♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 6♡︎

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3rd POV
Y/n was currently on Sukuna lap on his throne."Can I go now please darling!" Y/n struggles to get out his grip."This is the only time I get to be with you, your not going anywhere" Sukuna said with his arms warp around her chest and waist."I've got to meet the other second years!Its a reunion, come on can I please!" Y/n begged helplessly.Sukuna scoffs not letting go of Y/n."You know that's it" Y/n thought."Revival!" Y/n touch Sukuna leg and a glowing light appeared.Sukuna body disappeared along with his domain.

Real World
Y/n open her eyes and breathes out."Wow...this is pretty nice hunny" Sukuna smirk looking at his hand.Y/n turn her body around to see Sukuna on her bed.He now had two arms instead of four but he still look like his past self.Y/n look at the window and see it's the next day."Y/n-san come on we got to see the second years" Megumi knock on the door."Coming Megumi-kun!I'm sorry but can you give me more time I accidentally oversleep!" Y/n fidgets around her room for her school clothes."Ok I'll wait out here" Megumi said.Y/n grab her clothes and went to the bathroom to change.She lock the bathroom door and change.After she finished changing she comb her hair and look at Sukuna."I don't know what to do with you at all..." Y/n mumbles.

"I'm coming with you no matter what" Sukuna grunts when he got up from her bed.Y/n sighs and open the door."Morning Megumi-kun!And sorry!" Y/n chuckles."It's fine...but who's that?" Megumi points at Sukuna."How about when everyone meets I could tell, it's much easier" Y/n smiled and Megumi nodded in understandment.The three walk outside to meet Nobara and Gojo."Morning!" Y/n shouted happily."Morning y/n-chan!" Gojo smiled with stars around his face."Morning bad bitch!" Nobara said and you both did your hand shake."Who's that by the way y/n" Nobara pointed at Sukuna."I'lol explain it when the others are here" Y/n runs the back of her neck."Okay" Nobara shrugs.Soon Panda, Maki, and Inumaki arrived.

Everyone greeted each other and talk a bit."So now tell us who's this mysterious man and why he look like Itadori" Nobara said examining Sukuna."Well...this is Sukuna.But I promise you that he won't cause harm and I'll put him in place!" Y/n shouts."Oh so your gonna put me in place hunny~" Sukuna teases grabbing Y/n wrist and brought her closer to him."Maybe I will!" Y/n voice squeaked."So your Sukuna" Gojo said examining Sukuna every inch of his body."Here goes with Gojo-sensei examining someone to see if they're trustworthy" Nobara sighs causing Y/n to sweat-drop."I trust your words Y/n-chan, please don't let me down" Gojo smiled in accepting to have Sukuna."Ekk thank you!" Y/n exclaims wrapping her arms Gojo neck and they swung around like a father and daughter having the best time of their lives.

"Hey off my wife you perv!" Sukuna yelled grabbing Y/n off of Gojo."How dare you not tell me you were married girl!" Nobara shouts in betrayal."I'm...sorry?" Y/n smile weakly."And how are you married to Sukuna?Isn't he like I don't know 3,000 years old or what?" Nobara yelled and then pauses.Everyone turned their eyes at Y/n and her eyes grew wide."Ah...umm well a long story so I'll make it short as possible" Y/n rubs her neck."I'm an archangel from 3,000 years ago and still living towards this current year, me and Sukuna fell in love at first sight if you can call it that and all the things I told you was a lie" Y/n chuckles."Y/n..." Nobara said grabbing Y/n shoulders and she gulped."Why didn't you tell us?!Your really cool you know that?" Nobara shook Y/n back and forth making her dizzy.

"3,000 years and still together, betting that no one ever live that long with a relationship that.Oh and here's a late congrats!" Gojo put his hand on Sukuna shoulder."Thank...you I guess" Sukuna mumbled while the Nobara was still shaking Y/n back and forth ferociously."Nobara let Y/n go now" Panda said and Inumaki agreed.Nobara let go of Y/n and Panda help Y/n stand up still but she still wobble a bit."Ah thank you Panda" Y/n said with a hand on her head."No problem!" Panda smile.Y/n stood perfectly still and walk towards Sukuna.She hug Sukuna and he blushed at the sudden movement."I forgot we have to train for the exam!" Y/n shouted.Y/n rushed to the track field and everyone walk there.
Everyone was currently training without Gojo.He was with Itadori but no one knew.Y/n was running around in the track, Megumi testing his strength with Maki, and Inumaki, Panda, and Nobara was playing around.Sukuna was just looking at everyone train for the exam.Itadori was next to Gojo who was facing a curse who look like a volcano.He uses his domain expansion and the surrounding turn to a volcano like land.Gojo started to explain these things to Itadori in a dumb way and he got it.Soon Gojo use his domain expansion and it was a Milky Way like place.The curse then was left with a head and Gojo was gonna destroy it but another curse grab its head and ran off.Gojo was intrigued but also disappointed that he didn't finish the curse off.

They both then went back into the secret underground place.Y/n was now punching the air as a sweat roll down her face.The others were still doing the same thing.Y/n put her arms down and wipe her face with her hand.She breathes out and grab her water bottle.She open it and drank from it then puts it back after she was done.She got up and wipe her face down with a towel."What's this exam about hunny?" Sukuna said.Y/n turn her head around to see Sukuna next to her."This exam is actually called 'The Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event' but I basically call it an exam.The reason why is that both school goes against each other to earn lots of points and see who's the victor at the end.The points will depend on the level of the curse and there's a final boss too.Students are also allow to fight each other until they are injured or pass out" Y/n explained as Sukuna listen.

"I see how that works now" Sukuna said looking at the ground."I could give you cuddles when we get back" Y/n mumbled with a flush cheek."Can you repeat that hunny" Sukuna smirked as he heard it."Nothing!I got to train now!" Y/n shouts with embarrassment and got up.She place her towel on the ground and went back to her training.

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