♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 25♡︎

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3rd POV
Everyone was staying at the dorms for the last day of rest before the next day they would be free and move around.Nobara planned on going to the mall to buy some clothes and other things.Itadori, Megumi, Y/n was all invited to go with Nobara the next day.They agreed to join even though they know one of them is gonna hold all of Nobara bags.Y/n slept in all day as she was restoring her cursed energy.She sent Sukuna back into Itadori body as she wanted some silence."Mom?" Itadori knock on the door.

"Doors open.." Y/n mumbled tiredly.Itadori open the door and closed it behind him.He stood next to her bed and fiddled with his fingers."Is there something you wanted?" Y/n got up slowly rubbing her tired eyes."Well...umm..it's embarrassing.." Itadori flushed as Y/n yawned."Embarrassing or not just please tell your mother" Y/n turns her head to Itadori."I want to spend some time with you before Shoko-san would check up on us in the noon" Itadori said.

"Sure what do you want to do?" Y/n said back to Itadori."I kinda don't want to go anywhere since we're all still injured from the fight with the battle a few days ago" Itadori said."Then we're just sleeping in?" Y/n asked confused."If you want too" Itadori bluntly said."Sure" Y/n shrugs her shoulder and fell onto the bed.Itadori crawled into her bed and Y/n turned around to face him.

Sukuna eye and mouth appeared on his cheek and look at Itadori."You better not be pulling any tricks behind my back you brat" Sukuna sneered angrily."Calm down I won't" Itadori pouts."It's too early to deal with the both of your nonsense" Y/ mumbles and pulled Itadori into a hug.She placed her head onto of his head and fell asleep."This is what a motherly touch fells like" Itadori thought and hugs Y/n waist.He felt comfortable at her touch as it was warm and soft as he was a gentle glass that would break any second.
It was around the afternoon and the two was still asleep.

Y/n eyes opened and saw a wandering spirit in front of her.She blinked a couple of times and it wasn't fake at all.Her heart raced beating faced then the last one."It can't be real!Its real!" Thoughts roamed around Y/n head and she tried her best to ignore it.Her hand went to Itadori and shook him gently waking him up."Huh?Whats time is it?" Itadori got up and stretched his sore limbs.

"It's 12:47" Y/n said getting up."We didn't get lunch yet!We're late!" Itadori got up from the bed."Let's go together" Y/n ignored the wandering spirit by using Itadori as an excuse."Sure mom!" Itadori happily said.The two left Y/n room and the wandering spirit.Y/n was glad and breathes out but she felt the presence behind her.Her heart stop and she stop walking."Is there something wrong?" Itadori noticed that Y/n stop walking."It's fine really I'm just in deep thought that I might fall if I don't pay attention to my surroundings" Y/n assured Itadori."Oh okay" Itadori said.

They continued walking to the kitchen to eat and talk on the way.They arrived and ate the food that was placed on the table.Once they finished Itadori help Y/n clean the dishes."Thank you so much for everything you've done" Y/n said."It's no problem" Itadori said and waves goodbye.Y/n felt a hand on her shoulder and it's weight held her down."Can you see me?" The wandering spirit creepily said.

Y/n started to walk away slowly to her room."Don't look.Just don't look" Y/n thought.She then quickly rushes back to her room.She open the door and locked it.She jump into bed and covered herself in her blanket.For a few seconds it was calm until she heard another voice.She started to cry and shake as the voices grew more louder by the minute.She clenched onto the blanket as her life depends on it."Please stop what did I do" Y/n whispers as tears fell down more.Soon it was the next morning and she was still awake.A bang underneath her eyes formed a bit and dry tears.

Y/n phone ding and she cautiously grab it.She looked at the notification and it was the day where the gang would go to the mall.She looked around and got change to her and uniform.Once she finished with her morning routine and changing her clothes.She walk out her room and closed it behind her.She ran down the halls and out the school.
Y/n arrived out of breath and see Nobara, Megumi and Itadori waiting for her.

Nobara spotted Y/n and waves yelling at her."Your late!" She yelled waving her hand."Sorry I kinda woke up late" Y/n breathes out feeling super tired."It's okay!" Nobara smiled."Have you got some rest?" Megumi noticed the faded dark circle underneath her eyes."Yes I did!" Y/n puts on a smile."Let's go now!" Y/n happily said.

They all went to many stores because of Nobara shopping addiction.Itadori was unlucky to have to carry all the bags Nobara bought."Why did I have to carry this?" Itadori sighs."Because your the strongest here" Nobara said."And you better not drop any bags or I'll kill you" Nobara warns Itadori."I promise I won't" Itadori said and once he did one of the bags fell out of his arms.He noticed it and caught the bag before it fell onto the ground."What did I tell you!" Nobara angrily yells at Itadori who had a bead of sweat drip from his head.

"Sorry?" Itadori smiles weakly."Gojo said he gots us another special mission" Megumi held his phone up."Okay then let's go!" Y/n said."He always say it's a special" Nobara sighs."If it's important and special then let's go!" Itadori agrees with Nobara and Y/n.They all head out the the mall with smiles on their faces.

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