Chapter 54

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3rd POV
Their eyes widen at the scene of what Toji was doing."What the-?!" Maki thought as she watch this.

"He's rubbing playful cloud together..." Megumi thought as sweat was slowly falling down his face."Taking it's sharp and..." Nanami thought.

"Sharpening it!" They all thought."Am I about to lose...?And to a human without cursed energy?!No!I can feel the boy's domain getting weaker."

"As long as I can regain my domain's guaranteed hit, I can kill them all!I have to buy time!" Dagon thought as he jump into the sky levitating.

"Oh, that's right.You can levitate.Do I need to repeat myself?" Naobito said as he was behind Dagon as he press his foot against him back.A klang could be heard as it came from below the two.

Toji had used the playful cloud to stab it into the ground as he pushed himself towards Dagon who was in the air.Then as he pulled playful cloud with him, he stab Dagon right in the middle of his face.

"It's not over y-" Dagon was cut off by another attack from Toji.Naobito then jump off of Dagon as Toji continue to attack Dagon furiously.Then suddenly the domain was released as they were back to Shibuya.

"The domain...!" Maki mutters as she was shock."He really did exorcise that curse all by himself..." Maki thought."If Fushiguro hadn't showed up, we would've undoubtly all been killed.But now it's on to the next problem" Nanami thought.

Dagon was slowly disintegrating as Toji was walking up to them all."Is he on our side...?!" Nanami thought."A puppet of carnage.Fighting solely on instinct.Baring his fangs at the strongest around" author spoke as they all were ready to see his next move.

Then the window broke behind them as Megumi was grabbed by Toji himself."Huh?" Megumi thought as he seemed to be outside in matters of seconds.

Toji threw Megumi as he landed right on his feet."He brought me out here before I knew what happened!That was ridiculously fast.Maybe even faster than that time!Who the hell is this guy?!" Megumi thought as he looked at the man.

"Megumi!" Maki yelled out as she stop her movement from the sudden tension in the room."Dagon be gone!" Jogo said as he held the few ashes in his hand."C'mon.Are you kidding me?" Naobito thought as he watch the cursed spirit.

"Compared to that curse Dagon, this one's on another level!!" Nanami thought.

"Leave the rest to me.Our souls will continue to circulate regardless of humanity's fate.We'll meet again in the wastelands one hundred years from now.Now then..." Jogo said as he stood up from his spot.

Jogo turned his head to the remaining jujutsu sorcerers as they all felt his cold gaze on them.He was suddenly in front of Nanami and put a hand on his stomach."That's one" Jogo said as he lit Nanami on fire with his cursed energy.

"Nana-" Maki was cut off by Jogo lighting her on fire as well. "That's two" he said as his state went to Naobito.Jogo went towards Naobito but somehow he was faster than Jogo reaction.

Naobito was a few feet back after using his cursed technique.

Projection Sorcery.Naobito Zen'in's cursed technique.Bu dividing one second into 24 frames and using one's files of view as the angle of view the user can trace a predetermined set of movements.

While the technique is activated, anything touched by Naobito's palm must also abide by the 1/24 fps rule when moving.Failure to do so will cause instability in their movement and result in staying frozen for one second.

However, there is a risk.The predetermined course of action cannot be adjusted once started.In addition, if the trajectory of movement or the law of physics are ignored excessively, the user will freeze as well.

With his natural-born sense of strategic movement and timing, Naobito became known as 'the fastest jujutsu sorcerer'(excluding Satoru Gojo)

"However, that was when he still had his right arm" author spoke as small volcano like structure were on the walls.

"That's three" Jodi said as he press his hand against Naobito burnt body.But then he felt a wavelength of Sukuna down to his bones."!Its a finger!!A finger was released somewhere in Shinjuku!" Jogo thought as his body shook.

~With [name]~

Nanako had pull Itadori out of the wet bathroom."Let's hurry, Nanako.The finger might attract cursed spirits" Mimiko said as she held the plush in hand.While Nanako had one of Sukuna finger.

"I know.Please, come out.Master Sukuna" Nanko said as she feed Itadori a finger.Jogo had ran to where he felt such presence and immediately met with Mimiko and Nanako.

"Tch!You!!How many fingers did you feed him?!" Jogo angrily yelled at the two females."We...We're not gonna tell you!" Mimiko stutters out."Mimiko!" Nanako yelled out as she grab her friend hands.

"Fine.Then die" Jogo said as he was gonna release a attack on them.Nanako held her phone up and took a picture of the two."Eek!" Mimiko yelp out as they both got hit by the attack.

"Good.The marks are still there.Not the way I would've hoped for, but I'll make the best of it" Jogo thought as he walk towards the pink hair boy.

"Even if Yuji Itadori were to consume all 20 fingers, he probably still wouldn't lose control of his body to Sukuna.That's is he consumes a finger a day for 20 days.If he were to consume ten fingers at once, he probably wouldn't be able to counteract it and although temporarily, he would lose control of his body to Sukuna" Geto words echoed in Jogo head.

Jogo pull out a small bag  as he opened it."Time to wake up Sukuna!" Jogo said."Are they actually trying to revive Sukuna through Itadori body?!Thats messed up!" [name] thought as she clenched her jaw.

But being a bird at the moment, she couldn't attack recklessly.Jogo grab Sukuna fingers and fed them to Itadori while he was passed out.He ate all 10 fingers as Jogo had forced the poor boy to eat it.

"That's all ten..which means Itadori's consumed 15 fingers so far" Jogo thought as he heard a female cough.Nanako and Mimiko were both alive after that attack Jogo had sent.

"I hate doing short chapters, but please take this as my token for apology for not uploading this any sooner" A/n

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