♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 33♡︎

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3rd POV
"What happened?!He took two out like that!" The man thought."This is getting very interesting I must say" Y/n snickers looking at the battle up in the sky."I've been surviving all theses years running away from Jujutsu sorcerers, I'll kill them all" Y/n clench her hand into a fist.She continued watching the battle from far away.By now Gojo would've spotted her by her cursed energy.

But Y/n was smarter than that, she kept her cursed energy on a low profile so she doesn't get spotted by Jujtsu sorcerers easily."The shikigami aren't disappearing!Which one is the real one?" Aiko yells."Those aren't shikigami, they're clones.And all of them are the real one" Gojo explained to Aiko in a simple matter.

Two more copies came up to Gojo to punch him away.But they were stop by his infinity."What's this?!" One of the copies said."The infinity.You know, from achilles and the tortoise" Gojo said."What?! The other copy said."Didn't you learn that studying is important?" Gojo said grinning and punch the two copies in the face.

Gojo punch the two copies in the face and they fell down."He's using a clinical bc technique that maxes out at five, including the original.You can change your real body at any time, right?If you're in danger, just switch bodies, okay?" Gojo said with a smirk."You've got quite the technique.Then why are you so weak?So you can't immediately summon a new one if a body is destroyed!" Gojo said.

"How do you know my technique?" The man said."Sorry about that.I've got good eyes.My technique is the convergence of an infinite series.Things that approach me slow down...and never reach me." Gojo said with his glasses floating."And by amplifying the limitless and negative numbers...impossible situations like having -1 apples are born.I'm doing that, I can create a magnetic effect like the one before.But to tell the truth, it's quite difficult to use.I can't create a huge field of attraction close to myself.Manipulating the cursed energy to use it accurately is a real pain.In other words, I get really tired" Gojo explained to the man.

"But this is all...standard for my technique" Gojo said as the man was brought forward to Gojo.It was like his own body didn't listened and did it itself."This is the divergence of the infinity" Gojo smiles.CURSED TECHNIQUE REVERSAL.Aiko sat there shock with her mouth open surprised by this stunt.

Gojo pointed his finger at the man as use his arms to block himself.RED GLOW."...?" The man was confused."Heh..." Gojo smiles with his eyes closed."It didn't work!" Gojo thought as he uppercut the man."O thought it was gonna work this time" Gojo run the back of his neck.

The man laid on the ground passed out."Seriously...what's wrong with this guy?" Aiko thought with a bead of sweat coming down her face.Her phone buzzed and she grab it and open the notification."It's from Kuroi" Aiko said quite surprised.

Aiko eyes widen in shock seeing the photo that was sent to her."Oh no!What're we gonna do?!" Aiko yelled making Gojo look at her with confusion."They got Kuroi!!" Aiko yelled worriedly.
"Sorry.It's my fault" Geto apologize to Aiko.
"Who knows what might happen?!Master Geto, you're faster than me!Go ahead!" Kuroi yelled to Geto.
"I didn't take into consideration Kuroi's importance to the enemy" Geto was a bit mad at himself for not thinking ahead."Is that right?Its not a big deal" Gojo said with his hands in his pocket.

"The enemy is probably gonna try to take advantage of this hostage situation...and demand a trade of Amanai for Kuroi.Or probably something like, if we don't kill Amani, they'll kill Kuroi" Gojo said in all seriousness.

Aiko was shock to hear what Gojo was saying."Since we have Amanai, we have the upper hand.We just need to coordinate a meeting place.We can handle the rest.For now, we'll just take Amanai to Jujutsu High.Maybe we can get Shoko to act as a double" Gojo said to Geto."Wait!" Aiko yelled."I'm going too!I can't trust you guys with this!" Aiko yelled at them.

"What?" Gojo said."You brat.Do you realize the situation you're-" Gojo was cut off by Aiko."Even if you refuse her...what happened if Kuroi isn't back before the merger?" Aiko questioned Gojo.Who didn't have an answer for that at all.

"I still...haven't even said goodbye to her!" Aiko teared up and she clenched onto her skirt."...we'll be getting a call from the kidnappers soon" Gojo said and Geto was surprised."If they're smarter than we thought...and if taking you means that Kuroi chances of survival decreases, we're gonna leave you behind" Gojo said to Aiko.

"And don't even try backing out halfway.We don't care if you're scared.Got it?" Gojo said."Understood!Thats fine" Aiko whip her tears away with a confident face.
"Welcome!!!" Gojo and Aiko yells in their bathing suit with Kuroi and Geto in their bathing suit.ESCORT DAY 2[OKINAWA].
DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:


"I can't believe I was defeated by a member of the Tome Vessel Association.A non-curse user too...I'm so embarrassed" Kuroi said in shame."No worries, it was a surprise attack.It was also my fault" Geto said with a chuckle."Was it really a surprise attack though?I was on my guard after the Q incident.And I can't quite remember being kidnapped...moreover, you came by plane?What if you were attacked?" Kuroi questioned.

"Satoru's got sharp eyes.Before we took off, he checked out both the passengers and crew as well as the plane.I was escorting the plane using my curses during our flight.It was safer than risking an unfamiliar route on land" Geto said.

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