♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 17♡︎

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3rd POV
"With a strong foundation,and a little bit of sense and imagination,it takes the slightest trigger to change a person" Gojo said.Megumi right leg moved back and black gooey substance rise from his feet."Domain Expansion:" Megumi said as the black gooey substance spread across the floor like a stormy sea water."Chimera Shadow Garden!" Megumi darkly said as his eyes glowed and his blood rising up.The cursed look at the ground and back up to see Megumi smirking manically still.More blood drip from Megumi face "it's incomplete!" Megumi laughed."It's ugly but best at work" Megumi thought as he continued laughing.

"But for now it's fine!" Megumi yelled in his thoughts as black like frog came from the substances below the cursed climbing up to it.The cursed created a high level attack but Megumi attack it by kicking its face.The cursed falls back but still stands.Megumi then jumps into the air sending another kick to it but the cursed blocked it with his arms.Causing it to fall back but still stood it ground against Megumi.Megumi then sends another kick to the cursed in its chest sending it sliding backwards.The cursed yelped as something caught its leg.

More of the black like frogs coming back out again onto its leg.The cursed fell down backwards and Megumi took that chance to harshly land on its stomach causing the black substance to rise up from the attack.The cursed was standing and Megumi was standing on the opposite side of the cursed still smiling."Broaden it..." Megumi thought as he rushed towards the cursed spirit.He went to punch it but the cursed dodges it with its speed.Megumi turned around to punch the cursed again but the cursed aimed another arrow at him."more freely!" Megumi thought smiling.He laced his hand in front of his head and the cursed energy goes through it hitting him in the head too.

He fell backwards and then turned into a copy of him."The interpretation" Megumi thought as his clone goes back into its regular material.The curse look around and saw behind him a bird like appeared.There was two and it attack the cursed spirit with lightning."of the technique!" Megumi thought while the cursed spirit got electrocuted.The cursed got hit by the birds a few more times as the lightning hurt the cursed more.The two birds flew into the air and turned around to attack the cursed spirit again.The cursed spirit charged up a large ball of cursed energy around its body.

It yells while it puts its hand up into the air.Destroying the birds and Megumi domain expansion.Once it finished dust clouds appeared and the cursed spirit still stood.The cursed spirit laughs thinking he had finally won against Megumi.Something stab the cursed spirit making him frown due to someone attacking him behind.It was the demon dog that Megumi released that stab through the cursed spirit chest."Demon Dog Totality's claws were able to injure that thing" Megumi thought.

The demon dog jump into the air from a cliff with its mouth open.It landed on the ground sprinting towards Hanami who was in a shallow river.It jump into the air with its left leg raised up slicing off the hand easily.
-Flashback Over-

"They have no trouble piercing through when you're caught off guard" Megumi thought.The curse head caught on fire and exploded away into dust when the demon dog pulled from its chest.The demon dog then turns back into black substance disappearing into the ground while Megumi was sitting.The domain begins to fade away as the Sukuna finger was in front of Megumi."I'm tired" Megumi said and the domain disappeared.He grab the Sukuna finger and held it in his hand weakly."Now, where are those guys?" Megumi eyes were gloomy.
Sukuna smiles manically as Megumi got his full potential."Good!Thats good!" Sukuna said sitting on the throne in his own domain expansion."What's hunny doing while I was away" Sukuna groans impatiently.
Megumi coughed up blood and fell to the ground forward.He laid there and slowly close his eyes.
It was a nice and sunny day out, there was a high school that's still in progress of teaching the students there."There's one fundamental rule for interacting with each other" Megumi said on top of a pile of beaten up boys."Do you know what that is?" Megumi questioned as he run his hair.Y/n was crouching next to the pile of beaten up boys and poke them being unamused."I don't know" a boy said weakly."It's" Megumi started." 'I won't kill you, so please don't kill me, either' " Y/n said and she punch the pass out boy head bored.

"You could substitute 'kill' for anything you like.The point if drawing a line where you agree to not infringe in the other person.In order for both people to exist together in the world, they need that rule to live.Breaking that rule, swaggering about, and having others trying to not anger you" Megumi stood up and walk down the pile."must have felt real pleasant" Megumi said stepping on the conscious boy body."Next time you do it in front of me, I'll kill you" Megumi said walking away and the bodies fell down."Let's go Y/n" Megumi said and Y/n got up from her position and walk to Megumi with gloomy eyes.

"Coming" Y/n barely shouts but enough for Megumi to hear her."What did we ever do to you?" Another boy said confused."Figure that out yourself, or go die" Megumi said as he kept walking.Takeda came running out and turned around to see Y/n, Megumi, and the pile of the unconscious boys."Hey!" Takeda yelled.
-Inside the school building-
"T-T-T-T-Todays the day I tell off Ikezawa and his buddies!I'm not their gofer anymore!" Aida said as his hands were shaking pretty badly."You got this Aida-shi!" His friend said."But I might become their next target you know, so don't try way too hard Aida-shi!" His other friend said worried.
"Next chapter will be a surprise on when I will release it :)" A/n

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