♡︎𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 28♡︎

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3rd POV
How far does this...hallway go?" Iori said with a bead of sweat down her face looking distress."I'd say we moved about 15k in 30 minutes" Mei Mei said to her watch on her left wrist."I don't see the markers we left along the way, either" Iori looks along the wall that was suppose to be marked by them.

"In that case...the cursed spirit isn't using a barrier that creates a loop in the mansion.It keeps overlapping space on itself as we move forward" Mei Mei explained her theory on the cursed spirit technique."Or it's a ridiculously huge barrier" Iori dumbly said."Maybe.But unlikely" Mei Mei raised her right hand and formed a light fist."The walls are impenetrable too" Mei Mei slightly pushed onto the wall which causes it to squish instead of a hard wall."Let's split up" Mei Mei turned back to Iori.

"The overlapping theory is the most likely one.Let's spilt up and move unpredictably.If the spirit's barrier can't keep up, we should be able to get out.If one of us can get out, they can attack from the outside...or even call for help" Iori smartly explained to Mei Mei."Sounds good" Mei Mei said.

"Let's try it" Mei Mei had her hand on her hip and the building was cracking.The whole building came down with just one hit."I came to help you..." Gojo said."Utahime!" Gojo yells with his hand in his pockets.He was staring at Iori who's on the broken house parts sitting down."You cryin'?" Gojo cockily said 'JUJUTSU HIGH: SECOND-YEAR, SATORU GOJO'.

"I'm not crying!!" Iori angrily yelled who's still on the ground, 'GRADE 2 JUJUTSU SORCERER, UTAHIME IORI'."If I cry, will you console me?" Mei Mei said who's behind Gojo only a few feet away."I wouldn't say no to that" Mei Mei said with an smile 'GRADE 1 JUJUTSU SORCERER, MEI MEI'.

"You wouldn't cry!You're strong" Gojo retorted back when Mei Mei felt praised from the white hair male while Iori sat there pissed."Gojo!I didn't..." Iori stood up angrily."...Ask for your-" Iori yelled almost finishing her sentence but the cursed spirit was behind her which came from the ground.
In the forest a little girl was flying in between the trees.She was watching the sorcerer arguing about something.

She clap her hand and a cursed spirit was summoned underground."Do your job and make it right too" she angrily whispers.'CURSED SPIRIT?? Y/N L/N'.The cursed spirit obeyed her order and started to target Iori.
Another cursed spirit came from the ground and ate the one that was after Iori in one bite.

Iori turned back to see what happen behind her back and saw the cursed spirit Geto summoned."Don't swallow it.We'll have to take it in later" Geto said to his cursed spirit."Satoru.It's not nice to pick on the weak"Geto smiles 'JUJUTSU HIGH: SECOND-YEAR, SUGURU GETO'."Who the heck's gonna pick on someone strong?You're the one who's teasing her without even knowing it, Geto" Gojo dumbly said while Mei Mei was laughing quietly.

"Gah!" Geto sai with a bead of sweat dripping down his face while Iori had a pissed face."Utahimeeee...Are you okay?" Shoko kindly said."Shoko!!" Iori had tears in her eyes while smiling happily."We were worried about you sun be you didn't call for two days" Shoko waved at Iori 'JUJUTSU HIGH: SECOND-YEAR, SHOKO IEIRI'."Shoko!!Don't become like those two, okay?!" Iori yelled happily as she crash Shoko into a big hug.

"Ha Ha Ha!No way I'll become trash like that" Shoko innocently said while Geto and Gojo stood there feeling hurt in the inside."Two days?" Iori mumbles confused."Oh, so it was something like a barrier messing with time.It's rare.But does happen.We thought it was weird even though you're here, Mei" Gojo said to Mei Mei."Looks like it.Anyways, more than that.Where's the curtain?" Mei Mei said normally looking at the three.

Geto, Gojo, and Shoko face all turned pale from realization that they forgot to put up the curtain.
"Next up an accident in Hamamatsu City of Shizuoka Prefecture results in a explosion.Is wear and tear on old piping to blame?!We take it over to Fushi, the reporter at the scene!" The news reporter said on the TV.

"There's someone here who said they put a curtain..and then up and left the auxiliary manager behind.And forgot about the curtain too" Yaga scold the three sorcerers in front of him."Fess up" Yaga angrily said enough with their problems for the day 'GRADE 1 SORCERER, MASAMICHI YAGA'.

"Sensei!We're better than pointing fingers at each other!" Gojo raised his hand shouting as Shoko and Geto both points at Gojo looking to the side."So it's you!" Yaga raised his voice higher.He hits Gojo on the head very hard leaving a bump on his head.
"Are curtains..even necessary in the first place?" Gojo was leaning on his hand without his glasses with a bump on his head.

"Does it even matter if regular people see us?Its not like they can see cursed spirits or jujutsu anyways" Gojo groans as he slid downward a bit."Of course it matters.The prevention of cursed spirits is most important for the citizens' peace of mind" Geto said while Shoko had Gojo glasses on looking through them."For that reason, keeping it confidential is important.Not only tha-" Geto was cut off by Gojo as Shoko hand him his glasses back.

"Yeah, yeah.Gotcha" Gojo got his glasses back and put it then back on."Its such a pain looking out for the weak" Gojo scoffs."Society should protect the weak...and keep the strong in check.You see Satoru...Jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu users" Geto explained."Being righteous?" Gojo said making Geto attention turns towards him.

"I...hate that stuff!" Gojo angrily said making Geto furrowed his brows downward."What?Applying reasoning and responsibility to Jujutsu is what weak people do" Geto angrily said.Shoko ran away from the two as they argue without them knowing.

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