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"Thank you for 1.22K!I love every one of you!This a special in which for my appreciation!Enjoy"
3rd POV
Y/n was laying on the couch in the living room just chilling on her phone."Really?" Nobara had her right hand on her hip as she look at Y/n laying down on her phone.Y/n was wearing a t-shirt and shorts in a hot summer day."It's hot" Y/n slurred."What about the two of us and Maki goes to the beach today?" Nobara said.Y/n sat up from her seat looking at Nobara with sparks in her eyes."Really!" Y/n happily said."Yes now let's get ready and I'll tell Maki" Nobara pulled her phone out and started to text Maki.

Y/n got up and quickly ran down the hall to her room.She got into her room and change into a swim suit and puts clothes above it.She pack some things for the beach and finally finished.She then rush out her room to where she would meet Nobara and Maki at the front."Let's go!" Nobara happily said making Maki nod her head in agreement.
"Gojo-sensei?" Itadori sweat drops at Gojo who was wearing his black glasses instead of his blindfold.

"Yes!We're going to the beach today!" Gojo smiles happily."Yay!" Itadori happily exclaims."Tch, there's no need for me to go to a place filled with humans" Sukuna scoffs."Come on!Lets go!It'll be fun!" Gojo puts his arm over Sukuna shoulder."Get your arm off of me" Sukuna sneered at Gojo."I heard that Y/n will be there with Nobara and Maki" Gojo whispers into Sukuna ear."Like if" Sukuna said but knowing that Y/n will be there."Heard she was gonna wear a bikini, just from Nobara" Gojo waves his hand.

Sukuna snap his head to Gojo with a angry look."Hell no!I'm coming!" Sukuna yells making Gojo smirk."Get pack, we'll be going now" Gojo said.
The girls were having fun by playing in the water.Nobara and Y/n were splashing water at each other while Maki was chilling.

The boys arrived and saw the girls at the beach.It was such a coincidence that they would meet each other at the same beach.Y/n was wearing a white bikini with light green lilies design and a see through sweater that was short sleeved.Maki was wearing a bikini with bark blue and a black dragon design.While Nobara was wearing a light green bikini with teal flower designs.

The boys was astounded by the girls wearing something so nice on a hot day.Maki had Y/n white hat next to her."Oh your here too" Maki noticed the boys."Yup!" Gojo smiles."You can leave your stuff here and do whatever" Maki said and laid down into the ground."Salmon Salmon" Toge said.The boys put their stuff next to Maki and head to play.

Toge and Panda was somehow invited by Gojo without the others knowing until they all met outside."Kugisaki!" Itadori ran over with a kid smile."Why are you here?" Nobara said looking at Itadori, Megumi, and Sukuna."We we're invited by Gojo-sensei" Megumi said."I'm guessing that you brought Y/n-chan and Maki-san here" Megumi said looking at Maki then at Y/n.Sukuna had his arms wrapped around her waist in a protective way while Y/n was smiling like nothing is happening.

"Those two really scare me sometimes" Nobara sweat drops."There there" Y/n pats his cheek."Is he always like that?" Itadori points at Sukuna."Yea" Y/n answered wholeheartedly with an chuckle.Sukuna picks Y/n up by her waist and places her on top of his shoulder."What are you doing!I hate heights!" Y/n yells.Nobara was laughing her heart out and the whole time there they had so much fun.
Everyone was sitting on the sand chilling since they wasted so much energy playing around.

"Watching the stars are so relaxing" Gojo said."Agreed" Y/n said.Sukuna wrap his left arm around Y/n waist and leaned his head on her shoulder.A wave of heat hit Y/n in the head and she was trembling every few minutes."We should get going" Y/n said."Yea we should, I'm a bit tired" Nobara yawns."Alright let's go!" Gojo clap his hand and everyone plus their things were all teleported in front of Jujutsu High.

