching position."This one will be rewarding to exorcise" Nobara said as she puts her cursed hammer onto her shoulder ready to fight, the other three was ready to fight.Then another scream was heard in the domain making Megumi eyes widen as the other cursed spirit landed on the ground.Kechizu ran from behind them as they dodged it.Kechizu jump into the sky and landed an attack on the ground making a a bunch of dust clouds and rocks crumbled.

The cursed was a dark teal having a large mouth on its stomach and chest area, black out eyes, and a mouth on its face as blood run down from both mouths and eyes."What's this?Someone already beat me here?" Kechizu said scratching its face with its index finger."Huh?!" Nobara said."Fushiguro, this one is a different case, right?" Itadori said."Yeah" Megumi answered."He looks really cool" Y/n was amazed by the dark teal cursed spirit.Itadori hand formed his black flash "then you two focus on that other one, we'll exorcise this one" Itadori said as he was in a fighting position with his black flash on both of his hand."Release!" Y/n said as a sword came from her chest and she grab it.

She got into a fighting position next to Itadori as Nobara eyes widen."What?You're going to play with me?" Kechizu smiles widely in delight.
Kechizu spits his poison blood at Y/n and Itadori as they dodged each one.Kechizu spit out a large amount of poison blood at Itadori and he dodges it.Itadori kicks Kechizu in the face sending him flying to the side as the rocks crumble.He landed on the ground and got back up quickly running backwards as Itadori came in.Kechizu spit his poison blood out again with an larg amourn but yet again Itadori dodges it.Itadori tackles Kechizu then spins in a 360 into the ground.They both got back up and Itadori lands a kick into Kechizu face again.

He lands another kick for a few time then he started to punch him.He blow Itadori pulled made Kechizu spit his blood out more.Once Itadori was about to go into another punch he was slow making Kechizu take this chance to spit his poison blood at him.Itadori ducked and his head rose back up but Kechizu grab his left arm."Got you!" Kechizu chummed happily.Itadori body went over Kechizu body twisting it to the back and kick him.Kechizu flew backwards as he was able to flip himself towards Itadori.Then he slides down into the ground making a foot line making into the ground from impact.Itadori was breathing heavily and he look to the side to see the blood on the wall with steam rising."What was that blood he just spat out?Poison?" Itadori thought examining the blood.

"What's this?You're strong!Thats no fun at all" Kechizu said.
The cursed spirit rise from a hole screaming in a high pitch tone as Nobara was in the air aiming for it."Straw Doll Technique: Resonace!" Nobara yelled as she had an nail infused with curse energy and her hammer in the other.She hits the infused nail with the impact of her hammer into the cursed spirit cracking it into small little pieces.More began to sprout from above and Nobara hits the cursed spirit with the infused nail directly at each of them.She jumps up into the air and slams her hammer down at the one on ground creating a giant dust cloud.

Megumi ran towards four of them slashing them all in a few blows.He slash another one as dust cloud formed from the impact then another.He flips in the air and land on the ground facing a different way.He stops himself from moving any further as dust clouds formed and floats to the side.
"Cliffhanger woooo!I love doing this" A/n

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