♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11♡︎

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3rd POV
"My door auto-lock doesn't work!Come and fix it!" A man yelled from his apartment entrance."People could get through my room with ease!I need you to fix it right now!" He yelled again into his phone as a curse was behind him.Then...dead
"Y/n wake your ass up we're leaving right now!Its either with you or without you!" Nobara ferociously bang on the door.Y/n got up quick and look at the time."Wait don't leave me!" Y/n stumbles out the bed and got ready quickly making a mess in her room.Sukuna got up normally and run his eyes."What's happening?" Sukuna questioned tiredly."I'm late!Sorry but I got to go!" Y/n said and walk to the door pulling up her hood.

"Don't leave me" Sukuna cling onto Y/n leg."I got to go!Let go darling, please!" Y/n try's to shake Sukuna off her leg."You know that's it!" Nobara yelled and kick the door down.Nobara beats up Sukuna and grabs Y/n hand rushing out the door."We'll be back and you can have her" Nobara yells walking away from Y/n broken door room."Ugh..." Sukuna groans.
Everyone was currently in a car with a blonde hair girl."These three men has all reported dead in front of their door apartment.They made a call saying that their door auto-lock is broken.But none of the residents had no idea what happened" she spoke driving the car while explaining our mission.Megumi, Nobara, and Itadori was all in the back while Y/n was next to the woman.

"But all theses data or the location doesn't match properly.Could it be that the same curse could of killed them" Megumi look at the tablet."Hey, could a curse spirit be responsible for the doors?Like does the sensors pick them up?They don't show on the cameras and sensor right?" Itadori questioned."Apparently, the cursed spirit made the door operator go crazy, not the sensors" she explained to Itadori."Ah...operators" Itadori said."We don't know if this is the same work as the cursed spirit...we can't be certain though" she said."So it means that all the three men received the same curse and then activates it after time pass, right?" Y/n said looking outside the car window.

"That's a high chance likely, we're going to the high school to question someone who knows all the three victims and I want you to find anything as an sorcerer" she said."Amazing Y/n!" Itadori put his face next to your seat."Ehh it was pretty easy actually..." Y/n chuckles lightly making Megumi sigh."My best friend is amazing of course!And me as well!We both had the same answer!" Nobara smirked cheerfully.
Everyone arrived at the place where the man was suppose to live but he end up dying.Then they end up at the high school walking into the school ground."Yo let's beat up these punks to get answers" Nobara said pointing at the two boys smoking.

"Ah!" They both shout and bowed."See they fear us" Nobara smiled."Ah I feel so famous" Itadori said.There we're flowers blooming in their poses smiling like idiots."We haven't seen you since the graduation, Fushiguro-san and L/n-chan!" They said making the two look at Y/n and Megumi.Megumi turn his head to the other side not wanting to see their face at the moment while Y/n had her back turned embarrassed."We... went here... for middle school" Y/n and Megumi said."That's an surprise, but not the point!Look at me!" Nobara said turning poor Megumi head towards her as Itadori turn his head towards him.

"What'd you do?!What did you both did in middle school??Wait, it's better to ask them instead!" Itadori said."Oi, idiot A and B!What did these two do to you?" Nobara turned her head towards the two bowing figures."We, no rather every delinquent gang member, and so on this area got beaten up by Y/n-chan and Fushiguro-san" One of them said with an white face."Huh?" Nobara and Itadori said letting go of Megumi face.Megumi turn his head to the side again embarrassed "We beat them up" Megumi said."Why do you keep talking stiffy?!Look at me!" Nobara said."Wahh let go of Megumi-kun!" Y/n yelled behind them."What are you doing?!Hey!Tell me what are you doing?!" Itadori said.

"Hey!" a teacher yelled."You know kids from others schools aren't suppose to be here?" The teacher yelled at the three."And who are you?!" Nobara shouts pointing at the teacher."He's a staff member here of course Nobara" Itadori sweat-drop."we got permission to be here actually" the woman with blonde hair said holding her license to Takeda."Hmm..?Oh, so you the ones?You're all so young, but you need to hand your pass around your neck" Takeda said."Oh Fushiguro-kun and L/n-chan?" he said looking over the blonde hair girl shoulder."Hello mr.Takeda!" Y/n waved smiling."Hello..." Megumi said looking at the side."He remembers you!" Itadori and Nobara cooed."So this man's been here a long time?" The blonde lady said.

"Probably" Megumi answered."Takeda-san's a permanent employee" Megumi said."Then I leave the rest up to you two!" She put a thumbs up."Abandoning her duty..." Megumi thought."Ehh?!Why us" Y/n thought as she sobs in the inside."Kanada, Shimada, Yamato...and Morishita, huh?I was really shock of their passing, it had been nearly twenty years since they graduated" Takeda said."I remember it like yesterday.They we're problem children in their own little world but not as bad as you two.What is it you want to know?" Takeda questioned at the end."Strange rumors, dark rumors, connections to bad adults..." Megumi said with his right hand in the air and the two idiots came over.

"Hey, problem children!" Itadori and Nobara points at Y/n and Megumi teasing them."Oh and anything of an ill omen" Y/n added as Megumi bawled his right hand into a fist punching Itadori making him fall backwards drastically."Dark rumors?They may be problem children, but never went beyond that point in middle school.But wait...ill omen?" Takeda said putting a finger on his chin."Do you mean that tale?" One of the two boy said."Wait the one with the Yasohachi Bridge bungee jumping?Where it's also known as an notorious suicide spot" Y/n close her eyes folding her arms."It's well-known in this location an haunted location" Megumi finished Y/n sentence.

Y/n then jump onto Megumi back almost making them both fall backwards "sorry" Y/n whispers."It's fine" Megumi said holding Y/n on his back.
"End of chapter 11!This is just barely over 1,000 words, but THANK YOU FOR 400+ READS ON THIS BOOK IN TOTAL I'M GRATEFUL!" A/n*very happy that you enjoy this crap book*

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