They all got up and went into their rooms to rest for the next day.Y/n fell onto her bed and her wings grew out her back fluttering.Sukuna touch her wing and she flinched."Oh~ you want me to fuck you you?I bet the dopamine would send the shivers down your spine" Sukuna rub his hand against her thighs.(I advise you to not put dopamine function, unless you want to.It's just a warning, don't say I tell you so).

Y/n almost let a moan slip out but she covered her mouth just before she did."Your always playing hard to get" Sukuna grips onto her thigh.She let out an yelp and he smirks.His hand went to her head and he grab onto her head.He pulled her head towards his harden cock and smirks sadistically.Y/n body moves on its own as her hormones took control.She zips the pants down and pulled his boxer down.

His cock hit her in the face while Sukuna was holding onto her head the whole time and she couldn't get out of his grip when he was like this.It looked like he grew a few more inches the last time they did it.Y/n places her mouth on his red tip and begins to swirl her tongue around.Sukuna groans in pleasure.Then he pushes her head down more feeling the warmth of her mouth.Y/n had one of her eyes halfway closed as she gave Sukuna a blowjob.Sukuna was close so he pushes her head down further down on his cock.

His head flip back and groaned in pleasure.He released his sperm into her mouth and she swallowed it.He let go of Y/n head and she pulled her head back."Be a good little slut you are and I'll fuck you so hard" Sukuna smirks and Y/n face grew red.He pinned Y/n to the bed and place his hands on her breast playing around with her nipple while he had his knee on her womanhood.It was a worst day for Y/n to wear a skirt, just a sport bra with a hoodie wrap around her waist, and knee high socks.Y/n was a moaning mess as she felt overstimulated.

Sukuna went to her womanhood and pulled her underwear to the side.He began licking for a few minutes until he begins to aggressively suck her womanhood."Ngh~..A-Ah~" Y/n moans.Sukuna lift his head away from her womanhood and line his cock.He shove his cock into her womanhood and she moaned out loud.He begins thrusting into her while she hold onto Sukuna shoulder.Sukuna muffled Y/n moans by kissing her and she kissed back.They pant out for breathing and began kissing again."I'm close.." Y/n breathes out.Sukuna groans and he came into her.

She felt it was time and released as well after him.They both took a breather and Sukuna pulled his cock out.He watch as his sperm is dripping out her womanhood.But he wasn't done yet, no he had more planned.Y/n thought they were over until Sukuna stick two fingers into her.She moaned at the sudden action and felt him move his fingers.Y/n couldn't form any words at the moment.He decided to keep putting his fingers in since he stretched Y/n womanhood.

He had all his fingers in and smirks at her.Her eyes widen and he shoved his whole hand into her womanhood.She moaned out loud and feels his heart pulse.He extended his finger and tears formed in her eyes.He pulled his hand out and lick his fingers."Your tasty" He slurred.

He pulled on her hand and brought her to a mirror that Y/n held for checking out her outfits in the morning.Her legs were shaking as she held onto his chest.He pick her up and hold her legs up.Y/n was entirely embarrassed at the position she was in.(And IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR TOO?!Damn he must be real horny if he thought of this).

He shoved his cock into Y/n womanhood and she moaned.He made marks on her neck as he thrusts into her womanhood.Y/n didn't want to look at the mirror because she would be more embarrassed.Sukuna look up at the mirror and saw she was looking to the side."You little brat, you better be looking at yourself.You look like a pretty little slut, be a good slutty brat and listen to my orders" He said into her ears.

Y/n slowly look at the mirror and saw herself.Sukuna gave one final thrust and came inside her the second time.His cock twitched as he breaths for a few second and pulled it out.His sperm leaking out of her womanhood onto the floor below.Y/n passed out in his arms and he puts her down onto the bed.He grab a towel and put it in warm water.

He damp Y/n clean first then himself after her and the floor plus pulled the blanket covers off the bed to be clean.He put all the dirty things on the ground and got a different blanket and pulled it over her.He got into the bed and pulled her into his arms.He soon fell asleep in the arms of his love one.
"Somehow this ends up being the only longest chapter in this book" A/n is proud

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