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3rd POV
"Thanksgiving is tomorrow everyone!" Gojo happily yells."Ohh there's gonna be lots of food!" Itadori happily yells as he jumps around in excitement."There's gonna be lots of food and cleaning to do...what should I do.." Y/n sighs as her hand was on the wall."That is a lot of work to do.." Nobara said."It's fine we'll get through it!" Gojo said."I'm sorry I can't be with you guys for Thanksgiving, I actually got to visit my parents grave" Y/n rubs the back of her neck."It's the anniversary today and I kinda want to give my gratitude" Y/n explains."For the whole day?!Thats actually a long time" Nobara said and Megumi nod his head."Well someone wants to talk to them" Y/n said as Sukuna walks next to her."I did say I wanted to talk to them" Sukuna said."A lot of things have happen over the pass hundred of years and I wanted to share it with my family" Y/n smiles."Sure!Do whatever!Its your decision to do what you want!" Gojo said giving a thumbs up."Thank you" Y/n said."Why don't we get some ingredients to make dinner for tomorrow?We'll be back for dinner" Y/n said."Yes perfect!It would be nice!" Nobara clasp her hands onto Y/n."Let's go then!" Y/n happily said.Everyone left the school and went to the supermarket.
Itadori was with Megumi in the frozen aisle, Nobara was looking at the snacks with Gojo, and Sukuna and Y/n were walking around to find the rest of the ingredients."Too much people are here" Sukuna grumbles."It's called a supermarket for an reason, people need food to survive unlike some people" Y/n said.Y/n phone rang and she grab her phone to see Megumi had texted her."Oh Megumi-kun already have the turkey and chicken" Y/n said."Do we need anything over here?" Sukuna said."Umm yea!" Y/n said.She went over to get the red pepper shake but she couldn't reach it."I don't want to do it in public" Y/n thought."If you needed help you could of told me darling" Sukuna smiles lifting her up."Thank you" Y/n smiles at him.She grabs the red pepper shake and Sukuna puts her down.She kiss him on the lips and he kiss back."I don't own you anything now" Y/n said."Damn right" Sukuna scoffs.Y/n texted everyone to meet at number 4 register and they agreed.The two walk to the register and saw the others also starting to walk towards it."Got everything?" Y/n said."Yep!" Nobara gave a thumbs up smiling."Let's go pay then" Y/n chuckle.They went in the short line and waited for their turn.Once it was their turn Y/n payed for the receipt."Thank you!Have a great day!" The woman happily said."You too" Y/n said.They left the supermarket and Nobara suggested they should eat because it was about to be lunch time."I got another mission, see you later!" Gojo smiles and vanished."That man" Sukuna groans."What about that new restaurant that's outdoor?" Y/n said peeking the others interest."An outdoor restaurant?Sounds interesting" Sukuna and Megumi said."Yes!Best idea ever!" Nobara hug Y/n tightly.Y/n chuckles lightly and they all went to the outdoor restaurant.
