♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 41♡︎

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3rd POV
His eyes widen at what she just said.It actually all made sense, dots were slowly starting to connect themselves.Then all of a sudden he said something out of line."Then...we should just kill all non-shamans" Geto says bluntly not realizing what he just said.

"Getou-kun..." Tsukumo stares at him.Geto just now realized what he just said, he didn't know he had hatred for those who weren't shamans."That's a decent plan" Tsukumo said with decency as she gave it some thought.

"Or rather that's the easiest way to do it" Tsukumo said."Eh?No..." Geto eyes had widen with a sweat dropping down his face."If we continuously thin out the population of non-shamans, it's possible they awaken Jujutsu techniques as a survival strategy."

"They could evolve, so to speak.Just like how birds gained wings...by using fear and a sense of danger.But unfortunately...I'm not that crazy.Do you happen to hate non-shamans?Getou-kun" Tsukumo body relaxed.

"I don't know.I used to think that shamans exist to protect them.But lately...it's like their worth feels shaky, to me.The preciousness of the weak, the ugliness of the weak.I've been unable to separate them, or accessor them."

"I look down on non-shamans, then try to reject those thoughts...my own vision of this marathon called shamanism...it's becoming blurry.I can't tell what my true feelings are" Geto hand was on his forehead showing that he's a bit stress.

"It's neither.You're not at that stage yet.You who look down on non-shamans...and you who rejects that idea.These are just possibilities you've found.The one you commit to being from now on...will define your true feelings" Tsukumo said using hand gestures.

Tsukumo and Geto got up and left the building, she starts her motorcycle and puts her helmet on."See ya.I wanted to greet Gojou-kun as well, but...I guess I came at the wrong time.The three of us special grades...let's get along, yeah?" Tsukumo said as she put her goggles on.

"I'll tell him you were here" Geto had a soft smile."Ah, and one last thing...you don't have to worry about the star plasma vessel.Either they already had another vessel ready...or a new one has already been born.At any rate, Tengen-sama is stable" Tsukumo said and Geto eyes widen and calms down a bit

."....figures" Geto said as Tsukumo drives away."Ah, he never told me his type!" Tsukumo now have noticed.
"This was supposed to be a simple mission to exorcise a second-grade spirit...!!!Shit...!!!The local faith...that things a god of this land...this is a case for first-grades...!" Nanami cursed angrily.

Geto was looking at the body of Toji right in front of him examining it."You have to rest for now, Nanami.Satoru will take the mission from here" Geto placed the cover back onto Toji dead corpse."....can't we just leave everything to him from now on?" Nanami questioned.

"This marathon called shamanism...what is beyond that...there's nothing but a pile of shaman's corpses?" Geto thought deeply.


Geto scratch his forehead with two people behind him.

Mission Summary
Exorcise the cursed spirit thought to be causing mysterious disappearances and strange deaths.

"What exactly is this?" Geto was looking at two girls in a cage huddling against each other.They was breathing heavily with blood and injuries everywhere."XX...?XXXX!?(What do you mean?They're the cause of all this, right?)"

"XXXX!!!!(Those two strange ones are using their weird powers to attack the village)" the man said with a shock face."XXX!!!(My grandson was killed by these two)" the old lady said with a shock face.

"No I've already determined the cause of the incidents" Geto said."He's the one who-" the girl with white hair said."XXX!!!!(shut up, you monster!!!)XX!!!!(your parents were exactly the same!)"

"XXX!!!!(we should have killed you when you were babies!)" the man and woman yelled angrily."It...it'll...it'll be fine..." a small shadow appeared on Geto finger told them.

You who looks down on non-shamans and you who rejects that idea.The one you commit to being from now on...

"Hey, you guys.Come outside with me for a second" Geto said with a smile and they followed him outside.They scream as they were killed in the hands of Geto.

Will define your true feelings.

-5 days after the person-in-charge(Getou Suguru, 3rd year of the college) arrived at XX village, the corpses of 112 of its inhabitants were found.

-All we're though to be victims of the cursed spirit.However, analysis of the remains determined they were killed by Getou Suguru's cursed spirit manipulation

-Getou Suguru is on the run.Under article 9 of the regulations of Jujutsu, he is now to be executed on sight as a curse user

Getou becomes a criminal Satoru is...
"...huh?" Gojo was too shock to even say anything."Don't make me repeat myself.Sugur massacred the village he went to, and now he's on the run" Yaga said.

"I heard you.That's why I said 'huh?' " Gojo said in all serious."...there's nothing left in Suguru's home anymore.But going by the bloodstain and remains...he likely attacked his parents as well" Yaga said.

"There's no fucking way he did...!!!" Gojo shouts as a head of sweat rolled down his face."Satoru.I...I don't get why this is happening either" Yaga was also frustrated on why Geto did all of this.Gojo faced was filled with mixed emotions.

~In Shinjuku~

Somewhere in the smoking area, Shoko was there with an unlit cigarette in her mouth.A man thought she was a high schooler either her height or her uniform."You need a fire?" Geto says.

Shoko blinks and turned her head to see Geto right there."Hey" Geto waved."Yo, it's the criminal.You need something from me?" Shoko said with a smile and took the unlit cigarette out her mouth.

"I guess I'm just testing my luck" Geto said and pulled ott it a lighter for Shoko cigarette."Hmm?" Shoko was a bit confused on his statement.

"I'm gonna ask just to be sure, but are those false charges?" Shoko jokingly said."Nah, unfortunately not" Geto said with a smile like usual.

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