♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 9♡︎

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While Todo was training Itadori a few curse came onto the grounds and a barrier was set up.But Gojo was the only person who wasn't allowed in because of the user who made the barrier.Maki and Megumi got hurt fighting by fighting Hanami.Hanami was gonna strike them dead but Itadori and Todo got in the way and reflect the attack.Itadori was in the middle of learning black flash by Todo."Looks like both of the school has to team up for this one time" Maki grins weakly."Here let's go" Panda put Maki arm over his shoulder.Inumaki help Megumi up and followed after the two."Ready brother!" Todo crack his knuckles."Yea!" Itadori smiles.

"A few curse has come here for what?" Y/n thought.A volcano curse appeared in front the two and they both turn to it."You two look strong" Jogo said.He look closer at Sukuna and his eyes widened."Your Sukuna!Are you on the human side!" He yelled angrily."He thinks your a human hunny, why not show them" Sukuna points at Jogo."I'm actually tired of people calling me a human, but I do look like a human" Y/n laughs and took off her top uniform.Her wings grew from the back and they were wet.Y/n wings extended and they dried off clean."What the hell are you!" Jogo yells."She's an archangel and my wife" Sukuna said holding Y/n hand."I could've introduced myself darling, you didn't have to" Y/n smiles.

Jogo stood there shock processing what's happening."Now that you here to declare a fight I'll give you one" Y/n let go of Sukuna hands and walk up to Jogo.She put a hand over her breast "Release!" She shouts and a sword came out.She swings it to the side and twirl it around."Let's fight now, I'm ready" Y/n said.Jogo smiles and they started to fight recklessly.Clashing and sparks were around near Sukuna as he was unfazed by it.The two figures appeared with dust clouds beneath them as they breathe.Jogo right arm was severed and he had cuts around his torn clothes.Y/n had bruises on some parts of her body holding her sword."I'm tired so I might finish this early...Domain Expansion!" Y/n claps her hand forming a domain.

There was just clouds floating around with a water floor reflecting their bodies."Brilliant Light!" Y/n form a ball of light on the point of her sword and shot it at Jogo."Can I dodge it?Is it possible?" Jogo thought and he step side to avoid it.The ball of light curved to Jogo and hit him directly at his side.He groans in pain as he regain his balance."Damn..." he whisper in pain.The domain broke as Hanami jump in and grab Jogo running away.Y/n and Sukuna stayed where they were at and look at the two curse running away."Fluffy" Sukuna said touching the wings.Y/n body stay stone but she shivered throughout her whole body reacting to Sukuna touch."Let's go to the others" Y/n turn around and they both walk away back to school.
Y/n was currently resting on the bed as Sukuna was beside her.A open window was heard in the next room and two people running out while yelling."I swear that child of ours is energetic" Sukuna sighs turning his head back to Y/n."That's from you" Y/n laughs as her back was facing Sukuna.She turn around with a smile as a bandage was on her cheek and around her neck, there was still plenty more of course."Ugh" Sukuna groan as his pupils were to the side."When the time is right darling, we'll tell Itadori alright" Y/n place a hand on Sukuna.His pupil turn to the window and he close his eye."It's your choice, I'm always ready" Sukuna replied.She nodded her head and revert her hand back into the blanket."Now move over I want to sleep as well" Sukuna said.

"Alright you big baby" Y/n chuckles and she move her body.Sukuna pull the blanket up and went inside the blanket.He warp his arms around Y/n body and she close her eyes."I'm going to sleep" Sukuna said closing his eyes and slowly falling into sleep.Y/n as well went to fall asleep as they sleep through the day.
Y/n was awake and she didn't move."Y/n-san get ready we have to play baseball since we couldn't finish the event" Megumi said knocking on the door."Coming Megumi-kun!" Y/n yelled and push herself off of Sukuna.Once she did she got dress for the baseball uniform and open the door to see Megumi."Let's go!" Y/n exclaimed.
The sun was shining as it was the next day of course."Hello!Useless Miwa here!" Miwa thought stretching her limbs."Why I call myself useless?Well it's because I slept through all the commotion that everyone was risking their lives on.I feel so ashamed of what I have done...but who exactly broke my sword?" Miwa thought as she walk up to Gojo and Itadori."We all thought that the event was canceled, but taking an day off and all we actually gotta play baseball to see who wins" Miwa though getting into position."Play ball!" Gojo yelled pointing at Maki.
The Day Before
"So a lot of people had died and things happen during the event.But do you want to continue the exchange event?" Gojo asked Itadori who was thinking."Well...I don't know" Itadori groans."Isn't it obvious?We're continuing it of course!" Todo said."T-Todo" Itadori thought backing away slowly close to Gojo."And your reasoning?" Gojo had his head turned to Todo."One, those who have a connection with the dead has the right to mourn of them.But it is not our place to exactly butt in.Two, if the people have died that's giving us the more reason we need to become stronger.Acquired strength comes from the accumulation of results, tasting defeat and savoring victory is what lead us to grow.The most important part is the results to exist" Todo said.

"Todo-senpai seems surprisingly reliable" Miwa whispered into Mai ear."You mean reliably crazy" Mai said."Where's Y/n at?" Maki said to Megumi."With Sukuna sleeping" Megumi answered back."Alright" Maki replied."I'm fine with that" Megumi said."We'll win anyway" Nobara said."It may sound stupid, but he has a point" Kamo said."Why don't you take a rest, Kamo-kun?" Momo look at him."No objections here" Panda said."Salmon" Inumaki agreed."Gojo-sensei will we draw lots for an individual battle pair-ups?" Maki questioned."Huh?There would be no individual battles this year" Gojo bluntly said.Everyone was confused making a question mark appeared above their heads.

"The exchange event has the principals of the Tokyo and Kyoto schools each propose a form of competition to be held for an entire day over the course of two days.But that's just on paper.Every year, the first day it team battles then the second day is individual battles" Panda explained in another setting."Salmon" Inumaki replied in the same setting as Panda.Everyone was debating what they were gonna do super confused.

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