♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 26♡︎

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3rd POV
Mei Mei and Todo were in a room playing ping-pong."Upon receiving recommendations from two or more Grade 1 sorcerers, that person will accompany a Grade 1 or similar-level sorcerer on serval missions.If that person is deemed worthy they will be granted Semi-Grade 1 rank and be assigned a Grade 1 mission to complete independently.Based on the outcome of that mission, the decision to grant or deny Grade 1 status will be determined." Mei Mei said.

"My brother, Itadori, will no doubt accept the recommendation.As long as Sukuna is not cooperating, he'll need to be assigned more dangerous missions in order to increase the likelihood of encountering fingers.You know what that means, right..." Todo said holding the ball in his hand."...Miss Mei?" Todo hit the ball and Mei Mei went towards the ball."What it means?Sure.It means everything..." Mei Mei said about to hit the ball back."...Mister Todo" Mei Mei hit the ball but Todo acted fast and hit the ball back fast.

Making Todo winning the match and Mei Mei the loser."A bright future...will share a bright future when we work together on missions!In other words, Aoi Todo and Yuji Itadori..." Todo said."Uh..." Mei Mei had her hand on her hip."Say no more.You're gonna say that the accompanying Grade 1 sorcerer doesn't necessarily have to be, right?But I guarantee this..Just as the apple falls to the earth...we gravitate toward each other.It is destiny!" Todo exclaimed.

"Like I was gonna say...The one who accompanies the nominee can't be...The person who put in a recommendation.We were the ones who recommended Itadori...So it'll be someone other than us who'll accompany him.That's it for me.See ya later...Mister Todo" Mei Mei left the room leaving a stump Todo.
"After the mission, Fushiguro was taken straight home by Ijichi.Itadori said something about a movie he wanted to watch.Y/n wasn't that hurt surprisingly thanks to Sukuna.I wanted to try a new production from Givenchy, so I headed into town.Y/n also wanted to come along as well, which I was quite happy about" Nobara thought sipping on her drink.

"Um...excuse me.Was that Itadori with you earlier?" Yuko said."...Huh?" Nobara said shock."Yeah that was, who may you be?" Y/n ask looking at Yuko."Why don't we go to a restaurant to talk" Yuko said and the three all agreed.They walk towards a restaurant and went inside.They sat down and order a drink.Yuko pulled her phone out and showed her Junior High school self next to Itadori."This is me at my Junior High graduation" Yuko said."What?!For real?!Isn't this just a half a year ago?What in the world happened?!" Yuko weakly smiles while rubbing the back of her neck.

"Well, I just happened to grow 15 centimeters.And with moving to Tokyo and the stress of a new environment, I just..." Yuko said."Wow!" Y/n and Nobara said surprised."She's like Kuroko Sato from Yuyo Hakusho!" Nobara thought and looks at the photo as it zoom out."Oh wow!Look it's Itadori-kun!" Y/n said pointing at Itadori who isn't smiling."It's Itadori!" Nobara said."On graduation day, I mustered up the courage to ask him for a photo.I actually wanted to ask him for his number and stuff too...But I was going to move to Tokyo anyway.When I saw him earlier..I thought maybe the me of today could.." Yuko said with her head down.

"Gah?!Yuko does that mean..." Nobara was still stunned until she snap out of it.Her face transformed into a serious face but in a stupid way."That...It's like that?" Nobara said with the serious stupid face."Yes!Its like that!" Yuko said with the same face as Nobara.Nobara brain lost a lot of brain cells from this conversation and Yuko sat there with a sweat bead down her face."Ahh what's with them" Y/n thought while she laughs on the inside.

"Maybe we'll help you-" Y/n was cut off by Nobara calling Ijichi."Hey!Mr.Ijichi?Is Fushiguro still with you?!I'm gonna send you the address to this restaurant so could you please drop him off here?Thanks a bunch!" Nobara hung up her phone and put it back into her pocket."There's a guy on the way who knows Itadori better than me.Let's hear what he has to say first" Nobara said."Um..." Yuko was confused.

"If you happen to also like-" the waiter said but was cut off by Nobara."Nope!Even if heaven and earth were to dance to Lambada!No way!" Nobara answers.Nobara heart then skips a beat which she notices."Huh?My heart just skipped a beat" Nobara placed a hand on her chest with a worried look.Yuko and Y/n were both confused and looked at Nobara.
Megumi came in and found Y/n and Nobara sitting down with Yuko."Hey!What the heck is this about?" Megumi yelled angrily with a rather pissed face.

"Yo!Fushiguro!Does Itadori have a girlfriend?" Nobara said tapping on the table."I mean if he did he would of told me.." Y/n mumbles softly."What was that Y/n?" Nobara turns her head towards Y/n with an confused face."Nothing!Nothing!" Y/n waves it off with a weak smile."Huh?" Megumi was confused."You see this girl here...blah blah blah..." Nobara begins to explain everything to Megumi.And turns out he was also shocked."So you're saying...It's like that?!" Megumi had the same look Nobara was having.

"Yup.It's like that!" Nobara had the look."Can I seat down" Megumi said and Mobara nodded her head."Hold up I'll sit with Yuko, it won't have enough space for the three of us" Y/n said wanting to away from the two."Sure" Nobara said and got up from her seat.Y/n slides down and got up to sit next to Yuko."You wouldn't mind me sitting next to the window Yuko-chan?" Y/n said pointing to the window seat."Sure why not!" Yuko smiles.She got out her seat to let Y/n slip through.

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