♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 23♡︎

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3rd POV
"The Sukuna within you tell us where the fingers are to try to regain his power" Gojo said."Is Gojo-sensei just winging it?" Itadori dumbly said."You just now realized?" Megumi said."Hey!You four!What have you four been doing?!" Akari yells from on top of the bridge."Oh Notta-san!" Itadori said surprised."She lost it" Nobara said."Summon!" Y/n said and Sukuna appeared behind Itadori.While Itadori help Megumi up on his feet "well, shall we go home?" Itadori said."Your badly injured darling" Sukuna coed as he held you in bridal style."Darling?!When did you start using that surname?!" Y/n yelps.

"Just now or do you prefer to be called Mrs.Ryomen" Sukuna smirks making Y/n blushed being called Mrs.Ryomen."S-Stick with darling..." Y/n covered her mouth looking away blushing."I'm hungry.I wonder if there's a Splendid Sushi around here" Nobara said."I'm hungry for anything right now" Y/n groans."Anything?" Sukuna eyed Y/n."ANYTHING but that" Y/n said making Sukuna pouts."Splendid Sushi's bullet train was awesome, wasn't it?" Itadori said."Shut up" "Please be quiet Itadori-kun" Y/n and Nobara groans.

They found a place to eat and ate the food hungry.Y/n was feeding Sukuna like he was a puppy while the others were talking about things.Once they were finished Akari was waiting for them and they all got in.Sukuna and Y/n decided to meet them there at the school and they agreed.Once they left Sukuna and y/n teleported to the school and went to see Shoko."Shoko-san!" Y/n yells knocking on the door.Shoko opens the door sober from whatever she was drinking."Your beaten up pretty bad" Shoko said.

"That's why I came here" Y/n sighs.Shoko nods her head indicating for Y/n and Sukuna to walk in.Sukuna sat down on the chair and Shoko begins to fix Y/n up in her sober state."There your all finished" Shoko said and the others open the door."Hey Shoko-san!" Nobara waved happily."Great more people to deal with" Shoko sighs."I'll be resting in my room now, I'll see you guys later" Y/n waves goodbye.Sukuna and Y/n went back to their room to get some rest.Y/n open the door and they both went inside.

She closed the door and Sukuna laid down on the bed exhausted."I don't know how your tired, you barely did any work during our mission" Y/n sighs as she took off her jacket."I'm just tired" Sukuna said."Well I'm going to take a shower-" Y/n was cut off with Sukuna next to her and then pick her up."Make it us" Sukuna said.He walk towards the bathroom and closed the door behind them.Sukuna took his clothes off while Y/n made a hot bath.When the water filled the bath she turned off the water.Then she took off her clothes, the two slip into the bath and relaxed.

"This is so relaxing" Sukuna said."Mhm" Y/n head was barely above the water."So when are we going to tell that bra-I mean our son the truth" Sukuna said with his arms on the bath ridges."Maybe tomorrow, only if you want to" Y/n head rose up."Anything for my darling" Sukuna warp his arms around her.Y/n smiles softly with a blush as they stay in the bath for few more minutes.
The sun was beaming and the birds flew over the sky.The sun shine on Y/n shoulders waking her up.Sukuna was warp in Y/n arms as they were cuddling last night and fell asleep.

His face was in her chest and she blushed with a smile."Wake up" Y/n said touching Sukuna cheek.His eyes slowly opened and look up at Y/n."Morning my darling" Sukuna yawns."Morning darling" Y/n said.Y/n got out of bed and Sukuna stayed in the bed a little longer.She did her morning routine and got dress in a casual attire.It contained a long sleeved hoodie with pants and boots.Her hair was dressed (whatever suits you better).Sukuna sat up and looks at Y/n "we going somewhere?" Sukuna questioned."Ah I'm going to shop for a food and gonna tell Itadori-kun about the son thing" Y/n said and Sukuna got dress quick.

He was beside Y/n in mere minutes as he finished everything.Y/n type in her daily dairy about the past few days and closed it."Let's get going!" Y/n smiles which made Sukuna nod.They left the room and lock it before leaving."Let's tell Itadori-kun about the son thing" Y/n points out and went to find Itadori.She first went to his room and he was in there."Itadori-kun we have something to tell you" Y/n said making Itadori turn his head towards them."What is it?" Itadori said."How do I explain this" Y/n said like it was bad news.

"Basically we think your our son because you look like me and for some reason you easily combine with me when you ate the finger" Sukuna explained it short."Hey I was gonna say that!" Y/n pouts hitting Sukuna chest."Nobara did point that out when we were eating yesterday.She said I look like you two kid" Itadori said shock.His eyes widen seeing his real mother and father right in front of him."Mother....father..." Itadori said with tears."Son" Y/n open her arms out with a warm smile.

Itadori ran up to Y/n and hug her with tears of joy."There there..it must be hard without our help..we're sorry for leaving you here for too long" Y/n pats Itadori head with tears streaming down.Sukuna stands next to Y/n who was impress with the scene in front of him."Sorry..?" Sukuna said trying his best to comfort Itadori."That's not how you comfort someone!" Y/n yells at Sukuna."I kinda don't know how to.." Sukuna admits."Come get your father a hug" Y/n said to Itadori.He sniffs and hug Sukuna which takes him by surprise.Y/n nudges Sukuna to hug him and he quietly got defeated.He awkwardly hugs Itadori and soon warms up to him.
"Spoilers for the next chapter!It will be a lemon ;)" A/n

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