♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 32♡︎

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3rd POV
"What?!" The old man said shock."His attack fills the entire hallway!The first two were just decoys!" The old man thought."Well then...one down.one to go" Geto said but he misunderstood his opponent.The old man came through the window with a knife in his hand."It's foolish to create your own blind spots!" The old man thought smiling."You're mine!!" The old man said.

But then Geto suddenly was a dog.This illusion was created by the old man wishes to see his dog again."Tasuke!Is that you Tasuke?!" The old man happily said petting the Shiba."My parents always spent their time and money on my blessed younger brother.They we're disgusted by me since I could see things.Back then, you were my only friend" the old man thought."Ha ha!Its been so long!Over 50 years, right?Tasuke, ever since you died-Ah, I see..." the old man said.

Geto grab his arm where he was holding the knife was at and hand palm his face knocking off his glasses.Then Geto swiftly put the old man arm under his arm and grab his collar.And then punch him hard in the face."My life flashing before my eyes!" The old man thought falling backwards with blood coming out his mouth."It was all just a ruse, right?!" The old man yelled.

"Yeah.You were itching to get in close, weren't you?Those who are focused on a single way to win...are easy to manipulate when presented with the opportunity" Geto explained his advantage.He crouched a bit to the old man sitting on the ground."Anyway...are you with Q?Or the Time Vessel Association?" Geto questioned the old man.
Inside the church, Aiko and her class are singing while standing up.Kuroi and Gojo are in their way to Aiko.

While a man with a bag over his head is thinking about something he would do wit the thirty million yen."Thirty million...maybe I'll get some eel tonight.Nothing tastes better than a meal paid for with blood" he said to himself.

"Amanai!" Gojo burst through the door yelling.Everyone stop singing and turned to Gojo shock."Wha...W-Wha-WHHHHHAAAT?!" Aiko yells out loud."Hm?" Gojo said."Riko!Is be your boyfriend?!" One of her friend yells at the panicking Aiko."He's so tall for a high schooler!" Another one of her friend blushes as she yelled."No.He's my cousin!" Aiko yells panicking."Show is your face!" A girl yelled at Gojo.

He took off his glasses and smiled."Wow!He's so hot!" Another yells simping."Don't get full of yourself!" Aiko yells."Hey!Everyone settle down!How shameful!" The teacher clapped her hands gaining the attention of the students on her."You're interested in him too" a girl point at the teacher."This is very inappropriate even for a family member" the teacher walked towards Gojo.

"Sorry.This is an emergency.My bad" Gojo said."This is my number by the way" the teacher whispers to Gojo with a note of her phone number on it."HEEYY!!THAT'S AGAINST THE RULES!!" The students yells angrily."Be quiet!Do you know how hard it is to find someone with my job?!" The teacher yelled back.

"Same for us!He's too young for you anyway!" The students yelled."Huh?!Are you disrespecting Hikaru Genji?!" The teacher yelled."What a fun school..." Gojo smirks happily."You idiot!I thought I told you not to show up!" Aiko yells at Gojo as he was holding her by her shirt."Curse users have attacked.You can figured out the rest, right?" Gojo said making Aiko figures it out in a instance.

"We're heading straight for Jujutsu High.You don't want your friends involved, right?" Gojo said to Aiko."..." was all Aiko said.The man with a bag over his head saw Gojo and Aiko on top of the Cathedral roof running."Huh?" The man said."Is that the 30 million bounty?Is that guy with her a curse user as well?Maybe he's a bodyguard..." he thought."Are you with the Time Vessel Association?" Kuroi asked the man.

The man eyes grew wide a bit at the sound is Kuroi voice behind him."Those associated with Q...wear pretty strange clothing after all" Kuroi said in all seriousness with a mop in hand."...?A civilian?If you wanna kill me, then hurry up" the man said.Kuroi face grew an irk mark and the man prepared his hand into a fist."Too slow" he said with great speed, he was already next to her.He went in for a punch but Kuroi ended up being the faster one in dodging his attack.

She use the mop with her left hand and it crashed right into his private part."Guh..." he said in pain holding onto his private part."Don't you dare do anything to my lady" Kuroi said as he fell to the ground in pain."Or I'll kill you!" Kuroi finished her sentence angrily."Wow, so you're strong" Geto said on the phone with Gojo."Where's Riko?" Geto questioned Kuroi."She left the school with master Gojo" Kuroi said.

"Then we should follow them.Things are getting a little harry" Geto said."Keh heh...so she was the 30 million..." the man disappeared into the ground."Shikigami?!" Kuroi yells."No, not a shikigami.Satoru." Geto said to the phone."There's a 30 million yen bounty on Amanai's head?" Gojo said."Yeah.With a time limit on a dark website for curse users.They have until the day after tomorrow at 11 A.M" Geto spoke into the phone."I see" Gojo hinged up the phone.

"Sheesh...and to think that we're always low on Jujutsu sorcerers.We'd welcome you with open arms, old man" Gojo smiles cheekily in a bad way."I see two, three, four...and they all look the same.Are they shikigami?" Aiko questioned.

"Naw...your profession sounds kinda risky.Just hand over the girl. And we'll be outta here" the man said."There's more!Five!" Aiko yells seeing another one being added."What're you interested in a brat like this for? Gojo pulled two of the copies of the man and slammed them together.

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