♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 27♡︎

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3rd POV
Yuko sat down her seat and the other two sat down as well."I doubt he has a girlfriend" Megumi said."What makes you think that?" Nobara said."He didn't seem to bothered by the fact he was moving to Tokyo all of a sudden.Plus, he's got some posters hanging in his room.Not the kind someone with a girlfriend would have.She wouldn't like it" Megumi said which make Y/n nod her head in agreement.

"Are you the type to drink black coffee in front of a girl to impress her even though you don't like it?You shouldn't do that.." Nobara had a sad puppy face."You called me to hear what I have to say, right?I always drink black coffee" Megumi had a pissed face as he hold his cup of black coffee."Um, do you happen to know what type of girls he likes?" Yuko said."Oh, right...He said something about liking tall girls" Megumi said looking to the side.

Nobara and Yuko had a spark connection and clash their glasses but not to hard that it would break."Nice!I'm gonna get Itadori over here!You're okay with that right?" Nobara said bringing her phone out onto the table ready to text Itadori."Yes!!" Yuko gave back Nobara energy.

Everyone was looking at their table and the other two were embarrassed.




-In Real Life-
"That's awfully casual" Yuko said looking at Nobara and Itadori text conversation."Is it?" Nobara said not surprised while Megumi was slouching on the chair with a book in his hand looking rather bored.And Y/n was counting the clouds as they pass by."Hey!What're you doin' here Fushiguro and Y/n?" Itadori appeared next to the table."That was quick!!" Nobara yelled."Hello Itadori" Y/n waves happily and Itadori waves back happily.

"Oh, crap.I didn't tell Itadori about Yuko yet!" Nobara thought."What's that?" Megumi said looking at the bag Itadori had in his arms."I couldn't find a cash exchange.So I traded in for prizes" Itadori said."Oh my, that's nice Itadori" Y/n giggles."With such a big change...There's no way he'll know who she is.That's gotta be the worst thing...to hear from the person they like" Nobara imagines Itadori saying

"Who're you?" "Itadori!!This is-" Nobara was cut off by Itadori."Huh?Hey Ozawa.What's up?What a small world" Itadori said to Yuko.Nobara, Megumi who's reading, and Y/n who's smiling all put up a 10 point sign up.
"Itadori, is there anyone you like in class" a classmate said."Not really" Itadori bluntly said as he was reading a book on his lap."You have to pick someone!" His classmate said.

"In that case..Ozawa" Itadori said.On the other side of the classroom wall Yuko was there.She had a blush on as she heard Itadori said her name."What?You're joking.I mean she's fat" his classmate said which made Yuko confidence goes down."Huh?But you know..The way she eats and her writing and stuff...It's really elegant" Itadori said.Yuko was walking down the stairs with her cheeks blushed."I thought you liked tall girls with big butts!" His classmate yelled."That's true, but that's something else!Its super hard to eat fish properly!" Itadori yells.

"Girls put on weight easily, you know.But I was always fat.I wouldn't like someone who doesn't like me either.Itadori sees something in me that I didn't even know about.I don't like guys, other than Itadori.But I'm just doing the same thing...As those I don't like would do" Yuko thought.
Everyone had their good time at the restaurant but it was time for Yukoto get going."See ya again!" Itadori waves goodbye.Yuko was in front of the train with her hand wiping her tears."Are you sure it's okay?" Megumi said.

"I exchanged contact info with her so we should be fine.Anyways, Fushiguro, I realized how I truly feel" Nobara said."Huh?" Megumi was confused."The idea of Itadori getting a girlfriend..before I get a boyfriend really annoys me!He's supposed to be after me!" Nobara points at Itadori."Is that so?" Megumi wasn't really caring."Let's go watch a movie!" Itadori cheerfully said as he swayed towards the three.

"But didn't I get a boyfriend before you Nobara" Y/n said."Don't remind me!And that was hundreds of year ago!Maybe even more!" Nobara shook Y/n aggressively.Y/n was getting dizzy and Nobara was super pushed off."Let's get going now" Megumi said.They all walk off back to Jujutsu High to get some sleep for the next day.

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