♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 31♡︎

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3rd POV
"I talk fine at school, you know!" Aiko yells but then noticed."...School!Kuroi!Whats the time?!" Aiko yells."It's still before noon.But perhaps school can-" Kuroi was cut off by Aiko yelling."Nonsense!I'm going!" Aiko yells.
"What?!" Gojo yells into his phone.RENCHOKO GIRLS' JUNIOR HIGH."Isn't it safer to take her back to Jujutsu High now?!" Gojo yells.

"I completely agree.But these are Master Tengen's orders" Yaga said."..." Gojo didn't say anything."We must oblige Riko Amanai's requests" Yaga said sitting on a cursed spirit and hung up."Tch!Being all soft on her!" Gojo scoffs angrily."Don't be like that, Satoru.She was saying all that stuff...But the truth is after the merger, she'll be down below Jujutsu High with Master Tengen to form the barrier.Friends, family and everything she holds dear...she'll no longer be able to see them.Let her enjoy herself.That's our mission" Geto said to Gojo.

"Lady Riko dies not have any relations.When she was young, her family was involved in an accident...since then, I've been her caretaker.So please let her at least down time with her frie-" Kuroi bowed."So that makes you her family then" Geto smiles."...yes" Kuroi said with tears almost spilling."Suguru" Gojo rub his neck."How're the surveillance spirits?Right" Geto said touching his template.

"I wish I could share their vision like Mei.But if something happens, they'll immediately let me kn-" Geto face turned dark."Satoru, we have to get to Riko, now" Geto placed his hand on Gojo shoulder."Huh?" Gojo was confused."Two have already been exorcised" Geto said.
"Thirty million...what a great deal!She's not a sorcerer, plus we know where she is.Thirty million yen to kill a kid.What a great deal!" A man with a bag on his head happily said.

And an old man was in the school that already destroyed the second surveillance cursed spirit.
Riko Amanai

Renchoko Girls' Junior High Second-year
Wanted dead or alive.

Time Left:
39 : 40 : 56

Toji lick his lips staring at the yen that was put onto Aiko."So those guys...didn't go back to Jujutsu High yet?Well that's lucky.Now there'll be more than just total idiots going after the bounty" Toji smiles as he was on the phone and broke the chopstick into two.

"You sure about this?" The man asked."Why do you ask? Toji said."The 30 million yen paid to you was a service fee from the Time Vessel Association.If the Star Plasma Vessel dies, the moneys gone.You might end up with nothing.Why even hired you?We could have offered money as bounty from the start" the man said again."They have Satoru Gojo on their side.He's the first in a hundred years to wield both the six-eyes and limitless cursed technique.As long as he's with her...we won't be able to take out the Star Plasma Vessel" Toji said eating his food.

"...Even you?" The man said serious."Hm...good question.First off, we'll be using those idiots for the remaining 39 hours of the mission...to wear down Gojo and the sorcerers with him.And since they won't be able to kill the Star Plasma Vessel, it'll be free labor" Toji said."The time limit turned out in our favor.Makes it easier to gather cursed users" the man said again.

"But that's not the only thing.I'll be heading over soon myself.Looks like things are moving faster than expected.You better have that 30 million ready" Toji said."What's wrong with you?I'm not some bulletin board for help-wanted posters.Theres a listing fee, a handling fee and-" the man said."Sorry, you're breaking up" Toji said annoyed and threw the phone onto the table away from him.
Inside the school Gojo, Geto, and Kuroi are running in the halls looking for Aiko.

"Where's Amanai?" Gojo said to Kuroi while running."Its time for her music class now.Either the music room or chapel" Kuroi answered Gojo question as she run."Chapel?!" Gojo said."It depends on the teacher.This is a missionary school by the way" Kuroi said."Satoru, you take the chapel.Kuroi, the music room.I'll head for the two intruders" Geto said in front of them."Understood" Kuroi said."That's why I told her to let us stay close, that brat!" Gojo angrily mumbles but loud enough for Kuroi to hear as they separated from Geto.

"I'm sorry.I even told her to keep us updated with texts" Kuroi sighs."What're you gonna do if my friends see ya?!" A memory of Aiko saying that to Geto and Gojo."Could these intruders be the remnants of W?If it's hired muscle of the time vessel association, this could be trouble" Geto thought.Geto noticed there was a person in the hall in front of him.

"Well, well...that uniform" the old man said summoning a cursed spirit from a sealed paper."He assumed there are multiple opponents just from my uniform...and covered both his front and rear shikigami.This geezer knows what he's doing" Geto thought."There's no intermediary?!His cursed energy is different than that of a Jujutsu sorcerer as well.Could it be?!" The old man thought."Cursed manipulation!" The old man yelled."Correct.You're as wise as your age suggests" Geto said.

"Old age isn't what it's cracked up to be.It costs a lot of money to live this long you know" the old man said."His technique is greater than mine.However, it's the same as shikigami users.Na she's young.So predictable.I can read him like a book" the old man though confidently.Geto stares at the old man and move his foot a bit.

"As I thought.These type are never the aggressor.He's uncomfortable with...close quarter combat!!And surely, he won't think a curse user such as myself will get close to him!!Doesn't like close quarters combat and isn't expecting aggression.That is too easy" the old man thinks."You look like you've got a lot on your mind.Don't waste your time" Geto said switching out his cursed spirit frogs to a medium size worm hole.

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