"Wow this is amazing!" Itadori shouts with sparkles in his eyes."You must be new customers!" Askari said."Yes we are" Y/n said."Well I'm going to be your waiter, so if you need anything just say my name!Its Askari!" Askari said as she lead them to their table.They sat down and Askari hand them the menu.They all search through the menu and they found what they want.Askari came over and they said their order and drinks."Oh wow she's hot" a man said at a different table."Definitely, I wonder if she has a boyfriend" another man said at the same table.Y/n was wearing a long sleeve shirt and the collar was up to her chin, a skirt reaches mid-thigh, and knee-high boots."Wow he's handsome" a girl whisper to her friends."He is.." one of her friends whisper amazed by Sukuna looks.Sukuna was wearing a jacket, a really tight shirt, baggy pants, and sneakers.Sukuna and Sukuna were jealous at each other.They look at each other and stare at each other for a while.They burst out laughing and tears spill out a bit."Ahh my stomach hurt so much" Y/n laid her head down on the table."There there" Nobara rubs Y/n back."That's very amusing I must say" Sukuna wipe his tears.The girl from the table went over and tap on Sukuna shoulder."Umm hello.Me and my friends were looking at that table and I think your pretty nice...can I have your number.." the girl said shyly as her arms crossed underneath her breast.She was trying to seduced Sukuna by her body figure."Sorry I'm not interested" Sukuna waved her off."But you don't have a girlfriend, why not go with me?" She puffs her cheeks."I'm married now shoo" Sukuna groans."Where's proof?I don't see her?" She smirks.He showed her his ring and she was shock and angry."You could be lying" She said pointing at him."Why would he be lying?" Y/n groans from her seat."What did you say brat?" She growls."First of all I'm not a brat, I'm older than you" Y/n said."Your food is ready!" Askari happily said and places all their meals on the table.Y/n pick her head up and grab her fork/spoon to eat.Her left hand showed that's she wearing a ring."Your married to this girl?!Really you must have bad taste!" She yells pointing at Y/n."Leave of us alone" Nobara stares at the girl."Leave my mom and dad alone" Itadori yells at the girl."You have a child?!" The girl screamed."Stop making a scene" Megumi said as he kept eating his food."But out, it's not your business" the girl said."Technically it's actually our business because you invited us into it" Y/n said before she chewed on her food."Stop being an smartass" she scoffs."I'm sorry..?I'm only being a smartass when I want to bitch" Y/n laid back into to her seat and cross her leg and arms looking like a CEO of an company.Y/n was giving the girl a very serious and stern look."Test me and see what happens" Y/n growls angrily.All the men that was near whistled at Y/n."Damn you" the girl gritted her teeth."Now run along and go back to your friends" Y/n pointed at her group of friends.The girl flips her hair as she walk away back to her table."She was getting on my nerves" Sukuna massage his templates."Same to all of us" Nobara said."But that was badass darling" Sukuna smirks at Y/n and she blush."Thank you..she was just getting on my nerves" Y/n replied."I never expected you to be the type of person to curse at someone" Itadori said."Ahh, only when I get mad that's all" Y/n waves her hand in reassurance.
It was the day of Thanksgiving and everyone was getting ready.Y/n and Sukuna waved goodbye to the others and head off.They made some stops on the way and talk a bit.After a few hour walk they arrived at a tall tree."We're here!" Y/n stretch her arms."I'm curious on how we'll talk to your parents" Sukuna sat down on the grass."Easy and simple" Y/n smirk.She clasp her hand very loudly and her hand was covered in light."Transfer" Y/n said and her parents appeared."Y/n dear!" Her mother was surprised at the sudden calling."You usually call every 300 years, what happen?" Her mother cupped Y/n face."I forgot..?" a bead of sweat fell down her face."Oh dear I miss you" She smiles warmly."And what's with this man doing here with you, and he's the king of curses too" her father said sternly."Father I'm married to him" Y/n said."What?!" Her parents yelled shock."Long story but I'll tell you right now" Y/n said."Let's hear it then" her parents said.Y/n begins to explain her story with Sukuna and what lead to the current time.
"Wow that's a lot to take in" her father said."You have a kid?!I'm a grandmother now" her mother happily yells."His looks came from his father of course, nothing like me at all" Y/n said."That's fine!At least I have a grandchild" her mother hugs her happily."Thank you mother" Y/n said."Thank you for taking care of her, the angels didn't treat her very well" her father said."I give my fullest to her no matter what" Sukuna said smiling."Welcome to the L/n family then" her father accepted Sukuna."Thank you very much sir" Sukuna said."Please call me father or dad" he said putting a hand on his chest."I will" Sukuna said."We have to go dear, have fun in the human world" her mother said and Y/n nodded her head.They said their goodbyes and her parents fade away."We should get going too!" Y/n said."Sure I wouldn't mind" Sukuna said.They got up and pack their things and started to head down the hill.Y/n hop onto Sukuna back and he carried her on the way back home.They were laughing and giggling every joke or statement Sukuna would make.They arrived not so long and enter the school premises."We arrived" Sukuna said."Take us to the dinning room!" Y/n happily said."Alright your the queen here" Sukuna smirks.He walks to the dinning room with Y/n on his back."We're here!" Y/n said making everyone turned around."Happy Thanksgiving!!" Everyone yells.
"Happy Thanksgiving everyone!Take this unedited chapter that I won't even space out the paragraphs :,)" A/n

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