♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 12♡︎

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"Found out that the blonde hair girl is name Akari Nitta, I had to search this up since I didn't know her name" A/n
3rd POV
"That's right!Back then it was rage among the delinquents to bungee jump off the Yasohachi Bridge late at night for an test of courage" Takeda said."What a weird trail" Nobara grumbles as she cross her arms."I'm so glad that there are people who's dumber than me!" Itadori smiled."What are you two talking about" Megumi complained."Heh" Y/n laughs."But we don't do it, we just heard some students from my parents generation talking about it" one of the two boy spoke.

"One day the four went absent from class, we contact their parents if they were home but they never came back the day before.The police saw them out lying on the ground passed out around Yasohachi Bridge.They questioned them but everything was blank" Takeda said.
"I think that's it right?" Akari said."We've been to Yasohachi Bridge, too" Megumi said."To bungee jump like them?Right?" Itadori said earning a hit on the head by Megumi."It's an easy location for curses to take root, normally people from Jujutsu High regularly patrol around it.There wasn't anything unusual at the time, it might be famous but it's still a bridge in my case" Megumi said."But we still have to go check it out, right?" Nobara look at Akari.

"Yeah" Akari said looking at Nobara."Fushiguro-kun?Y/n-chan?Sorry, I was a bit curious about something" Takeda said making Y/n and Megumi turn their whole body around towards him.

"Yes mr.Takeda?" Y/n said softly."What is it?" Megumi said."Tsukimi-kun took an awfully good care of you when you were in school.Is she doing well?" Takeda said scratching his chin."...yes..." Megumi answered making Y/n to eye Megumi."Megumi-kun..." Y/n thought sadly as she remember about Tsukimi."Who's Tsukimi?"Itadori look at Megumi."My older sister" Megumi replied."What?!" Nobara laid an hand on Megumi shoulder feeling shock, anger, and a bit of betrayal."Hey tell us a little more about yourself!You keep too much secrets!" Nobara yelled."Yeah, that's exactly right!" Itadori agreed.
"Why do they have curse objects like these,why didn't they destroy them?" Mahito said examining the product in front of him after he placed it on the ground next to two more of the same jars."They can't destroy them.Not when it comes to exactly special-grades.So they use pacts to put their life on pause and prevent harm to others, by preserving their existence.Sukuna fingers can cause harm, though.That's an exception.its an monster that still attracts curses over time, even after becoming a cursed object and divided into twenty pieces.And because of that, it can chose a vessel" Geto explained.

"Hmm interesting...so any vessels work for these?" Mahito said lifting his head up to see a man pinned to the wall by two giant nails stick onto the palm of his hand as he breathes heavily."Hey, you...money?Money, right?I don't have that much!But there are loan sharks and stuff, right?!" The man yelled but then Mahito grab his chin up to look at him."Eill he be actually okay?" Mahito said as he hold one of the curse womb creatures in his other hand."He still can't see me at this point you know.He's lacking in ability.Jere, say 'ahh' " Mahito said putting the creature into the man mouth.The man eyes bleed as they were like tears brimming down and he gasped during the process.
It was night time and a car stop by the Yasohachi bridge."We're here.Koi no Kuchi Canton, Yasohachi Bridge.Once you find out there's a curse spirit here, I'll lower down the veil" Akari said."Roger!" Itadori smiled with a pile of wires in his hand.
"Hey!Sorry to ask you this after you woke up, but mind if you run a little errand for me?" Mahito said with his hand raised as the curse was breathing heavily with blood dripping down from its mouth.
"Itadori be careful all right!" Nobara shouts as he lowers himself down."Yea" Megumi said."I'll be fine!" Itadori smiled cheekily."Is it really safe for him to go down with metal wires" Y/n said looking over the bridge."He'll be fine" Nobara assured Y/n.Itadori went down and landed on the ground.He search around for a bit while the others did nothing.

Once he finished he climb back up by the wires and told them there was no curse spirits."Well then that's too sad" Y/n said."Let's just keep searching for it!And then we could take a break!" Itadori said."We?I'm not going down there by the wires at all? I could burn myself or even worse scrap off my skin" Y/n hold her hands close to her."Then you don't have to!" Itadori said."I'm crazy like you Itadori" Nobara said and Megumi agreed.Leaving Itadori to search for the curse spirit below as the others search above him.
It was morning and Itadori yawned as the other two was sitting next to him and Y/n walking around."Hey, we didn't even get to find a hair or hide of any curse spirit" Nobara said."Yea we didn't...guess all that searching at night was for nothing" Y/n collapse on the ground as she was hungry and her legs tired."Y/n!" The three shouted.
Itadori opened an onigiri and put the wrapper into his pocket.Y/n got a water bottle and a little snack as she silently ate her snack smiling."We didn't sense any presence or even traces of the curse spirit" Megumi said to Akari."I see, which means that this isn't it.Back to square one I guess" Akari said with her arms cross."But isn't it bad that we take too long and the incident will happen again" Itadori said."True but..." Nobara said."Well it's an famous haunted location, right?There could be plenty of others who could've gotten cursed without knowing.And at this point right now, the death rate is at 100%.We don't want to see anyone die, right?" Itadori said.

"True"Nobara said."Wow I didn't know you were that smart Itadori I thought you were stupid" Y/n munched on her snack as a arrow hit Itadori in the back saying 'stupid'."Hey that's not funny Y/n!" Itadori shouts angrily as his cheeks were puffed."Dude why are your cheeks puff" Nobara stiff a laugh."Your suppose to be on my side Nobara!" Itadori points at Nobara."Ding-ding!Bungee jumping was all the rage, right?So maybe an act of jumping off is the key to it?" Akari said pointing at the sky."Did she really said 'ding-ding'?Did she actually said that?" Itadori said hiding behind his onigiri."She did!She did!" Nobara said hiding behind her juice box."Itadori already tried that, he failed miserably" Megumi said making Y/n nod her head agreeing.

"Huh?" Akari said going back into her memories thinking when that happened.She remembered Itadori holding a pile of wires in his hand.
"To be continued leaving a cliffhanger on this chapter" A/n

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